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Accidental Pregnancy

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“So, I suppose you want to say that our continued alliance is in both our interests?” Alan finally asks.

My heart jumps. Did I actually do it? Despite my bravado, this part of the meeting was the one I dreaded the most. I knew that it would be an uphill battle to get Alan to agree to continuing to work with us, and part of me was certain that I wouldn’t manage it.

But he’s folding! He hasn’t outright said that he’ll continue the production with us, but he’s definitely thinking about it! I can feel Amanda tensing in excitement beside me, also seeing what I am. This project may just survive after all.

Then I deflate. After all that work…it was probably pointless, anyway. Despite the open possibility right now, that door is definitely going to close soon. I doubt Alan will take what I have to say next nearly as well.I hope Amanda will forgive me for this. But… she’s more important that this deal.

“Think about it,” I advise. “Anyway, I’m glad that we’ve spoken about this. Now, to move onto the next item on our agenda.”

Alan looks at me slowly. Amanda jerks her head around to stare at me.

“I believe we’ve concluded any business we have together,” Alan says.

“Not quite.” I smile, and I can feel how sharp it is. “We still need to talk about the relationship between Amanda and I.”

Chapter Twenty-Six


I can hardly believe how amazingly confident Lyle is. I know he sounded confident on the phone last night, but seeing him in action is something else altogether. Despite my father taking Lyle’s seat behind the desk, forcing Lyle to sit in the guest chairs next to me, a move I’ve seen him perform time and again to rattle his opponents, Lyle has remained calm the entire time.

Not only that, but he has presented several rational arguments that might just end up saving the alliance. I can already feel excitement curling in my gut. Lyle has spoken in the language of money, a language that my father definitely reacts well to.

This is going well after all. What was I even worried about?

Then Lyle smiles. It’s all sharp edges and his eyes are unforgiving.

“Think about it,” he says. He shifts so he’s sitting more comfortably in his chair. “Anyway, I’m glad that we’ve spoken about this. Now, to move onto the next item on our agenda.”

Shit. Shit.

I want to tell Lyle to stop. We’ve done enough. Pushing too far could end up ruining everything for us. We’ve gotten my father to almost agree to a collaboration. Shouldn’t that be enough?

But I knew it wasn’t. Lyle has already made it clear that he intends on fighting for our relationship. He was just biding his time, waiting for his moment.

“I believe we’ve concluded any business we have together,” my father says, warning clear in his voice.

“Not quite.” Alan smiles that odd, frosty smile again. “We still need to talk about the relationship between Amanda and I.”

I knew it was coming, but I still flinch. I can’t believe Lyle is doing this. Should I stop him? I glance at my father. His eyes are narrowing.

It’s too late.

For a second, I panic. We’re about to lose everything, I can feel it. What am I meant to do? What can I do? Even if I manage to get Lyle to shut up, the damage is already done. My father has carefully avoided all mention of my relationship with Lyle, to the point where it’s almost a taboo subject. But now Lyle is bringing it up.

I remember Lyle asking, last night, if there was anything he should avoid talking about today. I’d joked that he had free reign because nothing he could say could make anything worse.

I take it back. I should have put talking about our relationship right at the fucking top of the list.

Well, too late now. I draw in a deep, steadying breath. I can’t stop this. My father and Lyle are already drawing lines again. This time, the stake is higher, and I can see no way for anyone to win this.

But, if I can’t stop it…

I shift closer to Lyle and look to my father. He’s watching me now, his attention caught by the movement. I’ve just chosen where I want to be. If Lyle is going to face down my father for me, then I want to be right there with him.

“I have already made my position on this clear,” my father says, his voice tight.

“So I’ve heard,” Lyle says. His voice is almost pleasant, belying the sharp look in his eyes. “After all, as soon as Amanda broke up with me, I knew what had happened; you’re trying to get involved in a part of a life that you have no right to have a say in.”

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