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Dirty Professor

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I turned at her words and walked into the kitchen to see a small table and beautiful windows surrounding it, offering a view of a generous yard. Marie told me to sit down while she fixed me a bowl and got me something to drink, and Liam was right behind me as I found a seat facing the outside. He sat beside me, and I felt his heat as I breathed in his scent, still influencing me. Being pregnant, it had even more of one, and I willed my immediate desire to go away. Jumping Liam right here and now was not a good idea, even if he would feel amazing in my pussy that needed to feel the release that came along with Liam.

I took a deep breath and glanced at him, knowing that he was reading my face as his eyes darkened. Marie brought a couple of bowls to the table and placed them in front of us, returning with a plate of French bread and a glass that the put near my food. “Is lemonade good?”

“It’s great. Thanks,” I replied as I looked at everything in front of me and felt the baby shift inside of me. Liam’s eyes were burning holes in me, and I watched as Marie sat across from us, sending strength to me through her eyes.

“Start talking,” he said in a low, hoarse voice as I jumped. It wasn’t a threat, but a direct order and Marie stretched her arm across the table to touch him.

“I…I found out about the baby after the accident,” I started, my voice trembling with emotion. “It was early, but they detected it when they were running tests and told me.” I thought back to that day and remembered all the fear that filled me with the words.

“You didn’t think to tell me?” Liam asked as his leg pressed against mine, making me flush with the heat. I heard my stomach growl and reached for some bread to add to my plate. My little girl didn’t like to wait, and I stirred the white chili with a spoon. I took one careful bite, nearly moaning at the taste of the spices. Food never tasted so good, or sometimes bad before this pregnancy.

“I was scared, Liam. We were already so worried about being caught at any time, so much so that I was bordering on paranoia. I never wanted you to lose your job, and your life and this…it would change everything. I didn’t know what to do, and I couldn’t call you right away because my phone was broken in the wreck.” I looked at him as he started to speak. “I know you had that nurse tell me to call you and by that time, I was convinced that you’d be better off not knowing. I decided to end it with you and give you your life. It all happened so fast, Liam. I moved in with Ginger and convinced myself that I was doing the right thing.” Tears streamed down my cheeks as I remembered all the pain and loneliness of the last few months. Marie gasped and reached her other hand out towards me as I grabbed a napkin and wiped at my face.

“You were never going to tell me?” Liam asked me as I closed my eyes and struggled to focus.

“I don’t think so. Ginger told me to, and I would go back and forth about it, always wanting you happy. The night at the pizza place kind of cemented that for me when I saw you with the blonde. You moved on, and I decided to accept that.”

“I came over to talk to you that night. I wasn’t even interested in her,” Liam insisted as I watched Marie give him a loving glance.

“I was stubborn. I know that now,” I replied as I cherished the feeling of his leg against my lower thigh.

“How did this happen? Today, I mean?” Liam asked as I shared a look with his sister.

“I ran into her a week ago with Ginger.” I smiled at the thought of the conversations that happened after that. We’d spoken on the phone a lot, and I got to know her the way I should have before. Marie suggested my telling Liam here where she’d be there to control the situation with us and at first I fought it. Ever since I’d found out the baby was a girl and then running into Marie changed everything for me. I wanted her to know her father, even if we meant nothing to one another. I agreed to Marie’s plan and wondered how it was going so far. “Marie sat right down and ripped me a new one before we actually talked. She said the same thing about you being the father.” I wiped another tear away. That hurt but it was a legitimate question. “I listened to her plan about today and finally agreed to it since I wanted you to know now.”

“Why now?” Liam asked me as I gathered the strength to look into his handsome, broken face.

“She needs to know her daddy, if he wants her in his life,” I was honest as shock passed through his eyes and settled into the lines on his face. “I’d go back to that day and have you there, Liam. I didn’t know how much I’d miss you through all of this when I made my decision.” I sucked in a sob. “I saw Marie that day, and it hit me that you deserve to know.” His arm went around me, and I leaned into him, needing the feeling of being in Liam’s arms. “I don’t care if you want me or not but she needs you.”

Time stilled as he held me, stroking my hair and skin to comfort me as the emotion poured out of me. I laughed as my stomach growled again and he leaned forward to press a kiss to my hair. “She’s so hungry.” I glanced up, seeing us alone in the room as I reached for my spoon. We both nibbled on the savory chili and bread in silence for a while as I gave my daughter what she was demanding from me as he watched me closely.

“What do you crave?” Liam finally asked as I laughed again. I felt like a hormonal wreck today.

“It’s not just one or two things. I just want what I want when I want it, or rather she does. That’s why Marie made chili. I’ve been craving it for two weeks, and this is the best.” I heard him chuckle.

“She makes great food. I am glad that…you two met and are friends,” Liam told me as I risked a look into his emotional face.

“Me, too. I like her a lot and not making it to lunch that day makes me sad sometimes.” He looked so handsome, and I remembered times between us in a fleeting moment before coming back to reality. This was about the baby, not me. “She wants to be a part of my life.”

“She’s not the only one,” Liam said as I swallowed the bite of chili and held my breath. “I have missed you so damn much. Not seeing your face in the classroom was so hard, especially not knowing how you were. Ginger told me stuff here and there, but I wanted to see you. I wanted to touch you.” His voice broke, and I held back another sob as I pushed the plate away. “I missed you, Elena.”

“I missed you, too.” I heard the honesty in his words and they filled me with something warm that terrified me. I couldn’t expect us to get back together for the sake of the baby, but the hope filled me, settling between my thighs as need pulsed through me. I hated it and longed to touch him at the same time.

“Are you with the blonde?” I asked as a sound came from his throat.

“No. She was just that night.” That stung and I reached for my lemonade, taking a long swallow. “I felt rejected that night, Elena. I felt like you didn’t care about me and she did.” I shivered as he slipped a hand over my lower back. “I wanted to go with you that night.”

“I wasn’t ready for that. I was just getting out of the house for the first time and seeing you almost made me want to go home again and hide. It hurt so much to see you laughing, living, and leaving with that girl.” I shook my head. “I was just the lonely, scared pregnant girl.”

“If you told me sooner, I would have been there for all of it,” Liam told me painfully as I nodded.

“I know. There were many nights that I wish you had been,” I agreed as we fell into silence again.

“Tell me about her. Tell me about you.”

Marie drifted back into the kitchen at some point as I told him everything, placing plates of cake down in front of us as before joining us again. I was halfway through telling Liam about the pregnancy and the quirks that came along with it. He laughed a few times, and others looked so bitter about missing things that it made my stomach go into knots.

Liam asked why I left the studio and I told him about Ginger’s offer. He was relieved, and I sensed how much he hated my old apartment the day that we spoke there. It was the day that I lied to him about my feelings to protect both of us. He asked if I had a new car, making me blush. “No, not yet. I drive Ginger’s when I can, but I haven’t looked too hard for something new. I suppose I should now that the baby will be here in a matter of months.”

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