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Dirty Professor

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They rallied around me and I became their leader. I didn’t want the responsibility, but our leader lost his head literally and figuratively. His mind snapped and he ran headlong into a chopper blade which didn’t exactly boost morale in a war-torn country looking for its independence.

I could feel the hunger for something more than my fingers as I touched myself inappropriately. My legs buckled, but I was able to stay standing by grabbing onto the top of the shower. I was in desperate need of someone to relieve me of my sexual need. I could’ve taken Rick for a ride, but to give in was going to take a whole lot more than seeing his package.

I stepped from the shower, feeling like a new woman, knowing that the warrior underneath was still there. It didn’t matter how I dressed her up and she was always ready to lay down the law. That girl was someone that didn’t take prisoners in the bedroom or outside of it. She was always in control and those guys learned how to behave like I was teaching old dog new tricks.

I heard someone knocking on my door and I didn’t even think about getting dressed. It would be the highlight of his day to see me completely unencumbered by clothing. My bald mound would most likely be a focal point. My breasts were a D cup in magnificence and the nipples were dollar sized originals without the necessary need for augmentation.

“It’s about time and I’m famished.” I opened the door and standing there was this man with salt and pepper hair with a goatee and the look of somebody that was drowning in money. He wasn’t looking in a southerly direction. He kept eye contact with me which was impressive considering the lovely dish served right in front of him. He got some brownie points for not treating me like a piece of meat. “If you’re expecting me to cover up, then you’re going to be waiting a long time. If I don’t miss my guess, I believe that you might be Knight Williams.” He was dressed to impress with a finely tailored dark suit of an undertaker. It was made just for him.

“I apologize for barging in, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I took the liberty of catching the bellboy before he reached your door. In the very least, I have made it unnecessary for you to tip him, although I think seeing you like this would’ve been reward enough.” He was waiting for an invitation and I reluctantly moved out of the way. He pushed the cart into the center of the room and then grabbed two chairs. He placed them on either side.

“I’m not sure what I should feel about being ambushed in my own room. I would tell you to go to hell, but you have me as a captive audience of one. Your message was cryptic and I’m sure that it was by design. You want me to be curious enough to hear what you need to say.” He did look good enough to eat and my appetite for a sparring match under the sheets was getting stronger by the second.

“It looks like you have enough here to feed an army. Where do you put it in that tiny compact frame? A body like that takes discipline and I saw for myself how you handle yourself. You have a real fire inside you. I would like to fan it into a deeper lasting flame. I have been under attack and things have escalated to where I need somebody in my corner I can trust. I will pay you handsomely for your time. You will be my personal bodyguard by pretending to be my girlfriend.” It wasn’t the first time somebody had approached me about security work, but this was somewhat different.

He scribbled a number on a napkin and folded it nicely before thrusting it in my direction. I peeled back the paper to see more zeros than I had seen in my lifetime. He was willing to pay me a seven figure salary which was most likely a pittance to someone like him.

“You have mistaken me for someone who cares about money. I may look destitute, but I always land on my feet.” I didn’t mean to be defensive, but I had learned to depend on nobody for anything. I made my own way. I might have done things reprehensible for the almighty dollar, but those are things that I was going to have to live with.

“I don’t usually conduct business with someone without clothing. If it would make you feel better, I could get naked and that way we will be on a level playing field.” I didn’t stop him as he took off his jacket and began to unbuttoned his shirt before wagging his finger in the air. “It’s not going to be that easy to get me naked and at your mercy. I’m going to need a lot more than words to convince me.” It felt like he was teasing me and I really did think for a moment that he was going to show me what he was made of.

“I will need to know all the information before deciding one way or the other.” There was su

ddenly a briefcase on the table. It was silver and gleaming under the light. He opened it using a personal code.

“I’m way ahead of you. This is everything my security force has found. It’s not much, but it is something to go one. Whoever is coming after me is very careful to take baby steps. I’ve had threatening letters in the past, but usually, it’s from a disgruntled employee or a past lover. This is different and it’s like I have wronged someone. They want their pound of flesh and I fear that a more direct approach is coming soon. I need somebody with your skill set to eliminate the threat.” The file was thick and I would need time to peruse the contents.

I sat purposely spreading my legs and giving him something to think about. The lips of my sex were swollen and looked ready for an invading force of manly proportion. I was going to give the bellboy a thrill and there was no telling how far I was going to go. With the way that I was feeling, it wouldn’t have been out of the realm of possibility to leave him with lipstick marks all over his body.

“I get this feeling that money has always been the answer for you. You have this air about you. It makes me believe a silver spoon in your mouth is not uncommon. Your money is not going to save you this time. From your point of view, I’m sure you think otherwise, but money only takes you so far. There’s always somebody with more and no doubt you have come to these conclusions on your own.” I was going to lay a bombshell in his lap, but he was not naïve enough not to think of this possibility himself.

“We are on the same wavelength. I have somebody inside the hen house and it’s time to fight fire with fire. I’ve done my research on you and most of your story revolves around being in the Marines. I can only imagine what kind of hardships you had to deal with. You seem to have weathered the storm.” He wasn’t looking at me in the way most men would. How he could prevent himself from not looking at me with a salacious stare was beyond me.

“I’m going to ask you something up front and I hope you don’t feel that I’m getting too personal. Do you even like girls? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not judging and everybody has the right to play on whatever side of the fence they want.” I was backpedaling fast. He burst into hysterics with a belly laugh that had me sitting back concerned.

“Just because I don’t stare at you doesn’t mean that I haven’t noticed. I’m just a little more subtle than someone looking at a car accident on the side of the road. I’m not immune to how you look and I would be a damn fool if I said that the idea of sleeping with you doesn’t appeal to me.” It was a relief to know that I was still woman enough to bring the boys to the yard.

“I thought I was losing it and would have to go under the knife at the ripe age of 35. I do my best to do things the natural way which is always the hard way. I will gladly take your assignment, but I have one condition.” He looked confused and the money that he was giving me was supposed to be the incentive.

“Be careful about asking for too much and I find greed an ugly quality in a woman.” He had obviously had women that were only after his pocketbook.

“If I am going to play the part of your girlfriend, then you need to show me some affection. Obviously, you’re going to do that in public, but I want more. I have this itch I can’t scratch. You are the perfect tool and don’t think that I haven’t noticed the added bonus.” He had to be a good 8 inches and more than a mouthful.

“Let me get this straight. I give you the money to protect me and you are suggesting that we sleep together. I’m not sure if I’m dreaming, but I think it would be a good idea for me to pinch myself to find out.” I had caught him off guard and seeing his face flush was a good indication that he wasn’t going to say no.

“I have needs and you have what I need to satiate the hunger. There’s no reason why we can’t mix business with pleasure. It’s strictly a matter of convenience. There are no emotional entanglements and it will give us the building blocks of our relationship. I don’t see there’s anything to think about. We both get what we want with the added incentive of physical activity in the bedroom.” My proposal had a lot more to offer than just protecting his body. He was a specimen of man. I was inclined to uncover what he was hiding from me.

“I wasn’t expecting this, but how can I refuse the temptation of being with you. I like the idea of having no expectations. You can start tomorrow night by meeting me at a fundraiser. I want things to seem like a natural progression. I don’t want there to be any doubt amongst those of my inner circle. They need to believe the chemistry, but I don’t think that we’re going to have any difficulty with that.” He got up and this time he did make the once over which had me happy to make his acquaintance.

Chapter four

I arrived fashionably late, wearing a red dress that left very little for men to imagine. It had this very intricate slit up the side giving way to a naked expanse of thigh. I was wearing my sexuality like one of these high profile socialites. The plunging neckline had every tongue falling on the floor. I walked by them with a sense of authority. I made the room my own, keeping my eyes peeled for the subject which turned out to be my employer.

I found him talking about politics with those smoking cigars. I jumped right into the conversation, touching his arm every so often which invited an examination of the goods.

“You make some valid points. I find myself interested in learning more. Perhaps, you would be interested in joining me for a nightcap out on the veranda.” I moved one lone manicured red painted fingernail down his cheek. I could tell out of my peripheral vision that every guy standing within proximity was jealous.

“I’m afraid I can’t afford you. I can, but I’m really not interested in paying for play.” He was making it appear that I was hired for the high-class festivities in the role of the woman of the night. It was good way to throw off any suspicion that we were working together in a common goal to protect his life.

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