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Dirty Professor

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“You can wear the same dress and I don’t think that you’re going to be wearing it for long. I find red is a good color on you. It makes me crazy and there are times I look at you and I’m not sure if I’m thinking straight.” He gave me a kiss on the back of the hand. This was the perfect contrast from the way he had finger fucked me until I was creaming and screaming at the same time. I had muffled most of it by biting into his shoulder, but I was not opposed to letting out the buildup of emotions brought about by his hand touching me in just the right way.

Chapter five

I woke up in the morning looking over at the other side of the bed and knowing he wasn’t there. We didn’t spend the night together, but it was not from lack of trying. He was purposely driving me crazy. I enjoyed the attention and something of convenience was going to help to alleviate some of that stress. I wouldn’t have to go out looking for a strange piece. Knight Williams had given me a reason to go to work with him in the guise of being his girlfriend.

I stood naked in front of my closet still feeling his fingers inside me and the way that he had stirred up the temperature in between my legs. I had given him my conditions and he had wholeheartedly agreed. He was, after all, a man and how could he possibly say no to the whole package.

I found a summer dress with multi colors and I wore nothing underneath it. I wanted to see his reaction when he accidentally found out for himself how naughty I could be. When we separated last night, he gave me the address of his building. He wanted me to be there bright and early. I was going to do him one better.

I got into my cherry red 65 mustang which was left to me by my father. It was a graduation gift. We had worked on it together tirelessly day and night to restore it back to showroom condition. The engine had aftermarket mufflers and the rumble when it came to life was like my own personal aphrodisiac between my legs.

I sat there and let the vibration course through my body. I licked my lips in anticipation of the big one. I wasn’t going to get there without something to push me over the edge. I knew somebody that might have some ideas about what to do.

Last night might’ve been good enough for him, but it wasn’t for me. I had the intention of riding him until I broke him. I could see he was anxious and by allowing him to finger fuck me in the elevator I almost gave him a sure thing. That was

primarily the reason why I had to put the brakes on. I didn’t want him to think this was on his timetable.

It was still early in the morning and I rode by his place of work. I made a few rounds and stopped a couple of times to take photographs of something that might have turned out to be something. I had a detailed oriented mind. Anything standing out would be a like a blazing sign.

I saw him arrive by limousine, catered to by the wealth he had in millions. He was quite relaxed and I could only hope some of that was due to me. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders at the fundraiser. This time he was carefree, jovial and smiling with a relaxed state of mind.

I walked over to him in front of his driver. I stood there with my feet planted and my hands on my hips. “I came here to tell you what we did last night is never going to happen again. You might think I can resist your natural charm and charisma, but I can. You’re going to have to do a whole lot more than that to be with me. I’m going to assume you took care of the evidence. Like any man, it would not surprise me if you were to keep a reminder to look at on your own time.” I waited for him to say something, but mostly he was looking at me and taking stock of the inventory.

“You certainly do know how to take a toll on me, Payton. I have no choice, but to give into you willingly. I did take care of the evidence. I’m not going to lie, I was tempted to keep it for myself, but I didn’t think it would be right. I’ve done my research on you and I had no idea you had a business mind. I would like to pick your brain on a few discretionary details of a business proposition I’m working on.” It was agreed upon I would work closely with him. Being his girlfriend only gave me access part of the time, but mixing business with pleasure helped to solve the problem.

Knight was dressed in a dark suit with a power red tie and a white shirt which stretched over his massive chest. I wanted to peel his shirt off his body to reveal the special little nuances of his physical makeup. I hadn’t seen much of him, but I was going to make sure to put that on the top of my priorities.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m not jumping when you say so. Some girls you have been with in the past might feel obligated. You don’t know me and there’s no way for you to read my mind. I will let you imagine what my thoughts would tell you about me. I hope you’re not the kind of guy to judge a book by its cover. I may look easy on the eyes, but getting me into bed is going to take a whole lot more than a lobster dinner.” I followed him into the building looking at the marble and knowing he had spared no expense.

“I can’t say I’m very fond of the idea of a girl that plays hard to get. It’s never been my strong suit, but there’s always a first time for everything. I find myself interested to know more about you. Your acumen in business is something for me to utilize. Since you’re following me, I have to believe we want the same things.” He was clean shaven and those dimples were making my knees weak.

“I’m not going to be one of your yes men. I’ll tell you exactly what I think without sugar coating it. You may find a strong woman to be a bit more than you can handle. I already told you there’s no way I’m going to change for any man. Take me as I am, or risk walking away from the best thing in your life.” It was just an act, but most of what I was saying had a ring of truth.

“I appreciate your candor and the best thing for everybody is for you to be completely honest. I get tired of people telling me what I want to hear. There is no difference of opinion and I have to rely on my own instincts to know what to do. Having an unbiased eye will help me to stay on the straight and narrow.” His words conveyed to me his sincerity. Our arrangement was beneficial to the both of us in more ways than one.

“You’re going to get the unvarnished truth. If that scares you a little, then I’m doing my job. As you have already learned, I was a consultant for many businesses with several stellar references. I turned companies drowning into one flourishing to new heights in revenue.” I had made up a dossier and provided phone numbers of people willing to speak on my behalf. I would have to pay them a generous some, but it was worth it to have a back story.

“I want you to be on your best behavior unless you can’t. Try to keep your hands off of me. I know how difficult something like that is for you. In the workplace, we remain cordial and a united front. I want you to keep your eyes and ears open for anything of suspicious water cooler talk. They will know very little about you. It’s up to you to fill them in. You can do that in whatever way you think is necessary.” He was whispering, keeping his voice low and making the conversation private. He didn’t want to send the wrong message to his staff.

“I’ll improvise when the time comes. You know who you are, but you may have become complacent in your thinking. Going outside the box is healthy and will keep you guessing.” I saw no one looking and I grabbed his ass, squeezing the package and watching him momentarily jump like a live wire had been attached to his privates.

“I can see I’m not going to get very much work done around you. They will see you as someone using your position as my girlfriend to get ahead. I want you to keep them believing it. There can be no reason for them to go digging. I want everything to be transparent like seeing through a sheaf of paper.” I was a little uncomfortable showing this kind of public displays of affection, but I could get used to it in a hurry.

I stopped him outside his office door with his name embossed in gold lettering. I put my hand on the back of his neck and I drew him into a heated embrace. The world felt like it was ours. His tongue was demanding, but I was up to the challenge. I could hear murmurs of dissension with the rumor mill now making its rounds.

I had caught him off guard. It was precisely the reason for this exercise. His eyes showed alarm as he looked around to watch his people stand at attention. They couldn’t take their eyes off of us and I made a show of out of touching him inappropriately.

I scratched my nails on the back of his neck, hearing him moan with no semblance of what he was doing. He fell back against the door. I was keeping him a captive audience with me being the one in control. It was a departure from last night in the elevator. It was nice to know we could switch roles and give each other new experiences.

“I would hate to interrupt whatever this is, but Hong Kong is on line one. They have been waiting for the past half an hour and you know how they can get overanxious. Would you like me to find a place for your ‘friend’ to stay while you conduct business?” This girl with flaming red hair and judgmental eyes was not happy by this latest turn of events.

We wallowed in the awkwardness for a few moments longer before we finally disengaged from the passionate kiss. His eyes were glazed over and I was a little worried he was in no shape to have a serious conversation with Hong Kong.

“She will be joining me and I want someone to keep me from losing it. This company deserves my best and I feel sometimes I’m not giving it. Payton will make sure to keep me on course. I am seeing her, but I think that is obvious. I recently found out she has a keen eye for business matters. I know what you are going to say and it’s not necessary. Payton is different from any other girl I’ve been with. This is the first time I’ve ever wanted one to stick around longer than breakfast.” I thought he was lying, but I could tell from his body language he wasn’t.

“It’s none of my business about your love life” I’m not sure he noticed, but I certainly did. Rachel was smitten and I could see the metaphorical green streak running down her back with jealousy. “I’ve always been your right-hand woman and I do hope the position won’t change with her around.” It was an ugly look on any woman. He was oblivious to her infatuation. He couldn’t even fathom she would be interested in him. I was tempted to set him straight, but I had ulterior motives for keeping him all to myself.

“Payton is not here to step on anybody’s toes. I want her around. I don’t have to justify my actions. I’m the president and owner of this company. What I say goes. Some of you may have forgotten I’m the boss, but I?

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