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Dirty Professor

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“I admit you are not like any other man. Most would be content in having me go down on them, but you want this to be all about my pleasure. I get this feeling like you enjoy it almost as much as I enjoy you doing it to me. If you keep this up, I might have to consider changing one of my rules.” The one I was referring to was being able to leave after the job was done.

I felt his finger trace a line down the wetness of my excitement. I was seeping and leaving behind drippings down my legs. He started there and his tongue ignited more of the same from my hungry hole. I was definitely going to stick around for the duration. I was a fool, but it wasn’t for love I didn’t believe in the concept, but it was possible he could change my mind. That was a bold statement to make to myself and one that I was going to have to revisit.

“How long do you think I’m going to last with you doing that?” I could feel his tongue making a slow and calculated journey. When he reached the swollen lips, I was lifting my pelvis for deeper penetration. I didn’t know how long I could keep this position, but his ravenous attention had not gone unnoticed.

The only sound I heard was the blood pumping at my temples. The chair creaked as I lay back to give him better access. I would have gladly stood on my head for the feelings he was inflicting on me.

I knew the place quite well and I was rapidly approaching the doorway to my nirvana. He stabbed forth with the pointed end of his oral spear. It was a lucky thing I had my hand over my mouth at the time. I bit into my palm, not drawing blood, but very close it wasn’t funny.

I wanted the opportunity to melt his Popsicle like he had thawed my heart into something that was beating for the first time.

“I don’t know where you learned that but somebody has been taking lessons. This is quite unexpected but very welcomed. Your tongue knows what it’s doing. I can’t… Fucking believe you haven’t done this…already.” I was quickly losing my grip on reality and flying into fits of sexual hysterics. My heels were slapping heavily against his back which only seemed to fuel him into a greater need to find my release.

The fire burning engulfed my entire body. I put my hand over my mouth again with my eyes wide open and my flesh trembling to his touch. He was rapidly plunging deep in and out of me, stretching me with his fingers and manipulating my clit into submission. I was a falling star. He was responsible for letting me see not all men were alike.

He emerged with a smile on his face like he knew the job wasn’t finished until I gave him the okay. He lightly flicked my clit. It made me jump from the contact. “I do enjoy making a woman climax. To see your lips flutter and your body respond is my aphrodisiac. I would ask for you to reciprocate, but we don’t have the time. I have reservations made and I would hate to be late. You can think of something particularly saucy to make it up to me.” I thought for sure this was the necessary foreplay to banging me until I couldn’t walk anymore.

“I find myself puzzled by how easily you can walk away. It can’t be easy in your current condition. I have to give you credit for having the fortitude to want nothing in return. I haven’t figured you out yet and that bothers me. I’m usually a pretty good judge of character, but you don’t tick any of the usual boxes. You go outside the box, drawing outside the lines and something tells me I’ve found something quite unique. What you just did was a little piece of heaven.” I needed time to get my sea legs. I was finally standing and feeling like all the energy had been drained.

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say not many men have treated you kindly. It was their loss. You are a hot-blooded woman with a lot to offer and I don’t want you to ever forget that. There’s no reason for you to comply with a man’s wishes. You have your own mind and be damned everybody else’s opinion.” He was straightening up and making me laugh. It was in the way he was patting his crotch and telling it to go easy. It was kind of quirky for him to think his cock was a separate entity. Most men thought so.

“Guys always have one thing on their mind and they will do and say anything to get it. I’ve had firsthand knowledge of their duplicitous ways. I’ve been bitten one too many times to believe in happy endings. I’m not talking about the one you want me to give you later. White picket fences are not in my future.” I could never sit still long enough to be domesticated like some kind of house pet.

“I admire your need for independence, but it has to get lonely. I’m glad the older woman that took my cherry taught me a few things. Being young and impressionable, I was easily molded into the perfect lover. The entire summer when I was 16, I was a sought-after commodity by many of the ladies in the neighborhood. The one I keep coming back to is Mrs. Perry. She was a divorcee with a lot of time on her hands and I became her pet project.” It would stand to reason an older woman would be responsible for his tutelage. He was lucky and most guys didn’t have the chance to be given the gift of aged wisdom.

“If you are still in touch with her, I would suggest a bouquet of roses. She deserves it and I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you she did you a favor. You may have wanted to get into her pants, but she slowed you down and made you learn the blueprints of the female anatomy. I’m looking forward to seeing what other little tricks you have in your sexual arsenal.” Speaking of arsenal, I noticed something in his desk drawer and I pulled it back to reveal a revolver. It was not just any revolver and this was right out of the Dirty Harry movies.

Chapter seven

“I would ask what is wrong, but I think I already know the answer. You’re concerned by what you saw in my desk drawer. It’s not like I’m going to use it. I was given it when I was younger to remind me of how easy it is to find ourselves resorting to violence. I’ve always believed there was a better way and diplomacy comes in handy when you know how to talk the talk. I’ve certainly rubbed people the wrong way. I have been ruthless when it was necessary for business, but I’ve never lifted a finger to anyone.” It was nice to know he was not prone to taking out his frustrations with a gun in his hand.

“I admit I was a little worried and I don’t like to have anything to do with guns. It’s foolish to think of them as anything more than the devil’s instruments. I have been guilty of taking lives the same way, but I have turned over a new leaf. It’s not to say I can’t pick one up and use it if I am pushed into a corner.” I was sitting at a table in this Italian restaurant feeling less than sophisticated in my leather skirt and no panties. It was almost sacrilege to think of myself fitting into a place like this.

His foot was running up my leg and I shifted nervously, wondering if the tablecloth would obscure anybody from learning of how we were playing fast and loose with each other’s bodies.

“I was wondering the reason why you don’t carry a gun. Your background certainly does tell an interesting tale which I’m sure is only part of the story. This world is full of madness, but sometimes you have to remember there is beauty everywhere you look.” His foot was bare. He had somehow taken off his shoe and his sock to make skin to skin contact. I had no idea how this one was going to end, but I hoped that it was not with a whimper and more with a bang.

“If you’re not careful, I’m going to burst into flames right in front of you. You are dangerously close to touching me and setting off a spark between my legs. I’m not opposed to having a Meg Ryan moment, but are you sure you really want that kind of scene? I can show you some incr

edible things. I know what you want and the best is yet to come. I can be a perfect storm and make all the tables turn in this direction.” I got drunk on the power he exuded and on the way his toe came in contact with my swollen lips.

“I do love to play and this game is better with two. I find myself wondering if I can make you cum just from sitting here at the table. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. This might feel like torture, but it’s more for your pleasure.” I wanted to ask him to tell me when it was over, but I had a feeling, I would be the first one to know.

“You might be taking this a little too far. If you’re not careful, you’re going to leave me breathless. I have this need building and you’re doing nothing to cool me off. If anything, you are sticking the poker into the fire to make the flames burn even brighter than before.” It was time to give him a dose of his own medicine.

I was still in the perfect vantage point to watch the door for anything resembling a threat. There was the loud and boisterous voice of somebody getting the ‘Dear John’ speech. The young lady had taken him here to make sure he didn’t have an emotional outburst. He looked stunned with the last bit of his dessert on the end of his fork ready to be consumed.

The young lovers in the corner were purposely leaning in to kiss each other. Their infatuation was in its infancy. I was in the exact same predicament, but kissing was not enough for Knight Williams.

“I’m going to make you feel right and promise you the night. I find myself enamored with you and I think it’s prudent you mentioned making this arrangement more physical than platonic.” His toe slipped inside me. I spread my legs to offer him free access to the goods. I squeezed down on that fat invading digit and let him get a better understanding of how we were going to move things along to the next stage.

“If you really want to put a smile on my face then you should come with me. The meal was delicious. I don’t want to think about the price tag. If you brought me here to impress me then you needn’t bother. Money has never been much of an appeal and I only need enough to live on. You need to decide what is going to happen next.” I took his hand and I dipped it into the chocolate mousse before sucking it into my mouth. I stared at him the entire time. I could see the sweat forming on his hairline.

“I don’t know what you have in mind, but I have no earthly reason to deny you anything.” What he had started in the office was going to spill out in the most obscene way possible.

He paid the bill and we went out onto the sidewalk with him lifting my skirt to an unsuspecting stranger in the street. He slapped my bare ass and made me look back at him with a blush on my cheeks. The rosy red glow he had inflicted on me forced me into a position where I wanted to return the favor.

The guy seeing us acting like teenagers shook his head in disbelief, but I had a feeling he would gladly change places with Knight.” Knight followed me into the alleyway where I lifted my leg and placed it onto a garbage can. I moved my eyes down over his suit and he really was slumming it with a girl like me. I unbuttoned his shirt until I could see his defining chest muscles. I could feel he was rock solid and I gave it a customary squeeze to make it my captive audience.

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