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Fatal Attraction (Dark Desires 4)

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“Sorry, I’m sorry,” I apologize feebly. “That was shit of me. I didn’t mean…” I shake my head. No amount of explaining is going to work. “Work is terrible at the moment. Please come inside.”

As we step into my apartment, I rush around picking everything up. Without Cici’s regular visits I haven’t had anyone to tidy up for so I’ve just let it go to hell again. I should make more effort for surprise visits like this one.

“Sorry, I know it’s a mess. Please, take a seat while I get things sorted. Do you want a coffee?”

Cici nods and she perches on the edge of the couch. She isn’t relaxed and comfortable, despite the fact that he knows this place well, which suggests she’s taken me pushing her away really hard. I’m an asshole.

I whip us both up drinks while I flutter about the place to make it respectful, and the very last measure I take is flicking the lock closed on the front door. I’ve taken to doing that all the time when I’m in to prevent and surprise visits. I know if Kingpin wants me dead then I will be, but I have to take protective action.

“Is everything okay?” Cici asks me, surprised as she sees me flicking the lock. “You’re being… weird.”

I sigh and hang my head low. I haven’t had any intention of telling her anything, but now that Cici is here I feel like I need to throw her a bone and give her something. “It’s work, it’s getting… dangerous.”

“Dangerous?” My expression stiffens which seems to tell her that I don’t want to answer. “Right, okay.”

Once the coffee is made I take it to her and I sit across from her. I stare into her eyes seeing a real terror there. She looks like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders which I don’t like to see. I have a funny feeling this is to do with much more than just me. She has something else going on. It better not be him.

“Has, erm…” I hate that I have to ask this. It really isn’t fair on Cici. “Has something happened to you?”

She bites down on her bottom lip, chewing thoughtfully for a moment before she nods. Almost right away my heart leaps up into my throat and I can feel it forcing hot red blood all around my body. He’s gone too far now, Kingpin has stepped way over the fucking line. I need to put this asshole out of his misery one way or another.

“What did he do to you?” I growl. “Did he hurt you? Did you see him? Do you know what’s happening?”

Cici’s eyebrows furrow. “He?” she asks confused. “What do you mean he? What’s going on here?”

It can’t be a woman, can it? All the junkies and dealers we’ve had come through the cop shop have all referred to Kingpin as a he, it’s the only thing we’ve ever been able to get out of them, but maybe it was a rouse.

“Not he then. Whoever.” Anticipation builds, much as I hate this I might actually be in a situation where I can find something real out. I can’t help clinging to that fact. “What happened to you?” I grab onto Cici’s hands and I stare deeply into her eyes. I hope that my intense look is giving her what she needs. “You can tell me anything.”

“Is someone after me?” She glances towards the door. “Is that what all of this is about? Am I in danger?”

“I… I…” I don’t know what’s happening here. “Has no one been in communication with you about me?”

Cici snatches her hands back. “Will, I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about but you better start explaining yourself now or I’m going to be mad.” Her arms fold across her chest, making sure I have no access to her now. “You better let me know if something could happen to me. I don’t want any surprises.”

I let out a deep breath. This is my own fault, I let my mouth get the better of me and now I’ve said too much. If I ever want Cici to respect me again then I’m going to have to tell her everything. I need to let her know just enough about what my life’s been like so she can understand me. At least that way, she won’t hate me.

“Oh, well there’s just the guy, a criminal, who’s been threatening me at work. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about…” A little white lie never hurt anyone. “But the other guys from the station want me to be vigilant. I need to keep away from everyone a little while we work out what his next plan of action is.”

“Does that include me?” she immediately demands. “Is that why you’ve been so nuts?”

I nod, unable to hid it anymore. “Yeah. I didn’t want to pull back, I had to.”

“And you couldn’t just tell me that?” She throws her hands in the air in obvious frustration. “I thought that I’d done something wrong. I’ve been trying to work out what’s wrong with me. I can’t believe this.”

A single fat tear falls from her eye and runs down her cheek. As I watch it, I feel even worse about myself.

“I only did it to protect you,” I try to reassure her. “I thought that the less you knew, the better.”

“So… this is a real danger then? Or you wouldn’t be taking such precautions.”

“I…” How do I answer this? It isn’t the easiest situation to find myself in. “I don’t know.”

“Oh, great. That’s just great.” Cici pushes herself into a standing position and she paces the room. There’s something about her reaction which has me concerned, it doesn’t seem normal. “Maybe I should just go.”

I could just let her walk back out my life again. Maybe that would be the smart thing to do, but something’s stopping me. Without even meaning to, I race to her side and I hold in place. “Don’t go,” I plead.

Cici rakes h

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