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When you looked out of the window, you could no longer see the white blanket of snow that had been surrounding us all day. Night had fallen on the mountain, and everything was frozen and still. Inside the cabin, though, the heat was real, and it wasn’t just from the fire blazing in the fire place. The orgy continued on, the moon shining brightly over the cabin. We had no idea what was going on anywhere but in our little room, our own little piece of passion in the icy tundra of the mountain. It was hard to think of anything other than all of our bodies piled around the house, thinking about nothing but that moment. It was one of my favorite parts of a night like this, you could escape the world and just live for yourself and the people around you. I was able to immerse myself in my fantasies and not even have to come up for air. If I could keep this orgy going through the next day, I would, but I couldn’t ignore the fact that everything would soon be coming to an end.

I shook the thought of the end from my head, wanting to stay present in the moment. I looked up at Austin as he pushed my face down on his cock, groaning as I deep throated it. I pulled my head back and smiled, standing up in front of him and rubbing my hand down his shaft. I leaned forward and kissed his lips gently, taking his hand and leading him over to the floor where the rest of the crew had congregated, worshipping each other’s bodies. I laid down on the rug right in front of the fire and reached up, pulling him down on top of me. I wrapped my legs around his body and pulled his cock inside of me, arching my body as he slowly and lustfully took me. I liked having Austin inside of me. He fucked differently than any man I had been with before. He was almost romantic in the way he treated me, and I knew that he was the one in the group that cherished his wife in a way that none of us really understood. Sex was sex to him, but he got off

on how we got off, not just by the feeling of his cock going in and out of us.

I turned my head and looked around at the others. Jason was the man with an incredible amount of passion and masculinity. He was the man that would scoop you up and make you feel safe and protected while giving you the most intense orgasms of your life. He only showed his sensitive side to me, which was special between us, and something he didn’t give away when he slept with other women. He wasn’t cold, but he chose to throw his manhood out instead of his feelings. Women liked that about him. They liked to be scooped up by a big man and have the kind of sex that felt safe from the world.

Matt was hot, and that was what he used during sex. He got off on the crazy lust between him and the partner he was with. Even with his wife, he enjoyed taking control, slamming into her, and hearing her come. I could tell it made him feel big when he was able to make a woman come. His muscles rippled, and his smile was charming as hell. He didn’t take anything too seriously, and that boyish charm was what a woman looked for when they wanted to fuck and then forget. I knew he was different with Amber, but with everyone else, he was the perfect specimen for a one-night stand. You could tell that there was no way that he was going to fall in love with anyone but his Amber.

I really enjoyed getting to know the boys, because the girls, I already knew everything there was to know about. I smiled as I watched Amber bent over on her knees, grabbing onto the floor as Jason held her from behind and pounded into her. She always liked fucking Jason because she didn’t have to be prim and proper, she didn’t have to act like anything was taboo, and she just completely let go. That was part of why she could never be with a man like Jason. It was too engrained in her to have a sense of “decency” in her everyday interactions. When she was alone, though, and feeling the mood, that girl was a total wild child. Watching her with Jason was a complete and total turn on.

On the other side of us was Jessica, the fiery redhead with a heart of gold, lying on her back, the schoolboy charm of Matt in front of her, on his knees, fucking the hell out of her. She was moaning loudly, grabbing onto her perfect breasts, enjoying every moment of a guiltless fuck. Deep down inside, she just wanted her husband to enjoy himself, to bring back some of this lust and fantasy home with them so they could start anew. They loved each other more than I had ever seen two people love, but because she burned so bright all the time, I could tell Austin struggled to keep up with her. I had some really interesting and fucking sexy people in my life, but at that moment, all I cared about was the sexy flesh that was crossing in front of my eyes.

I turned back to Austin and smiled, noticing he too was enjoying the sights and sounds of the room around us. His cock was getting harder by the second, just from watching Amber and Jessica fucking like it was a movie. He slowed down his pace and sat up, biting his lip and grabbing onto my tits. We both turned our head at the sound of Amber screaming loudly. Jason had pulled her up on her knees and pressed her against the wall, spreading her legs and fucking her fast. His hand was wrapped around her waist, and I could tell that he was rubbing the fuck out of her clit right then. She was that girl that could get off numerous times, and Jason almost took it as a challenge. I was pretty sure he had a tally running in his head of how many times he had made her come. Just as she started to come, her voice ringing wildly through the room, Jessica screamed out.

We both turned our heads simultaneously, looking over with dropped jaws at Jessica who was nearly standing on her head, her legs wrapped around Matt’s waist as he stood there, fucking her hard. She was breathing heavily amongst the layers of red hair that had fallen around her face. I looked up at Austin with wide eyes, and he laughed, reaching down and pushing my leg up toward my shoulder. It seemed like he just might have taken that as a challenge. I winked at him and pulled my other leg up, grabbing my ankles and pulling them up over my head.

“Jesus,” Austin said, shaking his head and diving down.

He reached both arms underneath me and lifted me upward, slamming his pelvis down into my pussy, my clit smacking against his skin. I screamed out, my mind completely numb at that point, done with the thoughts, done with the theories and ready to bring my body to a full climax. I gripped onto my ankles tightly, glancing over at Jason who laughed as he thrust his cock forward into Amber. Austin looked down into my eyes and growled, grinding his fingers into my back as he let loose, dipping his big, long shaft into my juices and then back up again.

“I love fucking your pussy,” he groaned.


“God yes,” he said, rolling his eyes.

I smiled and let go of my ankles, sitting up and sucking his cock before he even realized what was happening. He moaned loudly, grabbing onto my hair and pushing my face down to the base of his cock. I sat there sucking his dick for several minutes, feeling the pressure of his hands against the back of my head. I reached up with his cock down my throat and pulled him to the floor, frantically crawling over him and sliding my pussy down over him. Immediately, I started to bounce up and down, throwing my head back in passion.

“Fuck yes,” I screamed out. “Fuck, I’m gonna come.”

“Yeah, baby, come on my cock,” he roared. “I want to feel your juices.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” I screamed out in unison with my bounces.

Suddenly, I grabbed his chest and ground my pussy into him, clamping down on his dick and writhing in orgasm on top of him. My body shuddered as surges of electricity flew through my body, leaving me completely useless at that moment. He groaned and grabbed my body, bouncing me up and down fast and hard. He lifted me up one last time and slammed me down, thrusting his hips upward as his cock exploded his seed inside of me. I screamed out, feeling the twitching and erupting of his dick. We sat there like that for several moments before our bodies finally collapsed. I fell forward and to the side, rolling over on my back and holding my hand to my chest as I breathed heavily.

When we had caught our breath, we both propped ourselves up on our elbows and watched the others as they too started to succumb to the pleasure that was building. Jason had moved Amber over to the table and bent her down, grabbing her hips and fucking her hard. Her ass was beet-red from where he had slapped it and gripped on, using her as leverage to get deeper. She screamed out, obviously on a kick of multiple orgasms, but this time, as her pussy clamped down on Jason’s cock, he growled out, thrusting forward and holding himself there, his ass cheeks flexing and releasing as he came inside of her. When he was done, he fell forward on top of her and laid there for several moments until he caught his breath.

The two of them turned and smiled at us, walking over and laying down on the floor beside us. We all turned to watch the end of the show. Jessica and Matt were going nuts with the crazy positions. Jason shook his head in appreciation as we stared at them. Jessica bent over, grabbing her ankles, and Matt stood behind her, pulling on her shoulders as he rammed his dick into her. She turned slightly and grabbed onto the mantle as he lifted one of her legs into the air and went up on his tip toes with every push. As she reached her climax, he dropped her leg down and lunged forward, grabbing her around the waist and pushing deep inside of her. They both stood in silence, their voices caught in their throat, the waves of orgasm too much for either of them to say a thing.

When they had both finally relaxed, the four of us erupted in clapping and cheers, feeling like they definitely deserved some kudos for that show. Jessica laughed, shaking her head and collapsing into Austin’s lap. Matt bowed and walked over, kissing Amber deeply and sitting next to her. We all laid back on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. I was absolutely ecstatic that my plan had finally come to fruition. I turned over and laid my head on Jason’s chest, looking up and smiling at him in victory. As the storm began to recede outside, we all fell asleep together in a tangle of bodies, sex, and friendship. It had been the best vacation that I had ever had.

Chapter 30


The sun coming from the windows crossed over the floor and right across my face. I slowly opened my eyes, definitely feeling the repercussions of a night like the one before. I was sore in places I didn’t know you could be sore in. I looked around at the piles of naked people and shook my head, chuckling, realizing that I was the first one to wake up. The fire had died down, but it was still pretty hot in the cabin, so I left it alone. Slowly, I pulled my arm out from under Amber and my leg from under Jessica’s and crawled away from the entangled limbs before standing and finding my boxers. I pulled them on and made my way over to check on the storm through the windows. I could feel the Scotch and rum in my head, beating heavily against my temples. The light from outside was almost blinding, but that was probably because I spent the last twenty-four hours in the darkness of the cabin, with no more light than that of the fire in the fireplace.

I held myself up on the window sill and blinked rapidly, letting my eyes get used to the light. The snow had finally stopped, and although it was thick and deep around us, I was pretty sure that we would be able to get down the mountain on our skis. It was strange to look out the window and actually see the sun shining through the branches. There were birds flying around, and when I looked hard enough, I could actually see the blue of the sky. It looked like a beautiful scene from some Disney movie, if you cut out the fact that the seven dwarves inside the cabin were all naked and covered in sex and sweat.

I laughed to myself, picturing the girls singing as they went around the room cleaning up the liquor bottles and wiping down the furniture. It was definitely not a G-rated movie if that was the case. I reached my hands over my head and searched around until I found my long johns and socks. I put them on and took in a deep breath, looking at my beautiful wife curled up next to Kristin on the rug on the floor. I was actually feeling pretty sad that we were going to have to leave. The sex was freaking amazing, but the

friendship and the closeness was even better. I had a feeling of contentment inside of me that I hadn’t ever had before. I had never had friends like these people before, and after this weekend, I finally fully felt like I was part of the fold. Leaving was necessary, but I really didn’t want to do it, and part of me hoped that another storm would blow in before we were able to leave.

Slightly deflated, I dragged myself into the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for everyone. As I stirred the eggs in the frying pan, I felt Amber’s arms wrap around my waist. She pressed her face against my back and just stood there, breathing me in and feeling the warmth between us. She would do this almost every morning when she would wake up and find me cooking us breakfast in our kitchen. It was honestly one of the best parts of my days. It was just quiet, the two of us being together without any need for words or plans, or anything that we would be facing that day. After several moments, I turned around to face her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in tightly.

“Good morning, Mrs. Jameson,” I said.

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