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A Kingdom of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 3)

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I didn’t bother responding as we flew after them, inexperienced and still fairly shit at flying, but requiring very little effort to keep up.

The next village was super close, and we’d started jogging into it before my mind caught up to the fact that we had no clothes, something I pointed out with a red face.

“We’re shifters—get used to it,” Lucille said as she slowed near the periphery of the village. “Besides, you’re super hot. You have nothing to worry about.”

“Except maybe my enormous lady beard,” I murmured, taking the lead and running along the paths until I found my way into the village center. Once there, we asked around until we found the location of the little meeting house where the elders were apparently chatting about who was going to do what. I barged in, zero regard for decorum, and interrupted a woman with more wrinkles than face.

“Sorry for the interruption,” I said, not at all sorry. I looked around the circle of people. Micah stepped forward from the side, as did Vemar and a few others from the dungeon. Some of them had left our group to spread word to other villages, so presumably they had messages to convey.

Hopefully it wasn’t bad news.

“Guys, it’s time,” I said quickly, making a circle in the air with my finger. “Something’s happening and I have to go. You are welcome to come or stay, but I’m leaving.”

“Now, wait a minute, young lady,” said a man with a brown-spotted, balding head and wispy white hair. “We understand your haste, but we have much to organize—”

“I’m sorry, truly,” I said, still not selling it. “But I’m fairly certain the demon king has stormed my kingdom and intends to devastate it. We have precious little time. I need to get back and help. Now. I cannot wait for you to continue organizing. I’ll be taking my people and leaving.”

“I’m with you.” Vemar stepped forward. “I have a host ready to leave at a moment’s notice. We’re gonna fry that fucker alive. The wolves should be waiting in the town near the docks by now, and the faeries will be joining them soon. We were never meant to stay in the villages longer than this. We should have enough of a force to band with your kingdom. And if we don’t…fuck it, we all gotta die sometime. This fight will be worth it.” He winked and smiled at me. “I’m ready for a little vengeance.”

“Let me…talk to her.” Micah put his arms out as though to shepherd me. “Let me just talk to her for a moment, please. I’m sure we can reach an understanding.”

“I’m sorry, Micah”—goddess, please help me actually sound sorry—“but there’s no need to shepherd me outside. When I step out there next, it’ll be to finish preparing to leave.”

“But we need more time,” one of the circle called out in a voice shaky with age. “We don’t have all the plans in motion.”

Micah glanced at the circle as he stepped forward again, trying to block my way. “I realize that. Let me talk to her.”

My fear of a delay boiled over, turning quickly to anger. Power throbbed through me, and I released a surge of it, knocking Micah away without touching him. I stepped close to the circle. When I spoke, my voice was low and rough, power still throbbing around me. “I will leave tomorrow at dawn. That’s the most I can compromise. You will either join me or you will stay here. As far as the wolf king and queen go—by the time they make a decision, we’ll either be victorious or dead. No hard feelings if you choose to stand down.”

The room was silent as I left, all except for Vemar’s low chuckling.

I stormed out of the room, but Micah met me outside before I made it too far.

“Finley, please, wait.” I stopped, and he hurried around me. “Let me talk to them. I’m sure I can speed them up.”

“I just talked to them, Micah. We leave tomorrow. You’re coming or you’re not—it’s that simple.”

“People need a chance to pack and say goodbye to their families. You can at least allow them that. We’ll get to the docks faster, since we’re all flying.”

“But Hannon and the others can’t fly.”

He gave me a knowing smile. “It is going to test your mediocre butler’s nerves, and certainly the demons’ gumption, but we have a workaround. There’s something we use to carry the little ones.” He gripped my upper arms, his heat spreading across my flesh and his power flirting erotically with mine. His gaze skimmed Nyfain’s mark, a challenge and desire flashing in his eyes. “I promise I will gather a big enough force to make a real difference. Give me a little more time to put it all together.”

He was issuing me a command. He was trying to dominate me.

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