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A Kingdom of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 3)

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“The demons peeled the magic back when my lot came through,” Lucille said. “They put it back up afterward. We didn’t lose anyone then. The sickness has taken them since, though. Those who weren’t in court when the curse struck.”

“The sickness…or the officers,” another said, his tone solemn. Lucille nodded.

“They aren’t magical anymore,” Hannon said, glancing down the way. “At least, not in a way that matters. We went through no problem. There were three workers on the other side, and we could’ve easily killed them if we’d wanted to.”

“Then why didn’t you?” someone asked. I was thinking the same thing.

Hannon shook his head slowly. “We never could’ve gotten to this island without a boat, and their boats are demon-run. They need their sort of magic to work.”

“So even if we break out of here, we have no way to get across the sea?” Tamara asked, a growl in her voice.

“I know how the boats operate,” Hannon replied. “Mostly. I just need a demon’s magic at the helm. I can get us across the sea if someone can force a demon. And if we can get out of here, of course.”

A shocked silence rang through the dungeon. No one so much as rustled their shreds of clothes or crinkled their straw.

Then: “But who is he, Strange Lady?”

I huffed out a laugh. “He’s my brother, and he’s apparently come to play hero.”

“But Finley…” Hannon’s face was tense. “Nyfain—the prince…” His eyes flicked to the side. Apparently he didn’t want to sound overly familiar with Nyfain’s subjects in the room. Something that probably should’ve occurred to me and never had. Not like I would’ve changed. “He can’t handle what you’re going through. Hadriel said it’s breaking him down. He can handle pain, but he can’t handle you in pain. It’s breaking us all down, truthfully. He’s given Hadriel three months, and then he plans to trade himself for you. For his kingdom.”

A stab of fear hit my heart. That explained the impatience I was feeling through the bond. I’d figured he would do something foolish, and that was about as foolish as he could get.

“Well then,” I said, a newfound determination steeling within me. “We better hope Hadriel can network.”

“Our hope is in the hands of a stable hand?” Lucille said before thunking her head forward against the bars.

I grinned. “Not a stable hand, no. The most mediocre butler you’ll ever meet.”

I turned my back on everyone and unfolded the note with shaking hands.

My dearest Finley,

It’s hard to know what to say.

I miss you.

I love you.

I think of you always, especially when I sit on that little hill in the wood and watch the sunrise. Or when I crawl under the bedsheets in our tower room. Or when I work the everlass fields. Your absence is a gaping hole within me, a hollow that I could bear if you were free, living your life in peace. One I struggle with because I know you are in pain.

If you get this note, the rescue party has reached you. I hope they can help. Hadriel claims he is not worth much, but he has greatly helped me with the kingdom. He is a good person to have in a pinch. He always seems to know what to say in order to shift the mood of those around him. I truly think he’ll be useful. Leala seems to bolster him, so they will be a good team. Worst case, they will bring you a little comfort from home.

I have all the faith in Hannon, but I don’t have to tell you that, of course. I did try to dissuade him from putting himself in harm’s way—I know you would’ve wanted me to—but he wouldn’t hear of it. I think he has a strong, determined sort of animal that thinks nothing of sacrificing itself for its loved ones.

It is clearly a family trait.

I will continue to help you through the bond in any way possible. Please, please take care of yourself as best you can. Try to escape, but do not take any unnecessary risks. Stay strong and stay alive. I will not let you suffer for much longer. I will ensure your freedom with my last breath, if need be, as is my duty. One way or another, you will be free of your cage, and then I need you to finally find happiness.

You are my heart, little dragon. Guard yourself well, because in so doing, you guard the most precious part of me.

Yours forever,


P.S. I would’ve liked to smuggle you in a book, but it seems Hadriel chose the skimpiest of clothing options available. I worried where he might stick the book in order to get it to you…

I laughed through my tears, the ache for him overwhelming. Through the bond, I felt an answering surge of warmth and love. He must know what I was doing.

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