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You Belong to Me (Brook Hollow 1)

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A huge oak tree was on the right of the road. Jessy jumped at the driver, wrapping her arms around his neck causing him to swerve all over the road. He made choking sounds but she held on with all her might.

Jagger called her a bunch of names, hitting her arm. She felt the bone crack and cried out in pain but she didn’t let go. The car went off the paved road and into the grass right toward the tree.

She heard Jagger yell as the car smashed into the tree. Jessy let the blackness overtake her and prayed for the best. Hopefully giving up her life saved those officers. Hopefully she took Jagger and his buddy with her.

* * * *

Lincoln saw the car smashed against the tree. “Tell me that’s not the car we’re looking for.”

“I’m afraid it is,” Abel said through clenched teeth as he slammed the breaks and put the car into park. Lincoln had his door open before his brother came to a complete stop.

“Jessy!” he screamed, running to the car that had smoke coming out of the hood. Several officers were already running with their guns drawn toward the crashed car. Lincoln didn’t give a shit about Jagger right now. “Please, please be alive, baby.”

He looked in the backseat. Jessy was lying across the seat with her eyes closed. Abel was right behind him. Lincoln used all his strength to open the door. He was afraid the car might catch fire.

“Don’t move her,” Abel warned. “We have no idea how severe her injuries are.”

One of his men had a fire extinguisher and put out the flames underneath the hood. He heard the sirens of the ambulance in the distance and prayed they hurried.

Jagger groaned and stepped out of the car, waving his gun around. Blood was dripping down his forehead and he could barely walk. Abel threw a kick, knocking the gun out of his hand. Sam grabbed Jagger’s arms and put them behind him. Jagger struggled but several more officers helped Sam put Jagger down on the ground. Sam handcuffed him quickly.

“I hope you like jail, asshole,” Sam snapped, looking angry.

Lincoln watched the ambulance attendants come and access Jessy. They put Jessy on a stretcher. “Looks like her arm is broken and she has a possible concussion,” one of them told him.

Sam lifted Jagger off the ground. Jagger looked at Jessy being led away. “I broke her arm but she deserved it. She attacked Kenny just because I was going to shoot a few cops.” Jagger struggled to break free. He spit on the ground and looked at Lincoln. “I will have my lawyer free me in twenty-four hours, and I will kill you and her both. I won’t stop.”

“You can try, asshole, but I have the feeling you won’t be seeing the light of day for a long time.” Abel looked mad as hell when Jagger mentioned killing cops with no emotions.

Sam led Jagger away. The driver, Kenny, was unconscious too and being put on another stretcher, but Lincoln only had eyes for Jessy. He jumped in the ambulance with her knowing Abel would handle the crime scene, then meet him at the hospital. The hospital was small but they had great doctors. He clung to her hand, praying all the way. Her skin was pasty and sweaty.

“She is in shock,” the EMT told him.

“Drive faster then,” Lincoln muttered, but he kept his focus on his woman as if he could will her to live. He would have no life without Jessy. He wanted everything that came with having a life with Jessy. Excitement, love, and a dream for the future. Why had he fought against it for so long? Jessy was his and that was the greatest gift of all.


Jessy beamed with delight and looked at her arm. The heavy, ugly cast she had worn for the last six weeks was gone. She waved her arm around, feeling light. “No more cast. Isn’t this awesome?”

Lily and Melanie laughed and agreed. They had come to the doctor’s office in town with her. Jagger and Kenny were in jail. Abel made sure they would not be let out anytime soon. They had a list of charges against them, and no lawyer was going to get them off.

Lily had relaxed immensely. She confessed to Jessy she had been afraid to live on her own with the threat of Jagger on them, but now she was having fun and learning to relax. Jessy was so happy with the threat of Jagger gone. Life with Lincoln was going smoothly. She was excited about finding a new job, maybe at the local doctor’s clinic. She had hope and she had dreams of a wonderful future with the man she loved.

“Okay, girls. I need to find a sexy dress for tonight,” Jessy told them, walking down the sidewalk. The sun was shining brighter, or maybe it was because she felt like a heavy burden was lifted off her shoulders. “Lincoln is taking me out to celebrate my cast coming off.”

“Awesome. Where you going?” Melanie asked.

Jessy shrugged, feeling some anxiety. He had been quiet for a few days now. She would catch him with a faraway look but brush off any questions she had. What if he was bored with her and wanted to gently break up with her. Would he ask her to dress up for that? Was he wishing she looked a little more like his past lovers? “Not sure. He said to dress up. I guess my jeans are out of the question, huh?”

Lily shook her head and chuckled, pushing Jessy playfully. “Yeah, Sis. No jeans.”

They entered the store where Lily and Melanie worked. “Hey, Amy.” Melanie gestured to the girl behind the counter. “Where is that new shipment of dresses that came in a few days ago?” There was a pretty pink dress in lace.”

Amy came out from behind the counter with a smile. “Oh yes. Let me show you where I put them.”

Jessy let the girls pick out some dresses for her to try on. She finally decided on the pink one. She felt sexy and confident.

“You look nervous,” Lily observed quietly, while Melanie talked to Amy. “Is everything okay?”

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