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Here Without You (Red Hook 4)

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He reached across the table and held on to her hands. She felt that funny, giddy feeling she always felt when he touched her. “You are still a beautiful woman, Holly, bruises or no bruises.”

Holly smiled at him. She felt so tongue-tied around him. “So, are you here to update me? Please tell me Gerald Ferguson is in a jail cell and I can resume my normal, boring life.”

He shook his head with frustration. “I swear he has disappeared into thin air. We have combed every inch of this town and spread the word. Noah had Helen make wanted flyers and they are posted all over town. It’s all a waiting game right now. The judge went harsh on Pete, so he will not be getting out anytime soon.”

“That is good news. You think Gerald skipped town like everyone says?” Holly whispered. Gossip was usually more reliable than any newspaper story.

“My gut tells me no. I think he is camping out somewhere in the woods outside of town. There are a lot of acres out there,” Matt admitted. “Tony and I are going to take a look in about thirty minutes or so. I just wanted to see if you were doing okay. I missed you, but Noah has kept us busy searching. We are all determined to find Gerald and put him away.”

“Be careful, Matt.” She didn’t want him or his brother getting hurt. She knew they were both strong men, but a bullet could hurt or kill them.

He stood up and lifted her up from her seat. The look on his face heated her body up. She could see the desire in his eyes, and she knew he was allowing her to see it. He wanted her to know he wanted her that and he wasn’t giving up. It touched something inside of her. “Will you walk me out?”

She nodded and walked with him to his truck, feeling a little giddy. Her hand felt warm in his. He leaned against his truck. “Will you go out on a date with me?”

Her eyes widened with surprise. She wanted to shout yes, but caution made her hesitate. “Matt, my heart is already broken. I doubt I can take anymore.”

“Holly, I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss you every second of the day,” he stated seriously. “I was a fool, and I wasted time. I hurt you, but I also hurt myself. I have been miserable without you for far too long. This time, I will fight for you. You can say no, but I will keep on asking.”

Holly looked into his beautiful green eyes. She put her hand on his cheek and caressed him. She leaned intending to place a soft kiss on his lips, but when their lips touched, he ravished her mouth and she gave in. She wanted him to know how deep her feelings for him went. He still had a chance to run. She placed her hands on his shoulders and his went to her waist. They were so close that she could feel the bulge beneath his jeans, and she let the feelings wash over her. Desire. Tenderness. Love. Excitement.

A loud honk broke them apart. “Hey buddy, you’re going hunting, not off to war.”

They turned to see Drake sitting in his police car at a red light. He waved to Matt and took off when the light turned green. Matt muttered under his breath.

“What did he mean by that?” Holly smiled, feeling like she couldn’t catch her breath. That was some kiss. She was trying to gather her senses.

Matt shrugged. “He’s an idiot. I am hoping that was a yes.”

Holly giggled. “Yes.”

His smile widened. “I’ll pick you up around six-thirty. This time, I’ll get it right.”

She nodded and spotted Tony walking down the street. He stopped by the truck and nodded politely to Holly. “Are we ready?”

Matt nodded to his brother.

“Both of you be careful out there. I mean it.” Holly kissed Matt’s cheek and walked away.

She went back into the coffee shop, picked up the two glasses of tea and took them behind the counter. Her sister and Jenny, the manager, were grinning with amusement.

“I think I need one of those glasses of cold tea, Holly. That was some kiss,” Faith teased her.

Jenny fanned herself with her hand. “Damn, I need a boyfriend.”

Holly blushed and sipped on her tea. “He is not my boyfriend—yet.”

They all laughed and Holly went back to the office to finish her work. She couldn’t get that kiss out of her mind.

* * * *

This is really sweet of you, Matt.” Holly smiled at him. He looked so handsome in his navy-blue long-sleeved shirt and black pants.

He had taken her to a small

Italian restaurant off the main strip, a small red-brick building on a corner. It was cozy and not fancy, and she loved it. “I love the sound of the water coming from that fountain on the wall.”

He agreed. “Tony and I come here when we have a long day. Nothing hits the spot like a warm plate of pasta. I also like the laid-back feeling of the place.”

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