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Here Without You (Red Hook 4)

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“I plead the fifth, dude. I have rights,” Gilbert sneered.

“Problem is, we’re not in a court of law,” Drake informed coldly. Matt gave the man a cold look. He punched him in the stomach. Gilbert doubled over in pain.

“Where is she?” Matt snapped, shaking him. “Next one is in the face. Want to walk around with a crooked nose? It can be arranged.”

Gilbert looked into Matt’s eyes and his smile disappeared. He seemed to realize the three of them were all alone in a wooded area. Suddenly, he looked more cooperative. “We’re staying in Gerald’s house.”

Drake spoke into the mic, letting Tony and Noah know. They were much closer to Gerald’s house.

Drake handcuffed Gilbert. He looked at Matt. “Go find Holly. Noah is headed this way to pick up this asshole.”

Matt jumped on his ATV and headed to Gerald’s house. When he got there, Tony and John were already there. “The house is empty!” Tony yelled out when Matt turned the ATV off.

“Back window is broken. I say she ran that way.” Jack pointed to the west where the trees were the thickest.

Matt felt slightly better that she had escaped, but he was still worried. He nodded and told them Drake had Gilbert.

“I’ll help you search for Holly. It’s getting dark, and she can easily lose her way and circle her way back here. We still have Novak and Howell on the loose,” Tony said. Jack agreed to help and they took off for the woods.

Chapter 17

Holly was tired of running. She had no idea where she was, or in what direction to go. Going in circles and wasting her energy was pointless. She felt like shouting loudly and hoping someone would hear her, but the chance that Novak and his men could find her frightened her.

She found a log to sit on for a few seconds. She needed to catch her breath and think. Her thought wandered to Liam. He had to be okay. She was really worried about him. She knew Noah and Matt were looking for her.

She thought she heard a motor and she stood up quickly. Cars couldn’t be out here driving. She stood behind a tree, afraid to peek around the corner. She took a few steps backward and ran into a hard chest. “Umf.”

She looked behind her and saw one of Novak’s men standing here.

“Well, it must be my lucky day. The boss is looking for you.”

“No, please let me go!” she cried. She was not going willingly back to that house with Novak.

“No can do. I might get a bonus for this.” He gripped her arm tightly and tried to drag her along. She stood her ground and dug her heels in.

“No!” she yelled. “You all are crazy. You can’t walk around kidnapping women. The sheriff is looking for me already.”

He laughed. He waved his gun around. “I think I can. The law here is lax. Why you think Novak likes this place?”

Holly took a deep breath and let out a loud

scream. It even hurt her own ears. Somebody had to be out here. Didn’t people hunt? She had no idea, but she felt herself getting hysterical. She kicked at the man’s shin. She hit him in the knee and he growled with pain.

“You bitch!” he yelled, dropping his gun.

She took off running and he grabbed her hair, stopping her. He backhanded her and she fell to the ground. She tasted blood on her lips. She looked around on the ground and found a sturdy-looking stick, then stood up with it in her hands. He bent down to pick up his gun and she whacked him on the back with the stick as hard as she could. He fell to the ground and she made a run for it. She ran as fast as she could. The sounds of a motorized vehicle got louder and closer, but she didn’t care who it was as long as they helped her.

“Help!” she screamed.

When she saw Matt on a yellow ATV she almost sank to her knees and cried. She waved her hands in the air and yelled his name. Their eyes connected and she knew he saw her. Then his eyes widened with panic and she got scared. The next second, a hand went over her mouth. She closed her eyes and struggled, feeling the cold metal of the gun on her head.

Matt got off his ATV and put his hands up in the air. Why was he all alone? Where was his backup?

“Put the gun down, Howell,” Matt said calmly. “We already have your friends in custody.”

“That gives me more reason to use this little beauty to get out of here,” Howell sneered. “We’ll just take your ATV.”

He pulled Holly with him toward the vehicle. Holly looked at Matt’s eyes. He looked at her with confidence, so she knew he must have a plan. She tried to loosen up and let him rescue her.

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