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Prophesy 2: The Bringer of Wrath (The King & Alpha 2)

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“You sure are.” Alek squeezed Mac’s shoulder, pressing their foreheads together as Alek soaked up the goodness Mac pushed towards him. “You are one of the bravest alphas I’ve ever met. The only one brave enough to face Wrath. Thank you, for coming to get me, Mac.”

“You know I got your back. Always.”

“I know.”

Mac swiped the keys out of Alek’s hand, “I’ll drive. I know a shortcut.”

“Alek!” Farica bolted from her position at the conference table and slammed herself into him. He caught her easily and wrapped his arms around her. “I was so worried.”

He held her until she was ready to release him. “I’m okay.”

“Really? Because that was some display of power this morning.”

“Tell me about it,” Justice said, coming up from behind their sister and yanking Alek to him. There wasn’t a hint of fear or trepidation in the AZ’s voice, regardless of the fact that he’d just had a taste of Wrath and Wolf’s combined power. “I knew you wouldn’t stay away long. All you had to do was get your Wolf under your control.”

Alek embraced his brother. He was so damn sorry for not being able to stop Wolf from knocking him down, but he believed the three of them had a sort of understanding now. “No. I don’t need to control anyone, especially Wolf. I need to trust him more… both of them, actually.” Alek had their connections wide open. No more shutting each other out. Wolf and Wrath were fully aware of what was going on around them, riding extra-close to the surface, watching everything through Alek’s eyes and linking closely to his mind. And for once, it didn’t feel chaotic. Each of them had a certain gift and a specific job to do. Alek felt they were finally on the path to figuring out those roles and syncing them back together. “I’m here for my mate. Where is he?”

“The second reserves are in pursuit.” The Lord Protector, Ramon Vega said, drawing Alek’s attention.

He released Justice and hurried over to a large oak conference table that’d been covered with maps and blueprints. Vampires were everywhere, talking and flashing in and out so fast Alek stopped watching them and focused on the one who could give him answers. “Wick, where is my mate?”

Wick shook his head. His eyes were bloodshot.

“Wick.” Mac stepped up beside Alek. “I already told him Bell was outnumbered and was in trouble.”

“You disobeyed me?” Justice frowned, stating the obvious as a question.

“I had to. But, I’m willing to accept the consequences,” Mac stated with his chin up.

“Let’s just focus on the task at hand for now,” Justice warned. “We’ll discuss this later, Macauley.”

“He was ambushed… and taken,” Wick said, looking dejected. “We lost communication with him.”

Alek closed his eyes and took a long, calming breath, as he began to shake from Wolf’s concern and Wrath’s fury. WHY AREN’T THEY DOING ANYTHING?! HE’S NOT DEAD. MOVE IT!

Alek jolted from Wrath’s anger, then steadied himself. He had to keep control. Remember we have a deal. Now settle. Alek breathed. I’m going to get them moving right fucking now. “How fast can you get me there, Wick?” Alek asked as calmly as Wolf allowed.

Wick didn’t answer, his eyes glazing over as if he was traumatized. Alek could understand, Bell was Wick’s best friend, had grown up with him. Imagining life without him appeared to be doing a number on the king’s mentality, but now wasn’t the time to lose it.

“Chadwick!” Alek growled.

The Lord Protector intervened when Wick still didn’t answer. “I’m coordinating with a coven a few miles from here that has a group of pretty lethal mercenaries.”

“Meaning?” Alek rushed.

“That means I believe I should take them along with me. They know how these kinds of rebellious groups operate and organize because they’re used to hunting them. Belleron—of all vampires—walked directly into an ambush. That’s unheard of. We’re certainly not going to underestimate them again. The only jet we have access to immediately is the king’s private jet. It only carries sixteen. I want to bring a few guards, yes, but we also need to bring some bad guys in order to catch some really bad guys. They’re meeting me at the airstrip at four-thirty. That’ll put us down roughly at dusk. At six we infiltrate. This is a search and rescue mission now, first and foremost. Everything else comes second. If we’re able to detain some of the rebels for questioning that’d be good, but my orders are to kill at will and retrieve our Lord High at all costs.”

“They killed all the other guards, Lord Vega. What makes you think Belleron is still alive?” A vampire with blond hair and a smattering of freckles on his pale face ventured forward, biting his lip and gently asked a very tough question, trying to appear as respectful as possible.

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