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Four Good

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“No,” I say, laughing.

“You live on an island, surrounded by water, and you haven’t done any of those things?” Jonathan slides his hands down my thigh and gives my knee an affectionate shake. “You’re missing out on a lot of fun activities.”

“I enjoy island life quite well without all that daredevil stuff,” I say.

“What do you like to do?”

When I glance at him, he’s smiling down at me, his blue eyes more vivid than I’ve ever seen as they reflect the water and the sky.

“Well, I love walking on the beach, like we did today. No matter how old I get, I’ll never get tired of that. And I swim when the water’s warmer.” Jonathan nods as I think more about my answer. “There’s a nature center on the island that I really enjoy visiting. Its trails run along the Intracoastal Waterway. Sometimes I have lunch there at a picnic table, listening to birds and watching the occasional boat go by.”

He nods again, probably thinking my answers sound incredibly boring and lame compared to the adventures he’s used to having.

The glass of sweet tea I had at lunch prompts me to stand and excuse myself. “I need to go to the restroom. I’ll be back,” I tell Jonathan.

I find the cabin’s side entrance and then try to remember where I saw a bathroom earlier. I think there were a couple of them actually, so I’m bound to run into one if I wander around.

I’m heading down a narrow hall when Jay approaches from the other direction. We both slow our pace, eyeing each other warily. Just as I’m about to pass him, the boat rocks to one side, and I lose my footing.

Jay’s arms wrap around me before I fall, and with another sway of the boat, I’m pressed into his firm chest. My breath catches, but I can feel my heart beating in my throat as he tightens his hold on me.

The scent of his skin instantly pulls memories from deep inside me, stripping decades away. I’ve been in his arms so many times. In fact, he was the first man to ever hold me this way, all those years ago.

There’s a different quality to his embrace now, though. It’s supportive and steady. It feels like he’d never let me fall.

The boat stabilizes, but Jay doesn’t let go. In fact, he seems frozen in place, nothing moving but his pounding heart.

I finally dare to look up at him. His eyes lock on mine, and the moment stretches to infinity.

“Christine, I wanted —”

I cut him off, not sure I want to hear what he’s going to say. “I’m looking for the bathroom,” I say.

He immediately releases me without a word and steps aside, pressing himself against the wall to give me clearance.

Once inside the bathroom, I turn and press my forehead against the closed door. What is happening to me? Am I feeling something for Jay? Is he feeling something for me?

Maybe these kinds of confused feelings are common when exes encounter each other, or maybe it’s the presence of the Hayes brothers that have my emotions swirling around.

After several long, deep breaths, I decide these aren’t questions I need to dwell on. It’s not like he’s back in my life for good. He’s in town on vacation, and his presence has a one-week expiration date.

Besides, it’s my birthday, a day to have fun and celebrate, not ponder deep emotions.

It’s not long before we’re disembarking in Whitman. As Brendan helps me step onto the dock, I say, “Thank you for the outing. It was such a great way to spend the day.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Though I wish I’d hired a captain so I could have spent more time with you.”

“Maybe next time,” I say. I’m joking, though I certainly wouldn’t turn down another invitation to go on a cruise with him.

“Do you have to work tonight? We’d love to take you out to dinner to continue the celebration.” He’s looking down at me with a grin similar to his brother’s, that kind of look that makes me want to say yes to whatever they’re asking.

“I’m not working, but I am going in to Rusty’s. They’re throwing a party for me there.”

“What’s this?” Corbin says, leaning in to join the conversation as we walk along the wooden planks that lead back to shore.

“Rusty’s is throwing a birthday party for Christine,” Brendan says.

“Actually, it’s my friend Caz throwing the party. She used to work at Rusty’s,” I explain.

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