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Four Good

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When it’s time for sleeping, I take turns in each of the men’s beds. We’ve talked about having an oversized bed custom made for all of us, but we’ll see. It’s hard to actually cuddle with more than one or two of them at a time, so I like the current arrangement.

“How did your doctor appointment go this week?” Sheila asks.

“Really well,” I say, passing the basket of muffins to Becca. “My tests were all in a good range. I don’t have to see her again for six months.”

“That’s great to hear,” Sheila says, nodding her approval.

“It’s funny, I was worried about having lupus and living with the men, but I think they’ve actually improved my health. Jonathan got me started doing yoga and meditation on the beach with him, and Jay cooks a lot of healthy food for us. I definitely eat better than I used to.”

“It sounds like you’re living at a spa,” Caz says.

I laugh and hope that the women don’t see me blush, because all I can think about are those four-man massages I receive on a regular basis.

“I’ll bet it’s all the sex,” Becca says bluntly. “That’s why you’re so damn healthy now. All the great sex.”

She’s not wrong.

A couple of hours after my friends leave, Brendan and Jonathan get home. They’ve been away all week, hiking in Yellowstone. As planned, they’ve hired employees who’ve been taking over a lot of their guide duties, but they still travel a couple of times a month, especially when longtime clients request them.

The three Hayes brothers very rarely all travel together now, and when they do, they make sure Jay’s in town with me. When I noticed this, I told them it wasn’t necessary — I don’t need a babysitter — but it is nice having at least one man home to snuggle with every night.

As for Jay, he keeps busy with his business, but he’s been doing a lot of photography in the local area, along with some day trips. Sometimes, I go with him, being sure to bring my hat and sunscreen.

When Jonathan sees me, he scoops me up his arms and kisses me as if he’s been away for a month instead of a week. Still kissing me, he carries me into the living room and sits in a big chair, me in his lap.

“How was your trip?” I ask when he gives my lips a break.

“Good, but I missed you. How have things been here?”

“Really good, and even better now.” As I’m grinning at him, Brendan comes over, leans down, and kisses me.

“How was your week?” he asks.

“It was good, and you both know that since you texted me every day,” I tease.

“That’s not the same as being here with you in person,” Jonathan says, his hands massaging my upper back in a way that makes me melt.

“It’s always nice being reunited with you after a trip, though,” I say, remembering the extra indoor fun we had last time they got back from one of their adventures.

Jay and Corbin arrive home then, smiling broadly when they see me and the other men.

“Oh, good, you’re still here, Christine.” Jay glances at his watch. “Don’t you need to get ready for work, though?”

Jonathan loosens his hold on me, preparing to let me get up.

“I’m not going in to work tonight.”

Brendan sounds worried. “Why not? Are you feeling okay?”

“I’m feeling fine,” I say, sliding off of Jonathan’s lap. “I wanted to stay home for a special cleaning project tonight.”

“Cleaning project?” Corbin says, looking confused, just like the rest of them. We haven’t been in this house very long, and a cleaning service comes once a week, so I can understand why they’re puzzled.

“Yes. Come with me, I’ll show you. Oh, and bring a trash bag.”

After a quick detour into the kitchen where Jonathan grabs a bag, I lead the men into the bedroom. “You all know I went to the rheumatologist this week,” I say.

“Yes,” Jay says, drawing the word out in a concerned tone.

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