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Tears of salvation (Underworld Kings)

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Chapter  21


Wondering what’s keeping Isabella, I take the stairs two at a time and walk down the hallway. Just then, she comes out of the room.

Isabella’s eyes land on me, and taking a deep breath, she begins to walk toward me.

“You okay?” I ask.


I hold my hand out to her, and when she reaches me, her fingers interlink with mine.

Something’s different, and it has me staring at Isabella. “Sure?”

A smile spreads over her face. “Just anxious.”

I tug her closer to me, and leaning down, I press a tender kiss to her mouth. When I lift my head, I say, “Don’t be anxious. I’m here, and I won’t leave your side.”

Isabella stares deep into my eyes as if she’s searching for something, and it has me saying, “I love you.”

Instead of saying the words back to me, which honestly, I’m hoping I’ll get to hear soon, Isabella murmurs, “Lucky me.”

I tighten my hold on her hand. “I’m the lucky one.”

We walk back to the stairs, and I keep my pace slow for Isabella to keep up.

My eyes roam over the hot as fuck dress she’s wearing. “You look stunning.”

A flattered smile graces her lips. “Thank you.”

When I lead Isabella through the glass doors and out onto the veranda, pride fills my chest as all eyes turn to us.

Carson is the first to approach us. His alert gaze moves from me to Isabella, then he says, “Welcome to the family, Isabella.”

She smiles at my brother. “Thank you. Who would’ve thought, right?”

“Right,” Carson chuckles, then he turns to Hailey, who takes a step closer to Isabella.

Leaning in to give Isabella a quick hug, Hailey says, “Congrats. I’m sure the two of you will share many years of happiness.”

It’s only then I remember Isabella doesn’t know who Hailey is. Leaning into her, I murmur, “Hailey’s Carson’s girlfriend.”

Isabella nods, and as Lucian and Elena come toward us, I say, “Lucian and Elena, his wife.”

Slowly we keep moving through the guests, taking time to welcome everyone personally. Finally, we reach Damien and Winter.

I watch as Isabella’s smile widens when she says, “It’s good to see you again, Winter.”

“Likewise,” Winter replies.

“I’ve always wanted to tell you,” Isabella continues, “what a huge impact you had on my life.”

“Oh?” Winter lifts a questioning eyebrow at Isabella.

“Watching you eliminate our enemies was inspiring. You gave me the courage to stand my ground.”

A genuine smile spreads over Winter’s face. “Wow… ah… I don’t know what to say.”

Isabella shakes her head. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know.”

“How’s the blood diamond business?” Isabella asks.

I press a kiss to Isabella’s neck and then leave her with Winter so I can talk to Lucian about the shipment of weapons I’ve ordered.

When he sees me coming, a smile spreads over his face. “No business talk. It’s your engagement, Alexei.”

I let out a chuckle. “Did you get the RPGs?”

He shakes his head at me. “Do you ever take a break?”

“I’ll rest when I’m dead,” I joke.

His expression turns serious. “I’ve managed to get half of the order filled. The rest should reach me in two weeks.”

“Good,” I murmur, pleased to hear that.

Lucian’s eyes sharpen on me. “Do you really want to do this?”

Nodding, I say, “There’s no backing down.”

I’ve saved Lucian’s life more than once, so I’m not surprised when I see the loyalty on his face. “Then we go to war.”

Elena joins us, and I drop the business talk. “Motherhood agrees with you, little one.”

A happy smile settles around her mouth. “Luca keeps me busy.”

“If he’s anything like his father, I’m sure you have your hands full,” I joke.

“Of course, he’s the spitting image of me,” Lucian grumbles.

I let out a chuckle, and patting my friend’s shoulder, I say, “Excuse me, I need to get back to my fiancée.”

When I’m close to Isabella and Winter, I hear them talking about Winter’s wedding.

Christ, that was the quickest I’ve arranged and planned a wedding. I had Damien and Winter engaged and married in a matter of forty-eight hours.

Just then, Winter spots me and jokes, “Back then, Alexei still put the fear of God in me.”

I wrap my arm around Isabella’s waist. “Intimidation gets things done.”

“Try that shit with me now,” Winter says playfully.

Chuckling, I shake my head. “Too busy taking over the world, little one.”

The relaxed atmosphere disappears as Winter frowns at me. “We’re really doing this?”

Meeting her eyes, I nod. “We are.”

She lifts her chin. “Okay.”

I glance over the guests, the people who’ve each, in their own way, helped me to rise to the top. The ones I call family and friends.

This is what loyalty looks like.

Today they’re celebrating my happiness, and soon they’ll go to war for me.

When I turn my attention back to Isabella, she’s staring up at me, her eyes sharp as if she’s trying to figure something out.

“What’s that look for?” I ask.

“Just wondering what you’re thinking,” she replies, and as a waiter passes us, she reaches for a flute of champagne, taking a sip of the bubbly drink.

She gives me a questioning look, and it has me answering, “I’m thinking about my family and friends and how far I’ve come because of them.”

“From what Winter told me, I’m sure a couple of them hated you in the beginning.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Hate’s a strong word. Winter, Elena, and Ariana needed some time to get used to me.”

“Why?” Isabella asks.

I shrug. “I’m overprotective of those I love.”

“In other words, you gave them hell?”

Shaking my head, I say, “No, I just warned them to not betray my friends.”

“No warning for me?” Isabella asks, her voice becoming sensual.

My eyes drift over her beautiful face. “No need to. You know what will happen.”

“You’ll kill me?” she asks, lifting her chin.

Would I?

If Isabella betrayed me, would I be able to take her life?

It would fucking rip my heart out. “Yes.”

Slowly, she nods. “Same goes for you, Alexei.”

This conversation has quickly turned way too fucking serious.

Lifting both my hands, I frame her face and look deep into her eyes. “I’ll never betray a loved one, especially the woman who holds my heart.” Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I pull her against my chest.

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