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The Mad Lieutenant (The Lost Planet 3)

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“You say you were on the shuttle because you killed your ex-husband?” Emery prompts. Was it a trick of the static from the comms unit, or did she sound a little breathless?

I nod, even though she can’t see me. “Yes. I was sentenced to life on Exilium for my crime.” The next part is so hard to say, I nearly choke. “My daughter was taken to live with another family, and I was being transported on the shuttle to carry out my sentence.”

“Kevins,” Breccan growls inexplicably. “Your alien males are all Kevins.”

I don’t understand what he means by that, but Draven seems to because he nods in agreement, his cheek brushing against my arm again. Aria whispers to Breccan, and he settles.

“The same is true for my Emery,” Calix says over the comms unit. “She was also sentenced to life imprisonment.”

Breccan’s eyebrows lift in surprise, and Draven stiffens at this information which appears to be new to them.

“I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked at this development,” Breccan says, turning to his mate, pride evident on his fearsome face. “I have no doubt you must have been en route to Exilium as well, Aria. My mate is a fighter.”

Aria shakes her head in disbelief. “No, I couldn’t have been…could I?” She turns to me with a quizzical look.

The change of topic helps revitalize me, and I breathe deeply for the first time since Draven led me back inside. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, but you were on the shuttle as well.” A blush stains my cheeks. “I only know this because I recognized you, you know from the movies. You’re a pretty famous actress back home.”

“Do you remember what I was there for?” Aria asks. “Surely it was a mistake.”

“Well,” I murmur, “it was all over the news…”

If she doesn’t remember, then I don’t know if I want to be the one to tell her.

“Go on,” Breccan urges.

“You, uh…” I start, skimming my gaze to Draven who nods for me to continue. “You set your talent manager’s home on fire.” I flash her a sympathetic look. “With him in it.”

“Kevin?” she chokes out, her eyes going wide.

Breccan and Draven both growl.

“Yeah, him,” I say softly. “Everyone said it was because you were high, but by the way you were screaming obscenities on live television at the burning home and how you hoped he rots in hell, it had me drawing my own conclusions.”

I know all about horrible men. And her crime, like mine, was one of passionate fury.

“I killed Kevin,” she whispers, her voice trembling. “Holy shit. I killed Kevin.”

Breccan grins proudly at her. “Rekking right you did!”

Draven grunts his approval and nods at her.

Breccan starts to say something else, but she slaps a hand over his mouth before he can speak and balances the baby on one arm. “Don’t you say a word,” she warns before speaking to Emery on the comms. “You didn’t know this?”

“Bits and pieces have come back to me since the surgery. I knew about the penitentiary at Exilium, but I didn’t know where or who you were back where we’re from,” she answers, then adds, “To be honest, I was afraid to admit what little I knew until I confessed everything to Calix.”

“Do you know where the reformation camp was located?” Sayer asks with his pen poised above a notebook. “Exilium you say? Never heard of it.”

I shake my head. “Everything’s a little blurry. It happened so fast.” I begin to hum again and turn away from them. Too much. It’s too much.

Draven, who’d been quiet as we spoke, takes over. “We’ll speak to Theron about accessing the flight plans and data from their shuttle. Perhaps if we can identify a destination, we’ll learn more.”

The baby begins to cry, and I shoot to my feet. Draven stands and murmurs something in my ear I don’t understand, but his voice is soothing, already familiar. Avrell is called for, and he rushes in to join the meeting, his worried gaze only for Aria and her child. I’ve said all I’ve come to say, so I fall silent.

“We must go, Breccan,” Calix says. “Be well.”

Sayer slips out as Avrell begins to examine the squalling infant. I swear I see fangs, but I could be mistaken. It’s been a long day.

“Is he eating well?” Avrell asks as he takes measurements and readings.

Aria smiles sweetly, exhausted. I want to tell her I remember the feeling, but the words won’t come. “Almost around the clock,” she says. “Avrell, be straight with me. It’s only been a short while, but I can tell something is wrong. He doesn’t seem settled. He eats a lot, and I know I could be the fretful first-time mom, but I’ve got a gut instinct that’s telling me he isn’t getting enough.”

Avrell sighs, rubbing his eyes. “We’ve learned that mortyoung grow at an accelerated rate compared to humans. He was born earlier than typical human young, yet much larger despite the reduced gestation. But, uncharacteristic to normal mortyoung, he rapidly shed his birthweight at an exceedingly alarming rate. I thought maybe it would take time for his vitals to even out, but they’re not showing as much improvement as I’d like. And though it is normal for mortyoung to lose a certain percentage of weight after birth, little Sokko is losing too much, too fast. So, I’m sorry Aria, Commander, but yes, I think you’re right. He isn’t getting enough nutrients from your milk alone.”

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