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Sweet (Landry Family 6)

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“I don’t think we did too bad,” he says. “Not too bad at all.”

“Yeah. Well, okay, I was just calling to say hello.”

“You okay, Nate? You’re good, right?”

I grin. “I’m the best I’ve ever been. I’ll talk to you later.”


Just as I hang up, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I don’t have to look to see that it’s Paige.

“Hey,” she says softly. “I wondered where you went.”

“Just needed a bit of air.”

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and nestles her face against my neck.

“Do you know what’s funny?” I ask.

She hums against my skin.

“I always thought I needed to find someone to share my life with. But it was the opposite.”

“What do you mean?”

I twist my head and kiss the side of her cheek.

“I needed to find someone that I couldn’t live without.”

She grins.

We stand together for a long while, watching the sun set over the horizon. Finally, as the golden hour ends and the sun drifts away, Paige releases me.

“If we don’t get in there, Hollis might disown me,” she says. “My mom won’t leave him alone.”

I take her hand and follow her inside.

“She keeps peppering him with questions and showing him pictures on her phone,” she says, sighing. “He doesn’t know who these people are. Why would he care?”

I tug her hand and stop her before we get through the mudroom. She gives me an inquisitive look.

“He cares because he cares about you,” I tell her. “That’s why I listened to her tell me her recipe for meatloaf step by excruciating step.”

Paige giggles. “And, for that, I will always love you.”

“Last night you said it was for the way I eat your pussy.”

Her cheeks flush the prettiest shade of pink. “Well, that too. Now come on. Let’s go see our family.”

Our family.

I could get used to that.

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