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The Rogue Captain (The Lost Planet 6)

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I want him inside me more than I want anything else, but there will be time for that later. We have at least another day to spend together before we arrive at the Facility. It’s hard to believe I was dreading this trip, but now I’m sad for it to end. When we return to Exilium, we’ll have Avrell with us and I can’t see us continuing our fling with another mort across the hall. I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and lose myself in giving him pleasure.

He comes awake with a gasp, his hands automatically going to my hair where they tangle in my unbrushed loose curls. “Rekk, Willow.”

I grip the base of his cock and pump my hand slowly as I look up at him from under my lashes. “Do you want me to stop?” I ask.

His eyes burn down at me and his chest heaves. “No,” he says harshly. His hands guide my head back down and I wrap my lips around him. “Don’t stop.”

His thighs begin to twitch on either side of me as I move between his legs for a better position. I like it. I like the way I feel powerful with him at my mercy. I wonder if this is how he felt when he had me trapped, frozen beneath him. No wonder it made him come so quickly. It’s addictive.

Not that it was okay to do that without my consent, but maybe the alien-human get down isn’t so black and white.

But this? Right now?

There’s nothing unclear about this. The sounds he’s making need no figuring out. They arrow straight to the center of my bones, to the fibers of my being and light them up like an explosion. His hands guide my movements, though I’m not sure he realizes what he’s doing, slowly at first, then quickening as his groans deepen.

He may think he’s the master of the universe, but I’m quickly becoming the master of him.

His movements grow rough and less coordinated, punctuated by harsh exhalations. He’s close. Theron moves to pull away from me, but I dig my fingers into his thighs and make a sound much like a growl. He’s mine.

“Rekk,” he moans as I swallow, licking the remains of his orgasm off the tip of his cock. It leaves my tongue and throat a little numb, and then I slump over him, my body completely paralyzed just as it did when he came inside me. He runs his fingers through my hair, tugging gently until our eyes lock, and rubs at my tender lips.

We stare at one another heatedly until I regain my ability to move, much quicker than last time.

“You are the brightest star,” he murmurs, eyes still searing into me.

I roll my eyes a little. “I’m pretty sure you’d say that to anyone who woke you up like that.”

Theron pulls me up to his side and I let him, having grown used to feeling his body next time mine, even after such a short time. I refuse to read into it and remind myself to simply enjoy it, and him.

“I can assure you, having lived with nine other morts for most of my life, you’re the only one I’d ever want to wake me up.”

Theron may be a lot of things, but he isn’t dishonest. Especially not when it comes to his favorite topic—himself. Though I may want his body, it’s his words that make me want to pull at the safe word. Instead, I burrow close and feign a yawn.

His fingers caress my hip and he presses a kiss to my brow. “Rest, shooting star, we’ll be at the Facility by the next solar. I’ll wake you if I hear anything.” He pauses, then adds, “Maybe I’ll wake you with my mouth, if it would please you.”

“It would.” The mere thought makes my muscles grow lax with warmth. I’m almost reluctant to reach the Facility, because I know when we do, this several night stand will be over.

I won’t lie and say I don’t watch his ass as he walks away. Theron does have a reason to be cocky, after all. His body is unquestionably the best I’ve ever seen.

Naturally he catches me ogling him and gives me a wicked grin before dressing and leaving me to my thoughts.

They hound me until I fall into a fitful nap and dream only of him.

When I wake, it isn’t to Theron’s mouth and his expression isn’t jovial, it’s exhausted and there’s worry pulling at his eyes. I lurch to a sitting position.

“What is it?” I ask, my heart pounding, my breaths coming out in pants. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing I couldn’t handle. I’m sorry I couldn’t wake you before. The ship we saw on the radar returned and I spent most of the night evading it.”

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