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Stalk Her Hard (Filthy Dirty Desires)

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Sara orders a salad. I want to order her a real meal. Just from listening in at work, I've heard her talk about needing to lose weight, which is not true. Her body is perfect just the way she is. I don’t want her to change a thing.

She sips on her water as her coworkers all talk around her. I notice Thomas making eyes at her, and it's obvious that he's interested. It makes me want to fire him to get him as far away from her as possible. Obviously, all the extra work yesterday didn’t get my point across. I’ll have to fix that.

I haven't staked my claim yet, but as soon as I do, he'll know then that she's off limits. As I sit here and listen to Thomas flirt with her, I'm thinking of all the crap jobs I'm going to give him when he gets back to the office. He's going to be too busy to worry about flirting after today.

I've built this company from the ground up. I've always been completely focused on my business and making it what it is today. And I've never let anything get me sidetracked, except now. Sara has me turned upside down, and it seems like everything is off kilter. But as soon as I make her mine, that's going to fix it all. Nothing else matters. Nothing at all.

Chapter 5


"What do you say, Sara? You want to go out for dinner one night?" I stare back at Thomas, knowing he expects an answer. The truth is I'm not even the least bit interested in him. Maybe before I met Mr. Tate, Thomas would've been the kind of guy I would want to go out with, but not now.

I look around at the faces of my coworkers. I can see the surprised look on Christy’s face like she can't believe he just asked me out in front of everyone. Truth is I can't believe it either. It's not like I've ever encouraged him or led him to believe I'm interested, but I know I need to let him down easy.

I give him an apologetic look. "I'm pretty sure that there are rules against dating coworkers." Thomas shrugs his shoulders like it's not a big deal. As if Mr. Tate would just overlook it. But he doesn’t know Mr. Tate like I do. I know Mr. Tate is not going to go for it.

Luckily, I'm saved from any further explanation when Christy says, "I'd quit my job if Mr. Tate wanted to date me." Christy, it seems, has always had a crush on Mr. Tate. From what I hear in the office gossip, he's never dated anyone that has worked here, so this jealousy that I feel is unfounded. I can't really blame Christy for being attracted to him.

The conversation continues, but luckily it moves on to other things, and Thomas drops the subject of us going out with each other. Everyone eats, and before it's time to be back, I hear a ding from my phone in my purse. I don't even have to look at it to know it's him. I haven't seen him, but I know he's here. I can feel his gaze on me even right now. As everyone is turning their credit cards in to pay for their meals, I pull my phone out and nonchalantly look at the text. "Tell them to go on without you. You'll be along in a minute."

My heart starts to race in my chest. Is this it? Is this the moment that I've been waiting for? Is he finally going to touch me? I clench my thighs together in anticipation, and when the server brings back our check cards and we all sign our bills, we get up, knowing that we have to get back to work soon. We're on our way toward the door, with me lagging behind, when I tell them, "Hey, I see someone over there I know. I'll be along in a minute."

Thomas stops while the rest of them go ahead. "I can wait for you."

I shake my head. "No, there's no reason for you to be late getting back too. Please go ahead. I'll be there soon."

He looks as if he's going to argue with me, but finally he turns and walks out the door. I look around the restaurant, waiting for Mr. Tate to appear.

My phone dings, and I read it. "Go to the ladies room."

I turn quickly and walk toward the back of the restaurant. I open the door and look at the stalls, waiting on him to step out. After opening the door to each one, I find they’re empty. I'm the only one here.

I stare at my phone and wait for the next instructions. But I'm surprised by what it says next: "Thomas likes you." I don't even try to deny it. Mr. Tate watches me, and I'm sure he has seen the way Thomas flirts with me.

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