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Wicked Lies Boys Tell

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“With football no longer being in the way and Ivy no longer around,” I lie, “Cope and I picked right back up where we left off. He’s my best friend.” I shrug as if it makes total sense. “We got the gang back together and even saw a movie with Leah Collins last night.” I cock my head to look at Cope. “She was there with me and yet you two couldn’t keep your tongues out of each other’s mouths.”

All lies.

These lies fall easy out of my mouth.

These lies are ones to protect Cope.

Understanding my game, Cope joins in. “She got hot. You’re just pissed she didn’t want you.”

“She wanted me, but Heidi wanted me more.”

Bryan chuckles. “Now, boys. Let me tell you some advice. Girls aren’t worth years of friendship. You already lost two over Ivy, Cope. And while Leah’s a good girl who comes from a good family, you’re both still young. You’ll find women later in life when the time comes. For now, enjoy the rest of high school. Play the field, but don’t get tied down with girlfriends.”

I sip my coffee as Bryan lightens up and chatters on about some new investments he’s working on. He drops hints several times that they could use interns and that I should intern during the summer before college starts. Cope makes two bowls of cereal and it all feels so familiar.

I’ll have to deal with my dad eventually, but for now, I’ll spend time playing referee with Bryan and Cope. Whatever assumptions Bryan had about Cope and me sharing a bed this morning—no doubt tangled together like Cope was complaining about—have been squashed.

As we eat, I catch Cope’s stare on me. His eyes shine with gratitude. I give him a simple nod and pretend to be hella interested in the best annuities on the market according to Bryan.


I’m a liar.

A big fucking liar.

I want to be furious with Penn, but after he saved my ass yesterday morning, I can’t find it in me to pin my anger on him. No, the fury is all directed at myself.

I am disgusting.

My body, in its confused state when I’d awoken, had reacted to Penn’s nearness. I lied straight to Penn’s face. I told him it was him who was all over me. Truth is, I woke up with my dick hard and pressed against his ass. My hand was on his stomach and my nose buried in his hair. The memory is fresh in my mind and my gut churns.

Pleasure skitters up my spine as my cock rubs against her. Not her. Him. Awareness trickles through me. It’s a dream. For a second, I convince myself it’s a dream as my body reacts to his. His abs are hard under my palm and my thumb lazily rubs back and forth through his happy trail. My cock is aching. I can’t help but roll my hips, seeking relief against him. Fuck, he smells good. Familiar and clean. It’s just a dream. Shame creeps around me like a fog, but I attempt to push it away. Not real. It’s not real, so I can fantasize for one fucking second. That’s all I want. One second of a fantasy. Just a taste. In my dream, I edge my fingers beneath the hem of his boxers, my longest finger sliding against his dick. My own dick jolts against him, making me groan. Just a dream. I’m breathing heavier and the craving to take this fantasy further is a maddening lure.

“Cope, have you seen—”

I shake away the memory from yesterday morning and the way my dad had walked in on me. It wasn’t a dream. Or rather, it was a dream that had taken a realistic turn. I’d jumped away from him at my dad’s words, but didn’t miss the disgusted look on his face. I was worried as hell what Dad would do over it, but then Penn made it all better. He saved my ass by chatting it up with my dad in a way I’ve never been able to do.

Familiar laughter jolts me from my thoughts and I lift my head to see Ivy walking toward me. Today she looks sexy as ever in all black. Smiling. Happy. And with Jett Michaels with his arm slung over her shoulders. Predictable. I wait for a pang of regret or a spike of jealousy. Nothing. I feel nothing. I’ve been numb for so long…

They walk into the classroom together and I avoid them by stopping off at my locker. As I’m passing time, switching out books, my skin feels as though it’s suddenly on fire.

Heat burns up my neck and sends awareness skating along my exposed flesh.

Not so fucking numb now.

I glance down the hallway. Penn strides through the corridor with only the swagger he possesses. Confidence drips from him and he wears a smug smile. Everyone just goes the fuck along with it. No one else sees the torment in his brown eyes like I do. No one reads him like I can.

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