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Wicked Lies Boys Tell

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“My dad has a game he wants me to play, too.” I dip down and trail kisses to her ear. My eyes finally lock onto Penn’s. “He wants me to save Penn from a loveless marriage by getting in the middle of this sweet, green budding romance.”

“Why does your dad care about Penn?” Leah asks, tilting her head to the side, allowing me to press soft kisses near her ear.

But Penn knows.

The furious glint in his eyes tells me he’s not happy about it either.

Because, Leah, my dad likes my best friend more than he ever liked me.

“So it’s all pretend?” she asks, her voice breathless when I nip at her earlobe.

“Yes,” Penn barks out harshly. “All pretend.”

His lying eyes tell me he hopes it’s all pretend. All but whatever chaos that’s been happening between him and me. That, he hopes is real.

I don’t even know what I hope for anymore…

Watching them together is comical. Penn scowls way too much to be in love. Leah rolls her eyes so much I’m afraid they’re going to fall right into her soup. Their parents are completely uncaring, though, at the lack of connection between them. Gil and Jason are here for business and their children are a transaction. Their wives are fucking ornaments.

And me?

I’m the threat.

Jason didn’t push me away when I waltzed into the dining room with Penn and Leah. He probably hopes he can rub it in my dad’s face that he’s somehow smarter and more cunning. Like my dad would ever let Jason McAlister pull one over on him. Regardless, I think he allows me here, knowing I’ll report back to my dad.

“Let’s see the ring again,” Leah’s mother, Linda, says.

Leah forces a smile on her face and holds out her dainty hand. Before Linda can admire it, I stand and reach across the table to take her hand. I pull until her boobs are damn near in her soup.

“Wow,” I praise loudly. “Beautiful gem you have here.” I look up at Leah and smile at her. “Prettiest one I’ve ever seen.”

Her cheeks blush dark red at my words. Penn shakes his head. I can’t help but sneak a peek at Jason. Jason’s stare slides down my neck to my hickeys and he clenches his fist.

Yeah, asshole. I’m going to steal your son’s fiancée.

At least that’s the look I shoot his way. If he only knew I wanted to steal his son instead…

I freeze at my train of thought. Leah plucks her hand from my grip and leans into Penn, who possessively—for his father’s benefit—wraps an arm around her. Plunking down in my chair, I rewind back my thoughts.

I don’t want to steal his son.

I just want him to be fucking happy.


I’m frowning hard when I feel Penn’s curious eyes on me. I wish I had the power to ignore him, but I can’t. Our gazes meet. Heat prickles up my spine.

We’ve crossed too many lines.

Jumping back into friendship with him was easy. The love I had for Penn McAlister dates back to when we were toddlers. It’s natural. But all this other stuff that’s transpired since we started talking again is new territory. I’ve somehow convinced myself I’m doing it all for him, but deep down I know.

I’m doing some of it for me.

How much is the question?

Maybe I should call Ivy. Fuck out my frustrations. That would only complicate shit, though. Ivy, no matter how much of a bitch she is, doesn’t deserve to be used.

I scrub my palm down my face before excusing myself. The dining room is too hot. I can hear rain pattering against the window. If Penn and Leah didn’t need me here for moral support, I’d push out the back door and take a run through the cold-ass rain.

Stalking through the McAlister home, I find a powder room and push inside. Before I can close the door behind me, someone else makes their way in too. The bathroom is small—too small—for Penn and me. He stands close, locking the door behind him.

“You okay?” he asks, his voice a husky rumble.

Panic makes my chest ache. I back against a cabinet. There’s nowhere to go. Penn eyes me like I’m an animal caught in a trap. I’m reminded of how he pinned me down on the bed and fucked my hand. Of how he demanded I pull my cock out so he could jack me off too.


He’s fucking me all up.

“G-Get away,” I snarl, my hands fisting.

His brown eyes soften. “What’s going on?”

I try to look away because it’s hard to be angry when he stares at me with such concern. He grips my jaw, holding me in place. His brown eyes drop to my lips, sending my heart bouncing around inside my chest.

“Penn,” I hiss. “Just stop. This shit has gone too far.”

He winces at my words. “I’m not going to kiss you.”

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