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Like Dragonflies

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“What’ll you be having?” I ask, my voice husky and raw.

“Chicken and fries combo.” He sets his menu down. “You stayin’ out of trouble?”

“Yes, sir,” I say quickly.

“Haven’t seen you crackin’ any books open.”

“They let me study here and at The Grind House when we’re slow. I’m caught up on all my assignments.”

He blinks at me, unimpressed. “I want to see those grades at the end of the term. If you think I’ll pay for another semester of shitty grades, you have another thing comin,’ Son.”

I swallow down angry words I’d love to spew back at him. “My grades are good, Dad.”

His gaze drifts over to Collette and Bradley before snapping back to mine. “Talked to Ricky Beauchamp today. He came by the mill. They’re investigating some homes getting broken into nearby.” He sneers. “That you, boy?”

Insulted, I let out a huff. “No, sir. I work and I go to school. Not much time for anything else.”

“If Beauchamp nabs you again, I don’t think you’ll do two months in county jail. You’re probably looking at a stint in the state pen.”

Running my fingers through my messy hair, I stare at him in disbelief. “I told you, Dad, I’m not getting into trouble. How many more ways do I have to tell you that?”

His jaw clenches and his green eyes flare with fury. A muscle ticks in the side of my neck. I can’t help but cower under his hateful glare.

“I’m just saying I’m staying out of trouble,” I amend, my tone placating.

“See to it that it remains that way,” he growls, pushing his menu back across the table at me.

Slipping from the booth, I rush over to the window and write up a ticket for his order. Collette sidles up next to me and leans her head on my shoulder.

“Jimmy’s is full of assholes today, huh?” she mutters.

“What else is new around here?” I grumble.

She laughs. “Ain’t that the truth. Ain’t that the damn truth.”

I check my hair in the mirror for the twentieth time on the way to Sage’s. She texted a while ago and after a long, stressful shift at Jimmy’s, I was ready to escape Duncan to come see my girl.

My girl.

She so fucking is.

A smile tugs at my lips. Dad tried to ruin my day and I’d almost let him. I’d gone home and showered, stewing over how he’d treated me. But then Sage asked to see me. It was like she reached above me and tugged on a string, making a light glow above me. All the darkness shrank away in that simple moment.

She’s light in my dark world.

I’m becoming addicted to it. To her.

I pull up to her giant house and before I can fully park the car, she’s bursting from her house. Her black Nine Inch Nails hoodie swallows her. She’s wearing dark skinny jeans tucked into some black furry boots, and her raven-colored hair is messily pulled up into a bun.

She’s so damn cute.

I lean across the seat and unlatch the door before pushing it open. She hops inside and closes the door. Then, she scoots over to the middle, where she belongs, and buckles herself in.

“Hey, beautiful,” I say, my eyes already fixated on the obvious purple marks on her neck.

“Hey, handsome.” She grins happily at me, kick starting my heart. “Let’s get the hell out of here before my mom comes home and gives me the third degree.”

My rust bucket—er, The Beast—rumbles as I haul ass out of her neighborhood. Once we’re on the main road, I nudge her with my shoulder.

“I missed you. Today was a shit day at work, but now it’s better because you’re here,” I tell her, shooting her a smile.

She squeezes my thigh through my jeans. “My day was crappy too. I’m happy now, though. Where are we off to?”

“I thought we could go see a movie. That new Chris Pine movie is out.”

She nods and leans her head on my shoulder. “Sounds perfect.”

We park at Ashton Hills’ fancy movie theater. I like this one much better than the little cinema in Duncan. For one, this one doesn’t smell like piss and mothballs. I take her hand in mine as we make our way to the ticket booth.

“Let me pay this time,” she offers.

I wave her off with a laugh. “No.”

“It’s 2019, Mars. Girls can pay.”

Tossing a twenty into the slot, I then give her a smirk. “Not my girl. My girl doesn’t have to pay for anything. I take care of my girl.”

The ticket clerk girl giggles. “Awwww.”

Sage lifts her chin, pride shining in her eyes. “You’re sweet.”

“All the good ones are taken,” the ticket clerk says with a sigh, as she hands us our tickets.

We head inside and Sage clings to my arm. I can’t help but stop to kiss the top of her head. Then, we set to ordering snacks that wipe out all my tip money for the day. She’s worth it though. I’d spend all my money on dates with Sage if it meant I could spend all my time with her too.

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