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Like Dragonflies

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“Text me after you talk to her,” Mars says. I tell him I will then we share another kiss before I put the top on my cup and leave.

Mom is waiting for me at the door when I walk in the house. Her presence is everywhere. It suffocates me until I scoot past her and into the kitchen. Knowing that beneath the lid on my coffee cup is a cute dragonfly puts my anxiety at ease a little.

“How was your day?” Mom moves around the kitchen busying herself with things that don’t matter, like switching the towels on the stove.

“Fine,” I mutter against my cup of coffee.

“Talking to you is like pulling teeth. Can you just tell me about your boyfriend, Sage? This is the first time I ever remember you having a real boyfriend. I’ve tried time and time again to set you up with a nice boy from Ashton Hills, but you never follow through.”

My eyes narrow as I watch her move around. “How do you know he’s not from Ashton Hills?” I ask. I take a sip of my drink and it’s perfect. The sweet chocolate coats my tongue and I smile.

“With a truck like that and a job at The Grind House, he’s definitely not from around here. He has to be from Duncan.” She shudders as the name rolls off her tongue like it’s infected.

“What’s so wrong with that? Aren’t you from Duncan?” I quiz, lifting an eyebrow. Mom never talks much about her childhood, but I remember enough to know that once upon a time she was just a simple girl living in a small, quiet town.

“The people in Duncan are bad news, Sage. Trust me. Been there, done that. I’ll let you find that out on your own.” Her nose is in the air again and it annoys the shit out of me. She’s judging my relationship with Mars before she even knows who he is.

“Well, Mars isn’t bad news. He’s not like whatever you think the people in Duncan are like. He’s amazing.” I’m not sure, but I think Mom has stopped breathing. My brows knit as I stare at her like she’s insane. I’m convinced she is though.

“W-what did you say his name was?” She blinks rapidly, like she’s trying to bring things into focus. It’s making the fine hairs on my arms stand.

“Mars.” I wait for the onslaught of judgment and Mom doesn’t disappoint. Once she’s done looking like she’s been hit with a ton of bricks, she begins shaking her head vehemently.

“Absolutely not, Sage.” Her words are stiff and tight leaving no wiggle room for me.

“What? Why not?” I balk.

“You will not be in a relationship with some boy named Mars from Duncan. He’s a barista. He has no future. You’re better than that.” Her words rip a hole in my chest.

“You don’t know him,” I say, shaking my head. I take another sip of my latte as if it could transport Mars here. I need him beside me. Without him, the stone wall seems so huge.

“I don’t need to know him. I know enough. He’s a nobody from Duncan, and he’s not good enough for my daughter.”

“Mom,” I squeak out the word, hoping she’ll remember what it used to mean. As annoying as she is, she’s never been like this. Hearing her talk that way sucks the air from my lungs. I’m at a loss for words.

“No, Sage. No. I forbid you to see that boy again. Do you understand me?” She walks over to me until we’re eye to eye. There’s no way in hell she can miss the emotions swimming in my eyes.

No, I don’t understand you. I’ll never fucking understand you.

Like always, the words get caught in my throat and never make into the air. My lips tremble with the need to tell her what a horrible person she’s being.

Mom opens her hand and looks at her palm as if something is supposed to magically appear there. “Your phone,” she said with ice in her voice.


“I don’t trust you. This boy has your head screwed up. I’ll have your phone until further notice. Oh, and don’t try to get your father to butter me up. He’ll be on my side too.” She pauses and looks at me. Anger storms through my veins as I slap my phone in her open hand. Mars will lose it if he doesn’t hear from me. I’ll find a way to reach out to him though.

I see something in Mom’s eyes I can’t place, but honestly, I don’t want to look at her long enough to try. I can’t stand the sight of her.

I bolt to my room. Tears are burning my eyes. I slam the door and lock it behind me then I fall to the bed, an angry sob caught in my throat.

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