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Like Dragonflies

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“We don’t know…” I trail off trying to keep the hurt out of my voice. “Because of who your biological father is. You know, there could be…problems.” Fuck the universe.

Her dark brows knit together. “There could be. Or there won’t be. I want a life with you, and I won’t worry about everything that could go wrong. I’m only looking at all that will go right.”

“If people find out, it could be bad,” I mutter.

“Find out what?” she asks with a smirk.

“That we share the same dad.”

A wicked grin turns her lips up. “According to my birth certificate, Charles Emerson is my father.”

“Marry me,” I blurt out.

“I will,” she says, her green eyes twinkling with love. “On one condition.”

I frown. “Anything. I will do anything for you, Sage.”

“We leave all the self-doubt behind us and refuse to let the clouds of our past sneak into our sunny skies. Your dad. My mom. They don’t get to impede on our happiness.” She fingers a strand of my hair. “You’re not allowed to think you’re not good enough for me. Not ever. I know you, Mars McKinney. If things go wrong, you blame yourself. I won’t have it. I won’t stand for it. If we do this, we start fresh. A blank canvas. We paint our own story. Messy and beautiful, but ours.”

I turn my head to kiss her palm that’s stained with paint. “Together,” I murmur, agreeing with her. “I can do that.”

“Tomorrow, we’ll find a place on the map. We’ll up and leave the past. Together we’ll make a new future. Someplace bright and busy and ours. We will find things that make us happy. I’ll transfer my college courses and start anew. It’s going to be awesome.”

I smile and admire her pretty features. My heart thunders in my chest. I’ve never looked forward to a future. It’s always been a thrashing to stay above water in my present. Everything has been stressful and hard. But with Sage, it’s easy. Like breathing. In and out. Without thought. Natural.

“Tomorrow, huh?” I ask. “Why not tonight?”

“Tonight I just want to be held by you.”

Her green eyes shine with pride and adoration. It makes me want to be the best man I can for her. I will be. I’ll do whatever it takes to take care of her and make her happy.

“Holding you is just about the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

“And what’s the easiest?” she asks, her lashes fluttering as sleep threatens to steal her away from me.

I kiss her full lips. “Loving you.”


“Tie or no tie?” Mars holds up a blue tie to his neck then moves it away so I can see him with and without it.

“The blue brings out your eyes, but you don’t need a tie, Mars. Save it for later.” I lift an eyebrow at him and smirk. He’s so nervous about meeting Dad that everything goes right over his head.

After the fall semester was over, I decided to transfer out of Ashton Hills Community College. I hated it there anyway and political science bored me to tears, even though I aced every assignment. Once we’re finally settled in our new place, I’ll enroll in a new college. One where I can major in art. Like Dad said, I need to start a life that I designed.

That’s why Mars and I found an apartment in a city far enough away from Ashton Hills and Duncan that neither of our insane parents would come hunting us down. It’s close enough I can drive to see Dad when I miss him though.

Thankfully, after the big blowup where my mom tried to get Mars in trouble, Dad was able to intervene. He convinced her—and even went with her—to see Sheriff Beauchamp to clear the air. Sheriff Beauchamp wasn’t pleased, according to Dad, about her fudged story, but since he knew her, he dropped his search for Mars. Dad pulled out his trusty checkbook and made a donation to the department that had the sheriff easily letting my mother’s meddling slide. I’m just happy Mars is no longer being hunted by the sheriff for crimes he didn’t commit.

“Later?” Mars is clueless and it’s so damn cute.

“Later. You can tie me up.” I wink at him and a smile cuts across his face. He’s still the most handsome guy I’ve ever laid eyes on.

My sweet Mars.

He presses his lips to mine then holds me at arm’s length to look at me. No matter how many times he does it, I still get butterflies. “You look beautiful, Sage.”

“Thank you.” I give his lips a quick peck. “And you look fine without a tie.”

“I’m just nervous. What if he interrogates me to death?”

“He won’t. Well, he might interrogate you a little but it won’t kill you. Come on, let’s go before we’re late,” I say with a smile. I take his hand and tug him out of our practically empty bedroom and over to the front door.

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