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It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark)

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Beth grabbed the phone away and read our texts.


She started to grin as I told her why he called me that, and by the time I finished talking, she was smiling so wide, I was sure her cheeks had to hurt.

“He’s already named you, Avery. He’s an animal guy. You know what that means. Once they name you, they keep you. You are so done.”

Before I could protest, my phone buzzed again. We both looked at the screen.

Is it 6 yet? BTW, dibs on tomorrow, too.

Sorry, I forgot my manners. My mother always told me to say please. So, please. Dibs on tomorrow.

“Oh shit,” she muttered. Then she pushed herself up on the floor, pulling me up with her. “I had better get busy with research.”


“Booking a church and all. Takes time, you know. At this rate, I have a feeling you’re gonna need it.”

I chuckled as I walked behind her. “Beth?”


“Did you see how big his feet were?”

She stopped so suddenly, I stumbled into her back, almost knocking both of us down. She started to laugh and flung her arm over my shoulders.

“I did notice, actually. I was certainly impressed. But for you to notice? Now that is impressive and I know it’s serious—for both of you. C’mon, Sprite. We got some talking to do.” She winked. “Maybe another trip to the drugstore is in order. Feet that big—we need some MAGNUMS.”

I fanned myself.

Was it extremely warm in here?

Around three, I started pacing. My nerves had kicked in. Should I change into a different outfit? He said my skirt was pretty. Maybe he wanted me to keep it on. Oh, God—maybe he wanted to be the one to take it off.

Why was it so hot in here?

I didn’t know what we were doing on our date.

Although, I hoped some of the evening involved kissing.

Lots of kissing.

It would be a shame if Daniel wasted the whole evening using that sexy mouth of his only for talking.

No. More kissing was needed.

Strains of music came from my pocket, and I dug out my phone, confused. I started to laugh. Beth had added a ringtone for Daniel: If I Could Talk to the Animals from Doctor Doolittle. She was vastly amusing.

I’d have to find one for Ryan and add it next time I saw her. I had passed him in the hall as I left the building. He told me with a huge smirk, he was there to have lunch, but there had been no bag in his hand. Recalling Beth’s earlier words, I had to clamp my lips together in order not to laugh and hurry away. Maybe Afternoon Delight would work for her.

I was still chuckling when I answered the call.

Daniel’s low, husky voice made me shiver. “You sound like you’re in a good mood, Sprite.”

“Beth was being funny.”

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