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It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark)

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“I’m going to start more hours at the clinic.”

She pursed her lips at my announcement, but didn’t argue. “And the third?”

I wrapped my good arm around her, tugging her close. I buried my face into the crook of her shoulder and dropped a kiss onto her neck, smiling at the shiver that ran through her. “That one is a two-part goal.”


“Sex with you as soon as possible.”

“I like that goal.”

I pressed my mouth to the sensitive spot behind her ear, flicking my tongue on her skin. “And as soon as possible, we’re going to test every wall in our house, Sprite. Every. Single. One. We’ll revisit a few, too.”

She whimpered. I knew physically, she missed being with me as much as I missed being with her, but it had been impossible, and the few things we could manage hadn’t been enough for either of us. Once the cast was off, and my ribs healed more, all bets were off.

I eased back, grinning at her flushed cheeks. “But for now, let’s get you home where you belong. Maybe we can celebrate a bit later, yeah?”

She lifted up on her toes. “Yeah.”

Three months later

The sun was bright, the warmth soaking into my skin as I bent down, and snapped another small flower off the stalk, placing it into the small bouquet I was creating. Below, the wind stirred up the water, the waves hitting the sand rhythmically.

We had sat by the water when we first arrived, then spent the hours enjoying the late fall sun and the lushness of the hilltop. Avery loved to go there and enjoy the peacefulness of the secluded area. I enjoyed having her all to myself.

Inspecting the arrangement, I had a feeling it wouldn’t pass Caitlin’s scrutiny, but I knew Avery would love it. At that point, there weren’t many flowers left to pick, but it did the job. Kneeling, I pulled the ribbon I’d taken from her drawer of hair things out of my pocket, clumsily tied it around the stalks, then made one last addition.

I looked over toward the thick grasses. Zen grazed a few feet from Avery who sat cross-legged on the blanket, book open, an apple clutched in her free hand, no doubt forgotten as she lost herself among the words in front of her. I loved how she could go hours without moving when she read. Often, I would wake up and find her nose-deep in a book, or with the light of her Kindle shining as she read in the dark. I could watch her without her knowing, delighting in her facial expressions as she discovered some new world or fell in love with some strapping hero in a sweeping saga.

I glanced down at the bouquet. It was time to start a sweeping saga of my own. Taking in a calming breath, I walked over, stopped in front of Avery, and kneeled. I waited patiently until she finished the page, closed the book, and shifted her attention to me.

“Nice walk?”

My muscles were still stiff, and my arm ached at night, but I was almost as good as new. Therapy was complete, and I worked diligently on my own, making sure my muscles stayed strong. I had used the excuse of needing to move around in order to prepare my surprise for Avery.

I nodded, bringing out the small nosegay from behind my back, swallowing my nerves. “I picked these for you.”

Her eyes filled with delight, and she took the flowers, with a happy hum. “So pretty! Thank you, Daniel,” she sighed as she ran her fingers gently over the blooms.

Her response pleased me. She adored simple, heartfelt gestures, and I knew she loved the funny-looking bouquet I picked for her as much as if it had been a huge arrangement delivered by a florist, because I had done it myself.

However, my ragged offering was special. I waited, nervous, as she sniffed and gazed at her flowers. I knew the instant she spotted the addition.

Her eyes grew large, shoulders tensed, and a small gasp flew from her mouth. When her eyes found mine, love and tears were overflowing.

I picked up her small hand, clasping it over my heart. “This is yours, Avery. It has been since the very second I stepped on these fingers and held them in my hand.” I lifted her hand and kissed it, holding it against my mouth. “These lips became yours the instant they touched your sweet mouth. My life became yours. You b

ecame my entire world.” I took the ring from its bed of green leaves, slipping it onto her finger. “Wear this and show the world you belong to me.” I paused to gather my nerves. “Marry me. Please.”

“Daniel,” she breathed out my name as tears ran down her face.

“Happy tears?”

Her book flew to the side as she launched herself at me, dropping tiny, wet kisses all over my face. “Yes!” She sobbed. “Yes!”

“Yes, happy tears, or yes, you’ll marry me?”


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