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It Started With a Kiss (Insta-Spark)

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Two boys and one girl.

I thought I was ready for today. I had read up on the subject of multiple births, I knew everything that could occur, and I was ready for all emergencies.

Nothing I read prepared me for the emotion of seeing my children as they were born.

Nothing prepared me for the incredible joy I felt when I knew they had all arrived safely, and Avery was fine.

I took more pictures and a short video, then left them sleeping to go back and check on my wife.

I walked into her room, meeting her exhausted, but happy eyes.

“They’re perfect, Avery.”

I showed her the pictures and video, reassuring her that they were all doing well, and she would be able to see herself the next day. “And for the first time since they were born, all three of them are asleep at the same time.”

That made her laugh. They had been active and fussy, but finally exhausted themselves and slept.

I leaned down and kissed her. “And Mommy should be sleeping, too. You must be exhausted. You were amazing today, Avery. Just amazing.”

“You’ll stay close to them?”

I wrapped my hands around hers, squeezing them in comfort. Our children had to stay in NICU for a while since they had been born early. Avery’s biggest concern was the fact she wasn’t able to be beside them every moment.

“As soon as you’re asleep, I’ll go back.”

Nothing was going to keep me away from my children.

“They’re so small.” She looked back at the pictures. Her lip started to tremble as she gazed at our children.

“Small but healthy,” I insisted. “Dr. Pritchard is in awe of how long you carried them. He was sure you wouldn’t make it to thirty-four weeks. You gave them the best chance we could have hoped for, and in a few weeks, we can take them home.” He was filled with praise for Avery, and he had been a constant support to us during the delivery.

“Things will certainly feel real then.”

I ran my fingers through her hair. “It’s all worked out. Between our moms, Caitlin, Beth, and the nanny we hired, we’re covered. You can recover, our children will be cared for, and we will find our way. Together—the way we have from the start.”

She nodded, eyes heavy, fighting the weariness I knew she was feeling.

“Sleep, Sprite.”

“We have to choose their names.”

“After you sleep, before the crowd arrives.”

I knew my dad was holding them back; otherwise, the room would already be full. The last I heard, he had made a list and assigned times to everyone, so we weren’t overwhelmed. My mom laughed at him, but he insisted a schedule was the best way to go.

“I’m sure there will be lots of people, more flowers, and presents arriving.” The room was already full of packages and bouquets from friends and patients. The one set of flowers that arrived with clown balloons attached was carefully removed before Avery saw the scary faces on them. I could only imagine the reaction they would have caused.

My gift to her was still in my pocket. When we were alone later, I would give it to her. Three slender white gold rings to represent each of our three children. Two were delicate woven vines and the middle one was a simple band, and they all fit together perfectly. Scattered with diamonds, they caught the light beautifully and I knew she would love the rings.

She fell asleep fast, exhausted from everything she’d been through. I sat beside her, wanting to make sure she stayed asleep before I left and went back to our children. I heard the door open behind me, and my mom entered in the room. She walked over and wrapped an arm around my waist. “How is she?”

I smiled. “Magnificent.”

She smiled in agreement. “I popped in and saw the babies. The nurses said they’re all doing well.”

“They are. I was going back as soon as I knew she was asleep.”

“You go be with your children,” Mom urged. “I’ll stay with my girl here. Janett will be here shortly, too. When she wakes up, we’ll let you know.”

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