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An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark)

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He chuckled and stopped at the entrance to a swanky hotel. He turned to face me. “Still okay for that drink?”

I stared up at him. His eyes were incredible. Icy blue, intense, and piercing. The color belied the warmth they held as he regarded me, though. There was nothing glacial about his gaze. It was pure heat. I felt his desire he held in check. The way his body responded to me. The way I was responding to him.

“I haven’t been with anyone in a long time, Mitch. Since before my mother died.”

His grip tightened. “I told you already that I’m not a player, Mandy. This isn’t the norm for me. But then again, I don’t think you’re the norm.”

“I’m not?”

“No.” He shook his head, pulling me closer. “I think you’re going to be the exception.” His eyes dropped to my mouth. “God knows I want to be that for you.”

The breath left my lungs in a long shudder.

“Maybe we could have that drink in your room?”

A slow smile spread across his face. “Yeah, sweetheart. We could do that.”

* * *

We barely made it into his room when he was on me. His mouth was hungry, his kisses deep, passionate, and consuming. His tongue was wicked and relentless—exploring me, curling and sliding with mine, feasting on my taste. His hands never ceased their exploration. He touched me everywhere, outlining my curves, feathering over my skin, gripping my ass. He pulled me to him tight, our chests melded, our bodies aligned.

I could feel him. Everywhere. His desire. His need. His want.

For me.

It was overwhelming.

My own desire burned hot. Hotter than it ever had for any man. His muscles bunched under my touch. His copper hair was soft as the ends curled around my fingers. His cock trapped between us was large and stiff. He trembled as I ran my hand over the bulge.

“I promised you a drink,” he rasped, dragging his lips across my cheek.

“I’m not thirsty.”

“I fucking am,” he responded. “For you. Your taste. Give me back your mouth, Mandy.”

The room spun. All of my senses tunneled down to him. Us. His body. Heat built within me. A slow, intense burn that melted me from the inside out. I was achy, filled with need. It felt as if my nerves were on the outside of my body and Mitch knew where each trigger lay. He stroked them, fanning the flames until I was ready to burst.

With a low growl, I pushed his jacket from his shoulders and fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. I yanked on his sleeves, smiling at the sound of the material rendering. I tugged at his belt, suddenly desperate to feel him.

“Easy, tiger.” He nipped at my lips, a dark chuckle sounding in the room. “You’ve got me, baby. Leave me some clothes intact.”

“I want you naked.”

“Jesus, you’re wild, sweetheart.” His hand covered mine as he helped guide my fingers.

I opened his belt and slid his pants down his legs within seconds.

Then I dropped to my knees.

* * *


I stared down in shock. A few hours ago, I had planned on a few drinks in the bar, maybe room service, and a quiet night alone. Never had I imagined meeting Mandy or having her on her knees in front of me.

Her hands slid up the back of my thighs, tugging down my boxers. My aching cock sprang free, slapping against my stomach. Mandy gazed up at me, her eyes huge in the dim light.

“Sweetheart, you don’t—”

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