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An Instant Connection (Insta-Spark)

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“Remember what I said earlier, sweetheart? One ni

ght is going to change everything.” I nudged at her entrance, trying not to moan at the heat that teased me. “Once I’m inside you, it’s done. You’re mine. You understand that?”

She wrapped her legs around my waist. “And you’re mine.”

I slid inside, the intense pleasure making me growl. Our gazes locked, a silent understanding passing between us. We both felt it. Neither of us was going to fight it.

“Yes, I’m yours.”

* * *

I tucked Mandy into my side, sighing in contentment. I had made love to her twice. Each time was incredible. It was as if our bodies had been waiting for each other. We moved together as though we had done it a thousand times, yet the newness and excitement of it was there. Our passion was raw and vivid. The desire was rampant.

I ran my fingers down her arm and pressed a kiss to her head. She mumbled something I didn’t catch. I slipped a finger under her chin and lifted her face. Her lips were swollen and red. There were scratches on her neck from my stubble. A small, purple mark was at the base of her neck from where I had marked her. She was truly beautiful.

“What was that, sweetheart?”

“I asked if you wanted me to stay.”

I tightened my embrace. “Fucking right I do.”

She chuckled, burrowing closer. Never much of a cuddler, I was surprised how much I liked having her close. “Okay, just checking.”

“You don’t want to leave, do you?”

She lifted her head again. “No! I just didn’t want you to feel…obligated.”

I laughed, kissing the end of her nose affectionately. “Obligated is not what I’m feeling right now. Trust me when I say that.”

“I do trust you.”

I felt a small fission of guilt that I tamped down quickly. I would deal with that soon enough. For now, I simply wanted to bask in the moment. In her. In us.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” I asked.

She peeked over my shoulder. “You mean later today?”

I glanced at the clock. “Holy shit; it’s three o’clock. I’ve kept you awake a long time.”

She nuzzled into my neck. “We were busy.” Her hand slipped down my chest, ghosted lower, and wrapped around my cock. I was already hard for her again. “I don’t think we’re finished either.”

“I don’t think I have any more condoms.”

She heaved a long sigh. “Don’t you have a spare in your wallet? What kind of wild bachelor are you? I could report you and get you taken out of the club, you know.”

I chuckled at her wit. “First off, I told you I am not a player. I carry a couple in case, but we just used them.” I nudged her nose playfully. “Usually, one is enough. Two is rare. Needing a third? I don’t think that has ever happened to me.”

“Me, either.”

She continued to stroke me, making me groan in need. “I could call down to the front desk and get some sent up?”

She grimaced. “That would be embarrassing. We can do other stuff,” she whispered. “Lots of other stuff.”

I arched my eyebrow at her. “Oh, really? What sort of other stuff are we talking about, Ms. Clifford?”

She pushed on my chest, straddling me. She gazed down with an impish grin.

“Why don’t I show you, Mr. Emerson?”

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