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An Unexpected Chance (Insta-Spark)

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“Thank you for the cake, Amy. And for coming. Will you come again?”

“I would like that.”

She flung her arms around my neck, and I hugged her hard. She was warm and sweet-smelling from her bath. She snuggled into my embrace, and I held her close, feeling strangely emotional as I did. I wanted to tuck her in. Stroke her hair. Sing to her. I had the feeling she wanted that as well.

But she drew back and kissed my cheek. “I like you,” she whispered. “Daddy does too. Please come back.”

Then she headed to her dad, leaving me feeling warm and wanted.

I’d slipped from the room as Simon tucked her in and waited for him downstairs. When he appeared, he sat beside me, taking my hand.

“Thanks. She liked that.”

“Not a problem. I enjoyed it.”

He sighed. “I’m a package deal, Amy.”

“I know that. I knew it the day I met you.”

“My ex did a number on me. She shook my confidence. All I was to her was a cash cow. All Mia was to her was a way to keep getting money.”

“You’re way more than that.”

He turned to me. “You made me feel that way. You made me feel as if you saw me.”

“I do see you. I don’t like you because you have money, Simon. I’m not built that way.”

“I know.”

“What happened the other morning?”

He took my hand. “I swore I would never get myself in the position of letting my heart get broken again. I swore I would take it slow. But with you, there is no slow, Amy. It scared me. One dinner, one night with you, and I was seeing forever. Seeing you in my kitchen, in my bedroom, except it was our kitchen, our bedroom, our home. I hadn’t even introduced you to Mia. Seen how the two of you interacted. She has to come first, and I was falling for you without even thinking of her. It shocked me.”

“And you pulled back.”

“Like an idiot, yes. Trust me, Holly reamed me well. So did Evan. I retreated when I should have advanced. I should have told you how I was feeling.”

“My last boyfriend shut me out. Then walked away after he told me I was too out there for him. He was tired of my bohemian ways and the fact that I was different from other women. He was embarrassed to be seen with me. It hurt.”

He shook his head, pulling my hand to his chest. “That’s what draws me to you, Amy. I like your openness, your honesty, and your way of looking at things. My ex-wife was cold. Removed. She walked away from Mia without a glance. Divorced me without a thought. I like how you see me. How you act with my daughter. I want to explore this with you. I want you to try with me.” He paused. “If you can forgive my actions and want to.”

“You won’t pull away again?”

“No. I was an idiot. But I’m a fast learner, and it will not happen again.”

“Then, yes.”

“Thank God.”

And his mouth was on mine.

* * *

A lifetime passed with Simon’s lips on mine. He kept me close, our bodies melded together as we lost ourselves to the passion of the moment. Everything was amplified. His touch, his taste, his scent soaked into my senses, forever imprinting themselves in my mind.

We broke apart, our eyes locked. His gaze was hooded and dark. He dragged his thumb over my lips.

“Jesus, Amy, I want you.”

I opened my mouth, and he shook his head. “I know we can’t. I can’t rush you. I have to prove myself.”

“You have proven yourself. You introduced me to Mia.”

“I want to introduce you to everyone. As mine.”

I felt my eyes widen. “Slow your roll, Romeo.”

His voice was low and raspy. “I told you—with you, there is no slow.” He drew in a deep breath. “With Kelsey, I constantly had doubts, made excuses for her in my mind. With you, all I feel is a rightness. You fit with Mia and me so well.” Then he frowned. “But wait, how are you feeling about this? Being involved with a man with a child? Being involved with my child? I mean—”

I cut him off, placing a finger over his lips. “Mia is a joy. I want to get to know her and you better. I know this isn’t a conventional relationship, Simon. That if we progress, I would become her, ah, step—”

He shook his head, this time silencing me. “You would become her mom, Amy. I already know your heart. There would be no step in anything. For either of you. We would be a family.”

His words brought tears to my eyes. “How do you feel about adding to that family?” I asked.

“As in having more children with you? Sign me up, Chippy. I’ll practice getting you pregnant until we get it right.”

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