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Dating My Uncle's Friend

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Scarlett straightens as soon as she hears me suck my breath. Damn little vixen knows I've lost again, and her lips curve ever so slowly as our gazes meet.

"Do you want anything else before I go?"

Hell yes.

I want her flat on her back.

Want her on her fours.

Want her in every way possible.

But no fucking way will that ever happen.

And somehow, I find the strength to clip out a refusal. "The coffee's enough, thanks."

"Because if there's anything else—-"

I point to the door. "Go."

Scarlett bites her lip, her face a picture of frustration, and the air between us grows taut.

It's clear to see what she wants from me, but I'm determined to hold out...for more reasons than one.

I've never dishonored my family, and not even someone as bewitching as this damn brat is going to change things.

But more than that, however...

I wait until Scarlett is finally out of my office before I take my phone out.

One of the perks of owning the whole damn building we're in is that I have access to real-time CCTV footage, and that's how I ended up listening to the conversation between Nic's secretary and my intern.

The memory of those words still sting like a motherfucker, but it's also exactly why I have a copy of the footage stored in my computer and phone.

I watch it every day so I'm reminded of the fact that she's eighteen, and I'm thirty-three.

She might only be calling me Uncle Slater as a joke, but we both know it's the truth.

I'm old enough to be her uncle, and Scarlett herself said that she's not attracted to older guys like me.


I can't believe my ears when my brother asks me to drop a couple of files at Slater's office...and casually mentions right after that Scarlett is now working there as an intern.

I've known the both of them for years: I used to be Scarlett's tutor when she was in middle school, and I've also worked at Slater's company as an intern in the past.

I love those two like they were my own siblings, but that's also why I can't help worrying about how they'd get along. Slater and Scarlett were polar opposites, and I can easily imagine Scarlett getting on Slater's nerves or Slater being too hard on the younger girl.

When I finally arrive at Slater's office, a part of me is already dreading what I'd find...but instead I simply end up confused.

Back in my day, interns didn't even warrant a desk, and while this time around Scarlett not only has one of her own, but her desk is also right next to the CEO's office.

I can't imagine someone as straitlaced as Slater Stanford giving Scarlett preferential treatment just because she's Nic's niece, but if it's not that, then what other reason is there?

I clear my throat to get Scarlett's attention, and the younger girl's lovely face breaks into a smile when she sees me. "Zee!"

The two of us exchange hugs, and I also spend a couple of minutes saying hi to other familiar faces. Many of them have been been with Slater since the first year he established his company, and so they've all seen me work here as an intern as well.

"I'm here to give Slater these files," I tell Scarlett afterwards. "They're classified," I say with a wrinkle of my nose, "hence my brother asking I hand-deliver them instead."

Since the walls of Slater's office are made of glass, I can see that he's at his desk working, but I ask Scarlett all the same if it's safe for me to disturb him.

"I think—-"

"Um, Ms. Duke?"

A hesitant voice interrupts our conversation, and I have to quickly hide a smile when I'm greeted by a familiar sight.

Just like how Scarlett once had all the boys in her high school worshipping at her feet, it's quite obvious that she also ended up having another court of admirers in her workplace.

That's always how it has been with her, and while other girls would snidely comment it was only because of Scarlett's looks and wealth...

It's really not that at all.

Scarlett's also immensely fun to be with, and she doesn't have a single mean bone in her body. It's why she has the easiest time stealing guys' hearts, and ooooh...

My gaze has absently drifted to Slater's office, and that's when I see my brother's friend staring murderously as Scarlett continues to speak with the sales manager from 15/F.

I think I'm beginning to understand why Scarlett's desk is right next to the CEO's office, and the thought has me quickly knocking on Slater's door before I let myself in.

"These are for you." I dump Stone's files on his desk.


Slater's gaze is still trained on Scarlett, and my smile widens.

Knew it!

Slater seems to sense my amusement, and he abruptly straightens in his seat as he turns his attention to me. "Anything else?" he asks coolly.

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