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Wanted: Billionaire's Wife

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Luke’s arm turned to solid steel. Danica dropped her hand. “Why don’t you three have a conversation? I’ll save some sushi for you,” she said to Luke.

“I promised you dinner.” His gaze added, “And more.”

“I can stand in line for my own food,” she replied with a smile. In a tone pitched just for Luke’s ear, she continued, “I’m curious what Jackson knows. If the real reason for our search leaked...”

Luke regarded her. “You’re concerned.”

She nodded, teeth worrying her lip.

“Don’t be. I can handle whatever Jackson throws.” He turned back to the two men. “Sorry. Maybe some other time. But as you see, I have far more attractive plans right now.” He started to tug her away.

She saw a flash of navy blue silk from across the room. When she tried to catch Felicity’s gaze, the other woman looked away, as if hoping to not get caught. “This is a charity event, right?” Danica asked. “And a key feature of this event is the auction?”

Three pairs of eyes focused on her. “Yes,” Evan said slowly.

She opened her purse and pulled out the scrip given to her by the roulette croupier. “These are my winnings, which I planned to donate during the auction.” She showed the total to Grayson and Evan. “I will let you have a half hour of my time with Luke if you each promise to match the amount.”

“I wasn’t aware I was up for sale,” Luke said drily. She flicked her gaze upward, dreading to see the anger directed her way for selling him out. Instead, his gaze sizzled with appreciation. She flushed hot from her hairline to her big toe.

Grayson laughed. “You drive a hard bargain,” he said. “But I agree. C’mon, Dallas, let’s go find a place to talk. I don’t want the other sharks milling about to hear about Evan’s company. Not until we’re ready, that is.”

“Not so fast.” She held out her hand. “Your checks, please.”

“Smart and pretty,” Grayson said to Luke. “You know how to pick them. Hope that goes for companies too.” He pulled out his wallet and took out a business card. “Here. You bid on what you want during the auction, up to the combined amount Evan and I owe you. When you win, give this to the cashier and say I will pay the balance.”

She took the card, raising a skeptical eyebrow. “Really—” she started to say, and then looked at the name. Grayson was Grayson Monk. As in Monk Partners, one of the top venture-capital firms in Silicon Valley. “I mean, really. You will.”

Grayson clapped Luke on the shoulder. “Great. Now let’s go make another deal.”

“Fine,” Luke said to the two men, but his gaze rested on Danica, that light still burning. “We’ll talk mythical beasts. And even more mythical company valuations.”

A large grin spread over Evan’s face. “You won’t regret it.”

“Your five-hundred-dollar chip says I will,” Luke muttered for Danica’s ears only. His warm breath stirred the sensitive hairs there, sending a shiver through her. “Meet you back here when I’m done?” When she nodded, he turned back to the men. “A deal is a deal. You have thirty minutes.”

Danica watched them walk away. Then she turned to get into the ever-growing line for Chef Nagao. Just as she reached the end, a man in a white dinner jacket thrust two empty champagne glasses at her. “Take these, will you?” he said, and turned his back on her. She accepted the glasses out of pure reflex, and then stared dumbfounded at his jacket-clad back.

What the...? She looked around for somewhere to put the flutes down, but no appropriate surfaces presented themselves. The low stone walls surrounding the terrace were roughhewn, the surface uneven. The high round cocktail tables dotting the outer sweep of the terrace were three deep in elegant people. She doubted they would appreciate dirty glassware set down beside their plates of beautifully prepared food. No busing station could be spotted in the vicinity.

Finally, she spotted a waitress carrying a silver tray overloaded with discarded china and glassware striding briskly through the throng and down the terrace steps to a flagstone walkway below. Danica hurried after her, catching up just as the waitress was about enter a white marquee tent set up behind a large, six-car detached garage.

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