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Wanted: Billionaire's Wife

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Danica unfolded the arms she had been hugging to her chest. For a second, she was back in middle school, her thrift-shop dress and unruly curls the target of girls with shining straight hair and the latest fashions from the mall.

Then she remembered she had weapons of her own.

“Sure,” she said. “Come to lunch with us.” She picked up Luke’s hand and pressed a kiss into his palm. “It would be fun, right, honey?”

His fingers tightened on hers. “I was looking forward to having you all to myself,” he rumbled, tilting her chin up so he could press a kiss on her lips. “Irene reminded me we need to pick up our rings.”

She was pretty sure he kissed her just to hide his smirk, but she kissed him back anyway, her eyes fluttering closed, before she remembered it was just playacting. “We have plenty of time for that. Wouldn’t it be fun getting to know Irene better?” She beamed at the other woman.

“You two are just so adorable,” Irene said, her expression still amused. But her smile no longer met her eyes. “I’d be delighted—” A shrill buzz cut off her words. She dug into her Hermès Kelly bag and brought out a sleek new phone. “It looks like I won’t be free for lunch anyway. Duty calls.” She looked up from the device. “My father can’t wait to meet Veronica.”

“Danica,” Luke said.

“Right.” Irene typed the name into her phone. She pulled a business card out of her purse and handed it to Danica. “Do call me. I’d love to throw you a party to celebrate the happy occasion. Don’t worry, it will be a small gathering. But there are some people I’m sure you’re not acquainted with that you really must know.” She smiled a perfect smile of perfect teeth surrounded by perfect red lips.

Danica was abruptly reminded she didn’t put on makeup that morning. Still, she returned Irene’s expression, bared incisor for bared incisor. “Sounds delightful,” she gushed.

“Great! In the meantime, I’ll send Luke the details of my stylist. Just in case you don’t have your own.” Her bright gaze lingered on Danica’s blouse, bought on clearance several years ago at a discount store. “But now, I better run. So nice seeing you, Luke. Congratulations, again. Danica, lovely to meet you. Talk to you soon.” She waved, a slight bending of fingers at the tips, and left the cramped office.

Danica waited until Irene disappeared. Then she went to the door and peered down the hallway.

“She’s gone,” Luke said.

“I wasn’t looking for her,” Danica said, shutting the door and whirling on the balls of her feet to face Luke. “I wanted to make sure no one could hear me yell at you.” Her pulse beat in her throat, threatening to close off her airways. “I may have slept with you last night, but that doesn’t give you permission to pull me into your game with Irene!”

Luke took a step toward her, his hands held out. “Danica—”

“Don’t come closer,” she warned. The last thing she needed was to be overcome by Luke’s nearness. Or for him to kiss her again. She was angry, damn it, and she had the right to be angry.

“I know you’re upset,” Luke began.

“Understatement of the century. Try furious, livid, rage filled—”

He held up a hand. “And you deserve to be. But think about it. It’s a win-win.”

She scoffed. “This may come as a shock, but every woman who sleeps with you doesn’t automatically want to marry you.”

Despite her warning, he took two steps toward her.

She moved backward until her rear end hit the door. She took comfort from the solid material. She could be just as unyielding. If she tried.

“Think about it,” he said. “It’s the right solution to the search.”

“Luke—” she warned.

“I know you’re not happy with me.”

“Again, understatement of the century.”

A ghost of a smile momentarily creased his face. “The century is still relatively young. I can live with that.”

Despite everything, her lips quirked upward.

“And we kill whatever story Cinco Jackson is planning,” he continued.

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