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Wanted: Billionaire's Wife

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“I need to do this. Matt knows I love him.” Danica moved toward the kitchen door. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

Her mother grabbed the handle of the suitcase and wouldn’t let go. “If you want to leave after seeing your brother, fine. But you must come with us. Look, here’s your father now.” She nodded at the man coming down the stairs.

“Is everyone ready?” Mirko Novak grabbed the car keys off the table before taking his first look at Danica. “A clean shirt like we asked. Well done.”

“She thinks she’s going to the airport. To go to California,” Amila told her husband.

Mirko’s gaze widened. “She can’t go. She needs to see—” He stopped, and cleared his throat. “Matt,” he finished, sounding slightly...panicked? But why would he be panicked? She must be imagining things.

Amila nodded. “That’s what I said.”

Danica’s gaze ping-ponged between her parents. “What’s going on? Why is seeing Matt today so important?”

“Visiting your brother is not important?” Mirko raised his dark eyebrows. He took her by the elbow and steered her toward the garage and the car parked inside over her protests. “Tell me more about California while I drive.”

“Fine,” she grumbled and put on her seat belt. She would go to the airport that afternoon and find another flight. A few more hours wouldn’t hurt. Or so she crossed her fingers.

When they arrived at the center, Danica signed in and then turned left at the reception desk to go to her brother’s room. Her mother caught her arm. “Matt’s doctor wants to see us first, alone.”

Danica frowned. “Is everything okay?”

“He wants to go over a new treatment with us, as the parents.” Amila shrugged. “You know doctors.”

“Uh-huh.” Danica narrowed her gaze. First, they insisted she had to see Matt. Now they insisted she not see him? “I’ll wait here. For a little bit.”

Her mom squeezed her hand. “Thanks, draga.”

Her parents disappeared through the automatic glass double doors that led to the residential wing, leaving Danica with the security guard for company. Still, it wasn’t an unpleasant place to wait. Sunshine streamed in through floor-to-ceiling windows, while comfortable-looking white chairs invited her to sit down. The clean, modern decor reminded her of the Ruby Hawk offices. Which reminded her of Luke. But then most things did. That man coming through the glass doors, for example, was a dead ringer for—

The world stopped spinning. Then it spun too fast. He wasn’t a ringer for Luke.

He was Luke.

She could only watch, her feet rooted to the ground, as he made his way to her. “Hi,” he said, stopping in front of her.

“Hi,” she squeaked. So many questions ran through her head, she didn’t know which ones to articulate. She settled for staring at him.

He looked good. So good. His dark hair was a smidge longer and as windswept as ever. His blue eyes sparkled like the Pacific Ocean on a calm summer’s day. The crisp white shirt he wore was unbuttoned at the top. She took a step closer, to see if he still smelled the same, but jumped back when she realized what she was doing. Then she frowned. His trousers had a shiny stripe running down their outer legs.

“Why are you wearing tuxedo pants?” It wasn’t the most brilliant question with which to start. But his face creased into a wide smile. He put both hands in his pockets and came up with two closed fists.

“Because I was wearing them when you gave me this.” He opened his left hand. On his palm was a five hundred-dollar poker chip.

The room wouldn’t stop revolving. “You flew across the country to return it?”

“No.” His fingers closed over the chip before she could pluck it from his grasp. “I came here to ask you to take another risk.”

Her heart, which had been beating a hopeful symphony, settled into a more sedate melody. She had been right. He needed her, but to get his company back. “I read about the board of directors removing you as CEO. If it’s because I left before the deal closed, I’m happy to speak to whomever—”

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