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Cruel Surrender (Angels Halo MC Next Gen 8)

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She lifted the credit card I’d given her downstairs. “I need to know your ring size so I can order your wedding band, husband. Maybe I’ll have it engraved with ‘Property of Ciana’ while I’m at it.”

My cock turned to steel. Her gasp told me she felt my reaction to her teasing and how much I liked it. I kissed just below her ear. “Do you want to brand me, mo chroí?”

With a whimper, she arched her neck, silently asking me to continue. “M-maybe.”

“I will tattoo your name on every inch of my skin if that is what you want, my beauty. I’ll buy a tattoo gun and let you ink my cock with your signature.” I pressed my lips to the shell of her ear, causing her to shiver. “My body, my heart, my fucking soul belongs to you, Ciana.”

“Bain,” she moaned. “I need you.”

“Shh, I know. If you ache even half as badly as I do right now, I know.” My teeth nipped at her earlobe. “But we can’t.”

“I just want to come,” she whined. “Just a little orgasm. W-would it really hurt anything?”

Groaning, I kissed her temple. “I don’t know. Dr. Rose said not even non-penetrative sex for the rest of your pregnancy.”

“You’re not going to want me when my stomach is nothing but a stretched-out, deflated beach ball. I’m already covered in stretch marks. No matter which or how much moisturizer I use, they just keep getting worse every week. By the time the girls arrive, I’m going to be hideous, and you’ll never want to touch me, not even with the lights off.”

“Are you trying to break me, Ciana?” I growled, lifting my head to meet her gaze. “Do not insult either of us by thinking such bullshit. You could gain two hundred pounds, be covered head to toe in stretch marks, and I will still want only you. I love you. Every part of you, not just your body. I will want you when I’m ninety and don’t remember my own name.”

Her bottom lip trembled. “Do you mean that?”

Muttering a curse, I shifted her so she was straddling my lap. Her belly pressed into my abdomen, but there was still a good distance separating us. Supporting her with one hand at the small of her back, I grasped her chin between my thumb and forefinger. “I will never lie to you. There may be things I can’t tell you at times, but I will never speak anything but the truth to you.”

“I want to believe you,” she whispered. “So, I’m going to.”

Happiness exploded in my chest. “Mo chroí—”

“But if I ever find out you have lied to me about something, big or small, that’s it. I won’t ever trust another word out of your mouth,” she warned.

“Then you will always trust me.”

“I better.”

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