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Italian Escape with the CEO

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‘Where did you go?’

‘Business trip.’

‘On Christmas Day?’

‘Yes. I was in a five-star hotel in India and that was fine.’ His stance suggested the subject was closed. ‘But looking back, I do remember that Max thanked me for my gift. I got him a pair of Rollerblades. He is roller skating mad. He plays roller hockey and does speed skating. Works as a skate guard at a local rink.’

Ava pointed at a small table with trays of beaded bracelets. ‘Look. They look cool and I bet he could wear that to rollerblade.’

They walked over to them and she watched as Liam went through the merchandise, a small frown of concentration on his face. ‘I’m pretty sure the Rollerblades were this colour, so this should work.’

‘What about John?’

‘I’ll buy him some Italian beer or some interesting food ingredients. He does a lot of their cooking.’

‘Good idea.’ It occurred to Ava that in actual fact Liam knew more about John and Max than he cared to admit, or perhaps even realised. She waited whilst Liam paid for his purchase.

‘Where would you like to go now?’ he asked.

‘I thought we should get some photos of us. We can post them on social media as evidence of our relationship. I think that’s the best way to let people know—a kind of subtle approach, rather than an official announcement.’

‘Makes sense.’

‘Where would be a good place for some photos? I was thinking somewhere romantic.’ A flush heated her cheekbones. ‘Just for the detail.’

‘How about a beach setting? There is a beach not too far from here though I’ve never been. It’s a nature preserve, so it’s fairly secluded.’

‘Sounds perfect.’

‘I’ll call Pierre to drop us off.’


AN HOUR LATER they stood and stared at the expanse of beach. White sand stretched before them, sloping to the near transparent turquoise of the sea, dappled and flecked by droplets of the February sunlight.

‘This is absolutely beautiful,’ Ava breathed.

‘Yes.’ But Liam realised he wasn’t looking at the view. Instead his gaze had settled on Ava and something tugged inside him. She looked beautiful, her blonde hair ruffled by the breeze, her wide amber eyes entranced by the scenery. Get a grip. Think of some facts. ‘It’s a protected area so there are no beach bars or any developments allowed.’

‘It’s an ideal setting for some photos. I am going to do a collage and then post them up with a suitably cheesy message. Let’s start simple, pose sitting on those rocks over there.’

They made their way across the sand and the feel of it crunching between his toes, the fresh sea breeze, all instilled a sense of calm. Dispelled the t

houghts of his mum and John and Max, the reminder of Christmases spent away to allow them the space to have a proper family Christmas. Unlike those they’d endured when Liam was a child, marred by the alcoholic rants of his father. The most memorable the time Terry Rourke had flung the turkey at the wall. They reached the rocks and she sat down and inhaled a deep breath. ‘How about we sit quite close, look at each other and make funny faces?’

‘Funny faces.’ Despite his best effort Liam could feel his face pull itself into a scowl, the thought of looking like an idiot not one he relished.

‘Yes. You know. Kind of playful and like we’re having fun.’

‘No. I don’t know. I’ve never taken a selfie and I haven’t pulled a funny face since I was a kid.’

Ava stared at him. ‘Never taken a selfie. Ever?’

‘Nope. I run a security firm—social media isn’t my thing. I’m more of a low-profile kind of guy.’

‘It’s not just about social media—I take loads of selfies with friends because it’s nice to have quickly accessible memories. Look. I’ll show you the sort of thing I mean.’ She rose lithely to her feet and he caught his breath. She stood straight and slender, the dress she wore floated in the breeze in a swirl of colour, one hand caught her hair back to keep it from her eyes and in that second he got what she meant. Wanted a picture to capture this memory.

Desire tugged at his gut, but it was more than a physical need. Her smile, the teasing glint in her eyes combined, made him want to catch her in his arms, twirl her round, see laughter illuminate her face. No point. Once the charade was over he and Ava would go their separate ways and he would gain nothing from staring at a picture that simply marked an illusion. This wasn’t real. Yet for one poignant instant he wanted it to be. The very idea caused a trickle of panic, urged him to flee, to distance himself from temptation.

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