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Quinn (The Beck Brothers 3)

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“I do have a pair of men’s boxers in the top right hand drawer of my dresser,” she replied.

Quinn narrowed his eyes at her. “Why do you have men’s boxers?”

She shrugged. “They are comfy to sleep in sometimes.”

“Mmm hmm.” He grunted as he headed for the bathroom.

Margot sighed and pressed her hand to her racing heart. Quinn loved her and he let her touch him! He did not freak out, or ask her to stop. It was incredible! It obviously really did do him good to leave as he did. How could she stay mad at him now? Non, it was impossible.

Margot put her panties and pajama pants back on, and just put her bra back on, when Quinn stepped into the living room in her boxers. She could not help but laugh. He gave her a dirty look and planted his hands on his hips.

“Really, Margot? This is your idea of a punishment isn’t it?”

Margot snickered as she looked at her big buff boyfriend wearing Bugs Bunny boxer shorts, one size too small. They were red with a big picture of Bugs Bunny on the front holding his carrot and saying, ‘What’s up, Doc?’

“Non, they look cute on you,” she giggled.

“Cute?” Quinn squawked. “I’ll give you cute!”

Quinn started toward her, and Margot squealed and ran around the couch. A mischievous grin curled his beautiful lips and she swore her that heart stopped. She has never seen him smile like that and, mon dieu, was it glorious! Quinn chased her around the couch a few times before hopping over it to try to catch her. Margot ran down the hall and into her bedroom with him hot on her heels. She was laughing so hard that she could barely breathe. Quinn ended up tackling her onto the bed and tickling her until she screamed. Margot absolutely loved this rarely seen playful side of him, even if she hated being tickled. The last time he had been somewhat playful with her had been when they were in London and she farted.

Quinn let her go after she accidentally kneed him in the groin. He lay on her bed face down, his hands tucked under him where he was cupping himself. Margot was lying on her back next to him trying to catch her breath and not laugh.

“I am sorry! I did not mean to knee you there!” Margot swore.

“Yeah right, this is all part of your plan to get back at me for leaving,” he teased, his voice muffled by the comforter.

“Non!” Margot giggled breathily.

Quinn grunted. Margot rolled onto her side and slid her hand across his back so that she could trace the tattoo between his shoulder blades with her fingers. She remembered that Quinn said that it was the Chinese symbol for ‘Strength.’ The tattoo made more sense now that she knew why exactly he needed strength. He turned his head so he could look at her, his eyes warm and full of the love and affection he felt for her.

“I am glad you were able to find the strength to break free of the chains holding you down,” Margot said.

Quinn’s eyebrows shot up and he pushed up to his elbows. “That is a very accurate analogy,” he said, impressed. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “You should thank yourself for that, it was thoughts of you that did it,” he murmured sincerely.

Margot smiled. “You are so sweet, Quinn Beck, do you know that?”

Margot got the shock of her life when Quinn actually blushed and rolled his eyes. She just could not help herself; she reached over and pinched his cheek. Quinn bristled and slapped her hand away, making Margot laugh. She felt like this was the most fun they have ever had together. He was relaxed and happy, and she hoped that this was just the start of a better, more laid back kind of relationship with him, because she really could not imagine her life without him in it.

“I’ve been meaning to ask you, do I still have a job?” Quinn asked, changing the subject.

Margot frowned. “Non, I do not think so.”

He nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

“Did you know that Peter likes me?” she asked.

He frowned hard. “Yeah, why? Did he ask you out or something?”

“Non, but we were arguing about you leaving and he said that if I were his girlfriend he would never treat me like that...”

“Ouch,” Quinn groaned and dropped his head into his hands.

“Why did you not tell me that he liked me?” she demanded.

Quinn lifted his head and looked at her. “Would it really have made a difference? Would knowing he liked you have changed anything?”

She shook her head. “Definitely not.”

Quinn shrugged. “There ya go. He would have never found the balls to ask you out anyway.”

Margot snickered. “Probably not.”

He watched her for a moment before asking, “Will you still go to the wedding with me tomorrow?”

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