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My Heart

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After being married for almost five years, I’m familiar with the way she moves, her scent. Her everything.

“He’s so beautiful,” she whispers, curling her arm around my waist. “I can’t believe we made him.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and kiss the top of her head. “Is it just me, or does he—”

“No, it’s not just you. He’s definitely smiling.”

“He is, isn’t he?” I grin.

“It’s time for the cake soon.” She shifts, her body brushing mine as her hands snake around my neck. “I hope you’ve got your singing voice ready.”

“Oh, I’m ready.” I smile. “Anything to make Lisa smile. I think she likes her gift.”

“She loves it,” Tamia says. “We’ll get her a real one soon. She says she wants to be just like me and sissy Alexis.”

“Sissy Alexis.” My smile gets even wider. “We’re so lucky, Tamia.”

“I know. We got it. We really got it. I’m so grateful every day.”

“Got what?”

“What’d you think, silly?” She beams up at me. “Our happily ever after.”




“Thank you all so much for coming to my presentation.”

I grin as Kylie claps in my lap. Our four year old is full of energy, excited about the show. Liam sits on the floor with his legs crossed, his foot tapping like it always does.

Our six year old is always ready to go out on his bike, running, anything physical. But his brown-haired head is firmly facing forward as Lisa walks up and down in front of the projector, her shadow cutting across the light.

“This is a rehearsal for the pictures I’ll be presenting at school.”

Lisa cuts off, her cheeks turning red. She’s got so much of me in her, right down to the way her confidence goes to war with her shyness.

She looks at Triston, sitting in the other armchair with our newest addition, Rachel, in his arms. Rachel has been the quietest of all our babies, earning the nickname the Mouse.

Triston looks lovingly down at our baby, then smiles up at me. It’s evening and with the lamplights lit the room has a soft warm glow. My mind goes to last night, to the way his hands explored me, the same way they always do after I’ve given birth.

It’s like he needs to affirm our connection all over again. Not that it’s ever waned.

Over ten years, with so much life in between – our careers, raising a family, the joy of everyday existence – and his attention has never ever wavered.

He devours me, always.

“And I always will,” he snarled last night, his breath whispering down my neck.

Lisa sighs, glancing up at me.

“You can do it,” I whisper.

“I want to present some photographs I’ve taken,” Lisa goes on. “I’m an amateur photographer, so please be kind.”

Sometimes I have to remind myself that this girl – so mature for her age, so precocious, so clever – is the same little bundle who came into our lives eleven years ago. She’s growing up so fast, becoming a unique and amazing person.

“I call this collection Family Shots.”

She swallows, the same way I often did in the beginning, as though I was expecting a joke around every corner.

But then something amazing happens. She looks at me, looks at her father, and the nerves visibly drift away.

She presses a button, and the illuminated wall behind her becomes a photo. It’s one of me and Rachel, soon after Rachel’s birth, my cheeks glowing with tears and joy. I beam at the camera, holding Rachel up, wanting to show her off.

Another press, and now it’s Triston and Rachel. He’s standing at the window with the light behind them. Triston and I laugh as the memory strikes us both, Lisa telling Triston no, this way… no, that way until the lighting was perfect.

Lisa presses down again. This is one of all of us. Lisa was so proud of getting the framing right for this one, setting up the tripod and the camera timer in the garden. Triston is holding Rachel and I’ve got Kylie in my arms. Lisa stands with her hands on Liam’s shoulders, all of us grinning at the camera.

“And let’s not forget the star of the show…”

“Yay, Fletcher!” Kylie sings.

It’s a closeup of our Golden Retriever, and of course, Fletcher comes running when he hears his name. He stops in the middle of the living room, looking around at us all, and then pads over to me. Kylie squirms and climbs down, crawling over to him, smoothing her hands through his fur.

“Hey, buddy bud.”

Fletcher whines softly, lying down and nuzzling Kylie… who we all think is secretly his favorite.

“Yes, that’s right.” Lisa smiles, her tone becoming light, and I have another pinch-me moment. She’s going to be a teenager soon. “Fletcher is the best subject a photographer could ask for.”

“Mommy,” Liam says. “Lisa’s really clever, isn’t she?”

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