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Hearts in Motion (Boggy Creek Valley 5)

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When I waggled my brows, she laughed. “Is that code for staying in bed?”

“If you want it to be. If you’ll give me a chance, I know we can make this work. I need you to trust me.”

The tension in her body seemed to slip away. She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked up at me with a smile that said she would do that. Trust me. And that made a crazy sensation go off in my chest.


I raised a brow. “Okay, you’ll trust me, or okay, you’ll go away with me for the holiday.”

She reached up onto her toes and kissed me softly on the lips. “Both.


Luke and I spent nearly the entire day in the hotel room. We talked, laughed, and made love in between watching a few movies. It was one of the most amazing days of my life. When it came time for me to go home, Luke left the hotel first and had Hank drive me home.

After a quick shower, I got ready for dinner with Luke. My phone buzzed, and I smiled when I saw his text come through.

Luke: Car will be outside your place at 7

I replied that I’d be ready. A small part of me was a bit anxious about dinner. Once I got home, I’d looked up Luke’s name…well, the name he used for acting. I was stunned to learn this whole other side of the man I had spent the last day with. A small part of my brain told me I needed to put a stop to this, that I was so far out of my league it was unreal. But the other part told me I was being silly. Luke was like any other guy. So he was an actor. So he’d kissed some of Hollywood’s top leading ladies. I wouldn’t let that bother me. The feelings I felt for Luke were more than a fling. I had never experienced the feelings I had with Luke with any other man.

My phone rang, and without even looking at who was the caller, I swiped it and put it on speaker. “Hello?”

“Brighton, sweetheart. Am I interrupting your work?”

Smiling, I applied my mascara and answered, “Hey, Mom. No, you aren’t interrupting. I’m not working today.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

I paused. “Yes. Why?”

“You always work on Saturdays.”

“Not this weekend. I decided to take some time off and pamper myself.”

I almost laughed at my choice of words. I was indeed pampering myself, with one very handsome man who knew how to make a woman feel good.

“That’s nice, darling. I’m glad you’re taking some me-time.”

“Me too, Mom. Me too. What’s up? I’m getting ready to have dinner with a friend.”

She didn’t even bother asking who. She most likely thought I was going to dinner with Wendy, since I never mentioned dating anyone. Wendy was the only person I ever really talked about from Boston.

“I won’t keep you, but did I read your text right that you’re not coming back for Christmas at all?”

I could hear the worry in her voice. “Did you need me to help at the bed and breakfast for you guys?”

My mother laughed softly. “No, I’ve got that covered. I was surprised when you texted and said you’d be staying in Boston over the holidays, that’s all. I figured you would be spending it with your friends.”

“I’m really far behind on some work. I’m prepping for a deposition next week, and it’s a pretty delicate divorce. I want to be sure I’m prepared.”

That wasn’t entirely a lie. I did have a deposition I needed to prep for.

Mom sighed. “I’m sure you’ll do fine. I’m glad you’re taking this weekend off, at least. I wish you were coming here, though; I’m sure Willa will miss seeing you.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Willa is newly married. I’m sure she and Aiden have plenty of things to do to keep them occupied. And they also have Ben to think about.”

Ben was Willa’s son from her first marriage to a loser whom I helped her get divorced from as well as full custody of Ben. “I promise I’ll come visit after the new year.”

One glance at my clock told me I had ten minutes until Luke was here. “Mom, I need to get going. I’ll call you in the morning before you and Dad take off for your trip. I love you both.”

“Love you, too, sweetheart. Talk soon.”

After I hung up, I put on a bit of lipstick, pulled the sides of my brown hair up and pinned them back, and gave myself a quick glance. I had on a black knit, long-sleeve shirt with a bow at the top right side. It was a nice statement piece without being over the top. I’d paired it with a double-layered skirt of caramel satin with a tulle overlay covered in black posies. A pair of black high-heeled boots finished off the look.

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