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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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“You’re really going to leave.”

He stares down at me, his eyes dark and hooded. “Gotta work early.”

“I won’t keep you up long.”

He growls, so low and sexy my legs shake. “I’m not meant to fuck the girls who come to the retreat. It’s a bad habit that could lead to some bad experiences ...”

“Rhett fucked Lei ...”

He stares at my mouth. “Hmmm, he did, but he wanted to keep Lei ...”

“If you think I’m going to cling, you’ll be pleased to know I’m not a clinger,” I murmur. “You don’t have to keep me.”

He closes his eyes, as if fighting off every doubt in his mind.

“Fuck it.”

He leans down and scoops me up. I squeal with delight as my legs go around his waist and my mouth smashes against his. The man tastes like beer, but he has his own unique flavor that makes my mind spin. I kiss him so hard, so deep, that my body becomes aroused quicker than it has done so in the past. That’s probably because Enzo is without a doubt, the most gorgeous man I’ve ever had the honor of putting my mouth on.

He kisses me he shoves through the front door.

He trips on something and that forces my lips off his and a giggle to come out of my mouth. “Shhhh, you’ll wake Faye.”

“Where’s your room?”

“I can’t wait for that, fuck me here,” I murmur as my back reaches the closest wall.

He pushes up against me, my legs tight around his waist. “You’re a bad girl, I like my girls filthy.”

“Are you going to talk all night, or are you going to fuck me?”

He grins, wicked and sly, and then his mouth is on mine again. His body presses mine against the wall, and I can feel every hard inch of him. God damn he’s a fine specimen. I am counting down the seconds until he’s inside of me.

I moan when his mouth finds my throat, and when I tip my head to the side my eyes make contact with the window and I see something, or rather, someone. The shadow outline of a person, the second I see it, it’s gone. I blink and pull away from Enzo.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, leaning back so he can see my face.

“I could swear there was someone at my window.”

Enzo’s head whips around and he carefully places me down. He walks over to the window and looks out. “I can’t see anything, are you sure it wasn’t just a tree?”

“I mean, I’m drunk, it could have been a shadow, but it looked a whole lot like a human.”

“I’ll have a look outside.”

He goes to the kitchen, grabs a flashlight, and then walks outside. I stay in my spot, pressing my back against the wall, waiting as he moves around the outside of the house, occasional flashes of light coming in. Faye walks out of her room, rubbing her eyes, and looks at me. “Is everything okay? I heard someone outside my window.”

“It’s Enzo, I thought I saw someone and he’s checking.”

She grins. “He’s still here?”

I give her a sheepish smile.

Enzo comes back inside the house. “Can’t see anything. Hey, Faye. Sorry if I woke you.”

“Oh, that’s no problem at all.”

“Maybe I was imagining things,” I murmur, but even as I see the picture in my mind, I’m certain of what I saw. At least, what I thought I saw. It looked as though someone was staring through my window and that someone saw me looking at them.

“I better get goin’,” Enzo murmurs, his eyes moving to mine.



Our moment has been ruined.

I exhale and nod.

He walks over, handing me the flashlight before leaning down and brushing his lips across my cheek, but mostly it’s so he can whisper into my ear, “I’ll finish what I started.”

He straightens just as I shiver.

“Don’t you need that flashlight?” Faye asks.

“I’ve got my phone, I know the way.”

“Okay, well, goodnight.” Faye waves.

I meet his eyes. “Night, cowboy.”

He gives me a wicked grin, but he doesn’t threaten to tan my ass so that’s something.


And just like that, the night is over.

God damn, I hope we get another chance to finish what we started.

Now more than ever.

“WEED?” I SAY, EYES wide as we sit around the campfire the next night after a full day of sailing in the lake.

One of the moms pulls out a vape and one smell tells me exactly what’s in that vape. Weed. I haven’t had much of a chance to get to know the other mom’s here, but I know one thing is for certain, they’re out to have a good time.

“I didn’t come here to play nice, I came here to escape the world of shitty diapers, tantrums, and mundane daily tasks,” a mom named Chevelle tells me, handing me the vape. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids, but man, sometimes I feel like I’m going a little crazy.”

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