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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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Alice pauses. “Rats?”

“I mean, it’s possible, right?” Faye says. “What if there are still body parts in there?”

“Girl,” I laugh, albeit nervously, “your dark humor is scaring me.”

Faye gives me a sheepish smile.

A rustle in the trees to our left has me whipping my head around. It sounds as though someone just stood on a bunch of sticks. “Did you guys here that?” I whisper hiss.

“Yes,” Faye says, her eyes glancing at the same thing I am.

“Is someone there?” Alice asks, rushing back toward us.

“A ghost?” Chev asks, even her voice is a little worried now.

“Hello?” I call.

No answer.

My skin prickles and, suddenly, I feel very uncomfortable with this entire situation.

“I think we should go,” Alice murmurs.

Another cracking sound can be heard, and a shuffling in the trees.

Hell no.

Someone is in there.

“Holy shit,” Chev says, and then starts backing up. “Some mother fucker is in there.”

“Who’s there?” Faye yells. “Show yourself.”

“Jesus, Faye,” I yell, grabbing her arm. “No.”

“It’s a ghost. A spirit,” Alice cries. “Oh god.”

Another rustling sound has us all dropping our bottles of alcohol and making a mad dash the fuck out of there. I can’t say I’ve run this fast in quite some time, but oh boy, do I get the pace going. The girls all run behind me, and I could swear, for a minute, I can hear someone behind them. I’m likely imagining things, but hell, I’m not sticking around to find out.

We make it back to the campfire, out of breath and doubled over with cramps from running. My head whips around to see if anyone is behind us, but alas, there is nothing. Not a single sound coming in the direction we just came from.

“There was someone out there,” Chev says, her eyes wide. “Fuck. A murderer?”

“It was probably just the wind,” Alice says, her voice breathless.

“What wind?” Faye cries. “The night is dead still.”

“Do you think it was a ghost?” I ask.

Or worse ... a person.

Is someone watching us?

That thought makes my skin prickle.


“Dinner is served,” Dante announces, coming down to the fire. “If you’ll join us, ladies.”

We all stand, still shaken by our little adventure to the murder barn. I can’t stop thinking about the noise. It was certainly something close to us, but if it were an animal, wouldn’t it have run off at our sounds? Surely it would have. Whatever it was was trying to be silent, still. God, was it a ghost? I mean, I watch all the ghostly encounters on YouTube, but they’re fake ... right? Right?

I take the vape off Chev as we walk, and I suck it in so hard my eyes water and my nose burns. I need something to take the edge off.

By the time we reach the café overlooking the lake, my head is spinning. I’ve had way too much weed and a whole lot of wine. It’s probably not the best combination but my nerves are shot. I don’t do creepy shit, Thank you very much.

I find a chair, roughly pull it out, and flop down. The entire room feels like it’s spinning and oh boy, I’m high as a fucking kite. I shakily take a glass of water, sipping it as I stare at Faye, who is sitting down beside me. She gives me a wide-eyed stare, like the entire events are still playing on her mind, too. I feel you, sister. God, do I feel you.

Food is lining the table, and I’m only just starting to get the small wafting into my nose. Oh god, yum. A barbeque? I focus on the food in front of us. Roasted meats, flame grilled steaks and pork chops, buttered potatoes, salads, vegetables and oh, bread rolls. Hot, crunchy, soft on the inside, bread rolls.

I reach for one, breaking it open with my fingers and taking some nearby butter. I slather it on, close my eyes, and sink my teeth into the goodness that fills my mouth. There is nothing like a fresh hot roll with butter. Something about it is so comforting, so delicious, so warm. My soul screams with delight as I chew, eyes closed, feeling like I’m in bread roll heaven.

“You good there?”

My eyes pop open, and I see Enzo sitting across from me at the table, his eyes focused in on me as I devour the roll. I pause in my chewing and stare at him, taking a moment to focus on his perfect face.

“You’re so fucking hot.”

Did I just say that?

Was that me?

His eyes darken just a touch, and he reaches across the table and uses his thumb to swipe a bit of melted butter from my chin. I didn’t even feel it there. He brings it back across the table and pops it into his mouth, sucking it off in a way that has my legs clenching together. A part of me wonders if this is actually happening or if I’m so high I’m imagining it.

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