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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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Needing more, needing so much more.

“What do you say?” he growls.


If I could see his face right now ...

He begins fucking me with his fingers once more, bringing me to yet another blissful orgasm and once again, brings the whip down over my flesh. It is out of this world incredible, and I could spend so much longer letting him do this to me, but just as I’m ready and wanting more, he stops. His fingers slide out of me, and he steps back, I turn slightly, looking over my shoulder at him.

“You’re not done, are you?”

He studies me, eyes raking over my bare flesh. “Yep.”

He hangs the whip up and turns to walk away, the bulge in his jeans makes it clear he is more than ready to have me bent over these saddles to be fucked, yet he’s walking off as if he’s not at all interested. I stand, grabbing my clothes that he left on the saddle beside me, and chase after him. “What do you mean yep? You can’t do that to me and just disappear, I need more.”

He pauses and turns to look at me. “Should have thought about that before you broke the rules.”

Oh, a punishment?

Two can play at that game.

We’ll see what happens the next time he’s ready and I’m not.

“You’re making me walk back to the cabins alone?”

He grins. “I think you can handle yourself.”

With that, he disappears into the darkness.

Oh hell no.

Hell no.

There will be retribution for this.


I stomp through the paddocks on my way back to the cabins, still kind of pissed he left me high and dry, well, not exactly dry. Still, my bottom is tingling and my body is aching, he made sure I was punished alright. With a frustrated huff, I push through the gate and then stop when I hear what sounds like rustling to my left.

I turn my head in that direction and call out, “Enzo?”

No answer.

I could swear I hear the sound of a boot crunching down on the leaves.

“If you’re playing with me, it isn’t funny.”

No answer.

Fuck me.

I feel uneasy.


I decide to run not walk and launch myself into a full-blown sprint back to the cabin, I reach the door, open it, and slam it behind me, locking it. My heart is racing, and I’m not feeling overly safe right about now. That’s twice now I could have sworn someone was watching me, watching us. Except this time ... there was no us.

Is it me?

If so, why?

“Hey,” Faye says, coming out of her room freshly showered and in her pajamas. “How did it go?”

“If you saw my backside right now, you’d have your answer, but I’m too tired to get naked again tonight.”

She laughs, and then her brows go up. “You two got kinky then?”

“Something like that,” I mutter.

She smiles at me and watches as I glance out the window for a moment before pulling the curtains shut.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“I could have sworn someone was out there when I was coming home just now. Do you think I’m being paranoid? I’m starting to think I am.”

“The same kind of noises we heard at the barn?”

“The very same.”

“Hmmmm,” she murmurs, “that is strange, maybe we should bring it up with Rhett properly. Perhaps someone is sneaking into the ranch, after all the media publicity, it’s possible people are trying to get in to have a look.”

She makes a valid point.

After the stories hit about the ‘murder barn’, it was said to be the talk of the town, local teenagers are very likely to try and sneak in and check the place out. Could they have stolen my bag, too? It’s a possibility if they broke into the cabins, and maybe they returned it when they realized it wasn’t something they could use.

That actually makes a little sense.

Maybe Faye is right, maybe we will talk to Rhett tomorrow.

“You’re right, we’ll go have a chat with him tomorrow. There was definitely something out there both times we heard it.”

Faye nods. “Let’s lock up and get some sleep. Apparently, we’re going to have to get up early tomorrow. I’m certain they’re doing it as a punishment for us sneaking out tonight.”

I groan. “Wonderful.”

We lock up, and I double check everything, then I have a shower and crawl into bed. As I’m lying there, scrolling mindlessly through my phone, a creak can be heard outside my window. As if someone is on the porch. I sit upright, narrowing my eyes and another distinct creak echoes through the night.


I’m done.

I stand, and, without thought, go charging out of my room and to the front door. I swing it open and run around the side of the cabin just in time to see someone jump off and disappear into the trees behind.

“Hey,” I scream.

The person vanishes.

I knew it.

I knew someone was slinking around.

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