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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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Enzo’s grin gets wider. “Then maybe she’ll be good for you. Enjoy your night, Juney.”

“I swear to God if you leave me here ...”

He pries my hand from his arm and forces me to take a step back. I sway a little on my feet, but mostly, I’m trying to stop myself from lunging at him and hugging him like a monkey so he can’t leave me here. People like Faye terrify me because they’re way too high energy, and I simply don’t know how to handle people like that.

“Have a goodnight, sweetheart,” he murmurs, turning toward the steps.

“Come on, I’ll do anything, just don’t leave me here. Please,” I call out.

He looks back over his shoulder. “Daddy has to go.”

I blink.

He grins.

Then he’s gone.


Oh god. Why is he saying that?

Faye’s laugh has me spinning around. “He’s never going to let you live that down, it was so funny.”

“What was so funny?” I cry, frustrated.

“You don’t remember? When we got here, you walked right up to him and called him daddy. It was hilarious.”

Oh no.


Sweet mother of mercy.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“WAKEY WAKEY! THE SUN is shining! The world is spinning! Let’s go.”

I open my eyes to see Faye looking down at me with a bright smile on her face and a cup of coffee in her hand. My curtains are open, and the sunlight is shining right into my face, burning my eyes. I sit up, groaning as I do. The pounding in my head reminding me of the massive day we had. I press a hand to my face, exhaling, and then I look to Faye. “Listen, Faye, I’m sure you’re a nice person and all, but I’m going to tell you something about me ... I don’t do bubbly people. Hell, I don’t do people at all most days. No offense, but you’re way to happy for me.”

She laughs. “Don’t be so silly, everyone needs people. Come on, get up, we have adventures ahead.”

“I’m not getting up; I’m staying here all day.”

“No, you’re not,” she reaches down and hauls my blankets off me then flings them off the bed, “Breakfast is ready and we’re doing some swimming today.”


That could be nice.

When I don’t feel like I’m going to die.

“I need you to be a little less excited, Faye, and leave the room so I can get up.”

She puts the coffee down. “Don’t be long.”

She leaves and I groan, pressing my hands to my face before climbing out of bed and having a shower. I put my hair in plaited pigtails because I’m too lazy to do anything else, and then I dress in some denim shorts and a tank. I drink the coffee as we walk down toward the main house on the ranch. I don’t remember a single damned thing about it, but as we near closer, I see a whole heap of gorgeous cowboys standing with the other ladies who came on this retreat with us.

I don’t know any of them.

At least, I don’t remember any of them.

I have no doubt yesterday I was best friends with them all.

“Good morning,” one of them says to me. “How are you feeling?”

I stare at her. “Wonderful.”

She laughs. “You know how to have a good time, I’m envious.”

I must have made quite the scene.

“Good morning, ladies, my name is Rhett, and I’m the owner of Walker Hills. It’s great to have you here. You’re our second group and we have a lot of fun things planned. My lovely lady Lei here is going to take you around and show you where everything is, then she’ll give you the weeks’ itinerary. Nothing is mandatory; however, we highly recommend you involve yourself in as much as you can, so you get the most out of your time away.”

I make eye contact with Lei, the woman standing behind Rhett, who is, by the way, a freaking gorgeous man. She’s small, curvy, and has the cutest face with these little glasses that make her look kind of nerdy. She’s got a big smile and she looks like she’s more than ready for the next month.

I vaguely remember someone telling me that she was from the first group to the ranch, and one of her members got murdered. It was in the papers, and it sure made for a juicy story. Even better that we can come here and find out more, I’m all for a great story. For now, though, I just want to go for a swim in hopes of removing this horrible headache so I can enjoy my day.

I make a vow not to drink anymore while I’m here.

Oh, who am I kidding, I’m going to be drinking later.

“We’ll go over to the lake for breakfast,” Lei tells the group. “We can go over everything there and enjoy a swim.”

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