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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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What the hell does he have to be pissed about?

By the time the movie rolls around and the guys are all settled in, I want to go over to him but he makes a point of letting one of the other moms sit beside him and he’s all charming and smiling. I feel an ugly curl of jealousy inside my belly, mostly because I know he’s doing it on purpose, and I don’t understand why.

I get through a portion of the movie, Pretty Woman, a favorite of mine, but I can’t seem to keep my cool. Every time I look at Enzo he’s completely ignoring me or he’s talking to Elanor. I’m not familiar with her, she’s with the group of moms who tend to stick to themselves, I think they’re friends, and that’s fine. She seems really nice, and she’s quite pretty.

Is he doing that on purpose?

We’re here to have fun, there is no rule against him fucking whoever the hell he wants on this retreat, but to utterly ignore me? That is not okay.

Not with this girl.

I stand, frustrated, and I walk over to him, stopping right in front of him. He looks up, his eyes narrowed, and I can see he’s pissed off. He’s angry, and he’s making sure I know it. “You wanna move?”

“No,” I say simply. “I’m going to stand here until you speak to me, or I can make a scene until you do, either way, you will talk to me instead of walking around acting like a giant dick.”

He glares at me, and Elanor gives an ‘uh oh’ expression.

“I’m watchin’ a movie, can it fuckin’ wait?”

“No,” I say, crossing my arms.

He stands, angrily, and we walk away from the group of people and over to the kayak stand so we can’t be heard. He’s so angry his entire body is tense, and I am at a complete loss as to why. I have no idea what I could have possibly done wrong to make him so damned angry, but there is no doubt in my mind that he is.

“What’s wrong with you?” I ask.

“Nothin’, I’m tryin’ to enjoy my night and you’re over here tryin’ to start some sort of bullshit drama.”

I shake my head, really confused now. “You’re refusing to look at me, talk to me, and it’s clear you’re angry. Now you’re’ flirting with Elanor. Seriously, Enzo?”

He crosses his arms. “At what point did I miss the memo where I owe it to you to spend all my fucking time with you and nobody else? We’re here having fun, are we not?”

That’s somewhat of a kick in the guts.

I stare at him, admittedly a little hurt.

“You can have fun with whoever the hell you want to have fun with, but I’m unsure why you’re being a dick to me in the process.”

He says nothing.

“You want to tell me what I’ve done?”

“Why don’t you tell me what you’ve done, Juniper?”

I shake my head in confusion, firstly because he has never used my full name, and secondly because his tone is really tight.

“I have no idea, Lorenzo. So, I’d appreciate you telling me so we can get over this childish banter and move on.”

He leans in close. “Who’s Joel?”

I flinch.

Every single part of my body freezes and my blood feels as if it gets a few degrees cooler. How in the ever-loving hell does he know that name? Why would he be asking me that? I’ve not mentioned that name since I’ve been here, not even to Faye or Alice. No, there is no way he could know it unless he has spoken to him.

Oh god, Enzo went into town today.

Did Joel approach him? Talk to him? Tell him some lie about me that has made him so angry he’s now asking me who he is?

I can’t find the words to answer.

“You goin’ to answer the question?”

“How do you know that name?”

That’s all I can manage to squeeze out.

“I’m askin’ you the question, June. Now tell me who the fuck Joel is.”

I shake my head, rubbing my upper arms because I now feel really chilly.

“Not until you tell me why you’re asking that. Did ... Did you meet someone with that name?”

He narrows his eyes. “What are you talkin’ about?”

I’m confused.

How else would he know about Joel if he didn’t meet him?

“God dammit, Enzo, how do you know that name?”

“I fuckin’ saw you on the security camera, when you thought nobody was listenin’. We had them installed and we were checkin’ the quality when there you were, talkin’ in secret about Joel and outright fuckin’ lyin’ to us about what the hell has been goin’ on around here.”

My eyes widen. “You were spying on me?”

“Didn’t know you’d be in the video, and you can’t dodge the fuckin’ question as to why you’ve been lying to us this entire time.”

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