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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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The problem is, my needing him is growing into more.

More than sex.

More than fun.

I like him, I like him so much I know that when I leave, it’s going to hurt.

But he made it clear when we argued earlier that we were just having fun and he owes me nothing.

It doesn’t get much clearer than that.

He’s made it known what he wants, and now it’s up to me to decide if I can handle it or not.

I just know right now having him in my bed makes me feel safe, and I need to feel safe.

Enzo rolls to his side, his chest muscles on perfect display. I stare at him before sliding into the bed too and facing him. We look at each other for some time before he moves forward and presses his lips to mine. The kiss is soft, almost just a kind gesture to make me feel better.

But I don’t want a kind gesture.

I want him. Inside of me.

“Enzo,” I say, pulling back.

He meets my gaze.

“Fuck me.”

His brows jerk a little, and then his expression grows hooded. He reaches out, grabs my hips and pulls me closer, so our bodies are touching and our mouths find each other's again. He kisses me with a lot more passion this time, a kiss that’s deep and hungry, a kiss I feel right to my very core. He growls as our tongues dance and our bodies intertwine together, legs and arms, groins, chests. We’re pressed in every part that matters.

I shuffle out of my clothes as we kiss, tossing them aside until we’re both naked, pressed together, his skin warm against mine, his cock hard against my belly.

I need him.

I reach down between us and grab his dick in my hand, squeezing softly, loving the way it pulses in my palm. Enzo growls, and I can’t wait a second longer. I lift my leg up and over his hip, and then, right there on our sides, I bring his cock to me. He jerks his hips just a bit and sinks into me.

I moan.

I’ve had sex like this before, but never this effortlessly. His cock is large, long, and enters me without hesitation, without delay. There is no awkward scrambling or adjusting of hips. He just fits me.

His hand goes to my ass as our kiss becomes frantic. He pulls me closer, using my body to drive his, and oh, does he drive it. He fucks me with a precision only a man with a good list of women could. He knows what he’s doing, and he knows it feels good. I moan against his mouth, everything in my body on high alert, making it feel that much better.

“Enzo,” I whimper as his pace quickens. “Oh god.”

“Wait for me,” he growls, his voice strained as his thrusts become harder, deeper, better.

I close my eyes, trying to fight back the orgasm, but it’s nearly impossible. He feels so damned good. Oh god.

“I can’t,” I cry out.

With a moan that’s probably a little too loud, I find my release. Enzo growls only seconds after and finds his too. The joining of pleasure is absolutely incredible and unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I close my eyes as our bodies tremble together, and in this moment, I never want to leave. I want to stay here until the world stops spinning and the air is taken from my lungs.

I am forming an attachment to this man.

Slowly, we pull apart, but our faces remain close, our eyes locked.

“Can I ask you something?” I say, lifting my hand and running it down his beautifully rugged face.

“Mmmm,” he murmurs.

“Why did you stay tonight?”

The question looks like it confuses him, like I should just know the answer.

“Because you’re in danger, and I’m not going to leave you alone to get hurt.”

My heart sinks.

Not that I don’t appreciate him staying, god, I do, I guess I just figured his answer might be something a little ... deeper.

It only concludes that I’m feeling far more for him than he is for me.

“You look disappointed by my answer,” he says, his voice husky, sleepy, gorgeous.

“No,” I lie. “I just ...”

“Spit it out, June. Can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you’re thinkin’.”

I bite my bottom lip for a second, choosing my words carefully.

“I just enjoy spending time with you, probably more than I should.”

His eyes scan my face as he takes in my answer.

“Yeah, me too.”


He does?

“You feel the same?”

He studies me. “Don’t see me in Faye’s bed protectin’ her, do you? You think I do this for everyone?”

My heart swells right back up again.

I smile and my bottom lip gets a little shaky.

He reaches out and runs his thumb over it. “Hard not to like you, June.”


“Ditto,” I whisper.

“Now we’ve got that cleared up, can you get over here so I can sleep?”

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