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Camp Hot Mess (Walker Hills 2)

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Faye puts her hand up, too. So does Linda and one other mom. Everyone else keeps theirs down.

“Okay you, ladies, these four horses will suit you. Pick whichever one you want,” Rhett says, pointing to four different horses. “Everyone else grab what’s left, they’re all well trained and safe, but if you feel uncomfortable, feel free to stop at any point.”

I go over to a large brown horse, with strong thick muscles and a white blaze down his nose. He’s gorgeous and, immediately, he drops his head into my hands so I can press my cheek against his face. Oh, I like him. I like him a lot.

“That’s Red,” Enzo comes up behind me, leaning down to murmur in my ear.

“I’m in love with him.”

“Used to be mine before I got Ryder. He’s the best fuckin’ horse here.”

I let Red go and look at Enzo. “Why did you give him up then?”

“He’s not fast enough. I need more endurance. He’s perfect for this, though.”

“Don’t you listen to him,” I coo to Red. “You’re as fast as that big douche Diablo.”

Red closes his eyes, snuggling into me again.

I’m taking him home and nobody can stop me.

We all get some helmets, and then we mount up outside the barn. I get on without too much drama, thank god, and we all listen as Rhett goes over the plan. We’re going to ride down to the far paddock, and they’re going to herd the cows up. Our job is to keep any from escaping and keep them all in one big group. Then we’re going to move them to a paddock even further down.

I’m so excited.

“Whoa there,” Linda says beside me as her horse prances around.

“Someone is excited,” I say, giving her a small smile.

“I’m starting to think I picked the wrong horse, I’m not sure I’ve got it in me to hang on if he takes off.”

“Did you want to swap?” I ask. “Red is super calm.”

She looks to me. “Are you sure?”

“Of course,” I say, getting off Red.

I don’t want to give him up, but I also don’t want to see someone else get hurt because I didn’t offer. I can handle a more spirited horse.

We swap, and I get onto the large brown mare she was riding called Belle. She’s feisty alright, and I can feel the power beneath me waiting to be unleashed. Oh boy, this should be fun.

“Thanks,” Linda says, calling out to me as we begin moving.

“You’re welcome,” I answer.

Look at that, we spoke.


We move to the paddock where the cows are all grazing, and the guys kick themselves into gear. Their horses move with precision, knowing exactly where they’re going, and they do it without so much as an ounce of hesitation. I watch in awe and a little lust as they work them until the cows are in a big group.

God damn.

Enzo on a horse is pretty hot.

I bite my lip as I watch his strong, muscled body moving as he swings a hand around, barking at the cows to move as they try to escape. Damn. I fan myself, because I’m honestly getting a little hot up here.

Faye sighs beside me. “This is the best thing I’ve ever seen.” \

“God damn, yes,” Alice agrees.

“Okay, ladies,” Rhett calls. “Let’s go.”

We kick our horses into action, and mine takes off so quickly, I’m thrown backward in the seat. She’s absolutely hyped up and starts a full-blown run toward the cows. I can’t seem to get her under control as she charges right past the cows and toward the back fence. She’s running like she has a cannon up her ass, and the fence is nearing way too quickly for my liking.

Oh god.

I try to pull her up, bringing my body back and pulling on the reins, but there is no stopping her. She’s snorting and running, and she’s going to go straight over the fence and then there will be nothing stopping her. Heart racing, I try to pull her head around to stop her being able to run forward, but she’s too strong and too determined.

I cry out, panicked now.

And then she launches over the fence.

She flies as if she’s the world’s greatest jumper.

My screams echo through the air as my mouth nearly smashes down onto her neck, we go that high. She lands with grace, but I don’t. I bounce around, jarring my neck, and my screams intensify as she picks up the pace and keeps running, too fast for me to stop her.

The sound of someone approaching me can be heard, and I glance quickly to see Enzo coming in behind me, his horse snorting and grunting as it fights to catch up. He falls in beside me and reaches for my reins, grabbing hold of them and then pulling his horse to a stop. My horse jerks and skids, and I go flying. I sail over her neck like a graceful paper plane, and land with a thud onto the ground.

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