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An Avalanche of Love

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My mouth falls open. I had done that, but it was for his own freaking good! It worked out perfectly for him.

“This is bullshit. You should be thanking me for that.”

“I am,” he responds. “Be safe, I’m coming down the mountain to help with rescue. A few other homes are under snow.”

“You be safe too,” I tell him.

“Always, love you.”

“I love you too,” I say before ending the call. “I take it you’re not going to tell me what you two talked about?”

“Nope.” He winks at me in the most charming and frustrating way.

I have a feeling I’m not going to come out of this with my virginity intact, and I wonder how my heart will survive.

Chapter Ten


“So tell me again why we’re filling up this bathtub with water?” Natalie asks.

“It’s standard Florida hurricane preparedness. Anytime there’s a chance of losing power for an extended period of time, you want to fill the bathtub with water. That way we have it in case we need to have it for cooking or possibly drinking.” She makes a face, and I shrug. “It’s for emergencies.”

“If you say so.” She shrugs as we exit the bathroom and walk to the living area of the honeymoon suite. “Now what?”

We’ve spent the past couple of hours going around the inn and gathering up supplies. Even though they don’t have room service, they still had a pretty well-stocked kitchen with enough food to last us for a week. From what Natalie’s brother told me, they should be able to get us out in a day or two, so we should be fine there.

My biggest concern was if the power went out and how we’d keep warm. I know how I’d choose to do it, but even body heat can only take us so far. There’s a fireplace in the honeymoon suite that’s well stocked, and the chimney looks to be open and operational. If the heat does go out, we’ve got plenty to keep us nice and cozy for as long as it will take them to get to us.

After we came back to the room, we ate the rest of the dinner, which was cold but still pretty damn wonderful. After that, we got to work, making sure we were set before it got dark. Now that it’s all finished, I pull the small box out of my pocket.

“How about we play?”

She turns around to face me, and her eyes narrow. “You have no idea how competitive I can be.”

“I guess we’ll find out, princess.”

“Uno made me break my brother's nose. Are you sure you want to challenge me?”

She crosses her arms over her ample chest, and I lick my lips. The button that I ripped off of her earlier was right at the front, and it’s been all I can do to keep my eyes off of her cleavage until now.

“I don’t believe you.” I take a step toward her, but she lifts her chin defiantly.

“Well, maybe it was the coffee table that actually broke it, but I was the one that flipped it.”

This time I can’t hide my smile. “I bet you were a handful as a kid.”

“Still am.” She shrugs, and god, does she look adorable when she does it.

Our chests are almost touching as I reach around her back and slide my hand over her ass. “Oh I definitely agree.”

“You’ve got a dirty mind.” She’s pretending to be offended, but I see the blush in her cheeks and the way her eyes are hooded.

“Come on and play me.” I lean close to her ear and brush my lips against the shell. “I might even let you win.”

The growling sound she makes is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. But she takes me by surprise when she snatches the Uno cards out of my hand. “You’re on, city boy.”

I laugh as she huffs and walks over to the coffee table next to the couch. “I think the last time someone called me a boy was when I was seven,” I tease as I take a seat on the floor next to her.

We both cross our legs and face each other with the deck of cards on the table between us. Natalie begins to deal, and as she does, I reach out and rub my finger along her bare ankle where her jeans have ridden up.

“Well, I’m sure nobody is calling you a boy to your face.” She won’t look at me, but I see that blush again, and it’s going down her neck. She miscounts the cards and has to start all over. “You’re distracting me.”

“Me?” I feign innocence. “Never.”

When she’s finally finished with the cards, I pick mine up and pretend to concentrate. With her sitting right in front of me with her shirt open, there’s no way I’m paying attention to anything but that.

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