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The Shobble Secret (Space Brigade 2)

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'I wonder if Enrico has read this yet,' said Shimlara.

'He will have.' Topaz grimaced. 'He'll be waiting for us at the Honey Sea Wharf with his Security Thugs. You can be sure of that.'

There was silence for a few seconds as everyone tried to imagine what it would be like the following morning.

'By this time tomorrow night, we could be celebrating Enrico's resignation!' said Katie optimistically.

'Or we could be in jail,' said Sean.

The mood in the cave became gloomy.

'Maybe this isn't such a good idea,' said Serena hesitantly. 'If nobody turns up for the protest march, then we're basically just giving ourselves up to Enrico and his Thugs. We might be better off going into hiding.'

'No,' said Topaz. 'This is it. This is our last chance to stand up to Enrico. I understand if you choose not to be there.'

'I'm not a coward, Topaz!' said Serena irritably. 'I'm just -'

'Delivery for you!'

Everyone jumped at the sound of a cheerful voice at the entry to the cave.

'I thought nobody knew this cave was here!' whispered Nicola.

'Only our families,' Topaz whispered back.

'Just need a signature!' called out the voice again.

'It could be a trick,' hissed Joshua. 'It might be one of Enrico's Thugs.'

'Urgent delivery for Nicola Berry from Mr H. Banks!' called out the voice, a little less cheerfully. 'It's quite cold out here!'

Nicola jumped to her feet. 'It's something from Horatio!' she expla

ined. 'The old man from the Valley of High Hopes.'

Topaz helped her push aside the rock at the entrance to the cave. A Shobbling man dressed in a courier's uniform and carrying a clipboard said, 'Take your own sweet time, ladies! Sign here.'

Nicola signed on the dotted line and the man gestured at a huge pile of boxes behind him.

'Where do you want 'em?'

'What are they?' asked Nicola.

'Don't ask me,' said the courier. 'Oh, by the way, the animals are over there.'


'Five frisky ShobGobbles,' said the courier. 'Seemed in a hurry to get here.'

Nicola's heart did a cartwheel. 'Quicksilver!' she cried and ran over to bury her face in his feathery mane. Quicksilver chirruped and butted Nicola gently with his head, his three eyes filled with such warmth and wisdom that Nicola's own eyes filled with happy tears. 'I missed you! I'm so glad to see you!'

As she caressed him, she found a small white envelope under his saddle. She opened it and read:

Dearest Nicola,

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for reuniting me with my family. Although the back of my head is still aching somewhat from where my beloved wife gave me a well-deserved slap when she first saw me, I am blissfully happy. It turns out that my family can't even remember the details of our argument. They are just cross with me for disappearing. (Of course, I can remember the details and I remain convinced that I was in the right, but I think it might be prudent to keep that to myself.)

My granddaughter Barbie tells me that you suffered a Biter wound while crossing the Raging River. I do hope it is not giving you too much pain.

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