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Royal Pains (Vampire Kings 2)

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He began to thrust with rolling motions of his hips, sensually taking Will back to the place they both needed to be, the point of connection between master and servant, vampire and boy. Will was not quite so dangerously tight now; he had started to relax, and with that relaxation he began to moan.

Maddox loved that sound. It was a sound only he could get from Will, a sound of submission not just to his power, but to his pleasure. That lonely longing in the blood had been created by the absence of this simple connection, and Maddox felt like a complete bastard for not having noticed all the days and nights going by without either one of them experiencing this perfect pleasure.

“You're mine,” he purred in Will’s ear. “You’ll always be mine. No matter where I am, or how busy I might seem to be, this hole is mine to fuck, this blood is mine to drink. Your body, your mind, your soul, there's not a part of you I don’t own.”

Will's answer was a guttural moan. He had gone past the point of being able to speak and was putting all his energy into the sexual peak they were both now fast approaching. This was the point where the line between mortal and immortal blurred, where for a brief moment they both felt like precisely the same creature, thrusting, writhing, grunting, moaning. Maddox sated all his appetites with his hapless captive until he came again, flesh for flesh, fluid for fluid, finally filling William at both ends.

Will screamed at the moment of orgasm, his ass clamping tight around Maddox’s cock, his limbs stiffening and then flailing, his hands grasping at the sheets as his hips worked back on Maddox’s rough rod again and again, draining every bit of vampiric seed from his master.

Mad collapsed just to the side so as not to crush Will of his breath entirely, one arm wrapped around Will’s waist. Maddox's clothing had not been removed, but it had been mussed and opened, his shirt buttons giving way to the intense physicality of a rough vampire claim, his pants open and halfway down his thighs. He had lost a little of his own dignity in stripping Will of his, but he regretted nothing.

Will turned his head to look at Maddox, his eyes bright, skin flushed, lips parted with little panting breaths as he attempted to recover from the orgasm.

“That was hot,” he said.

“Yes,” Maddox agreed. “I hope you learned something, boy.”

Will smiled, and Maddox was almost entirely certain he’d learned absolutely nothing.

He stood up and looked down at Will with the deep satisfaction and relaxation that can only follow sexual release. Will was lying there, a faint smear of blood on his neck, and two piercing wounds where Maddox’s fangs had sunk themselves inside him. His ass was still a very bright red and dripping with Maddox’s essence. He was a mess. A beautiful, perfect mess.

“I forget you’re a vampire, sometimes,” Will mumbled. “It’s been a long time since you sucked my blood. Almost as long since you made me come.”

"Get up.” Maddox slapped Will’s ass with the palm of his hand. It was truly impossible to teach this boy anything approximating respect.

Will stood up, his erection bobbing and throbbing with new need. Maddox had no intention of sating that particular desire again. Will did not deserve to come twice. But he did deserve to be embraced, and that is what Mad did, pulling Will close and wrapping his arms tightly around him.

“Now we can talk.”

Will was relieved. He had been afraid that Maddox would ban the topic of conversation and line of inquiry entirely.

“Come to the kitchen. I will give you ice cream.”

Sex, ice cream, and a paddling, how very 1950’s of him. Will wasn’t going to complain. He knew he was getting better than he deserved. He felt dizzy from being fed from, or maybe it was just from being exposed to the full force of the creature he called master. He certainly didn’t feel nearly as rebellious as he had before, or as angry. Maddox had worked a whole lot of that rage out of him with his sophisticatedly rough treatment, and with that orgasm, holy shit, that orgasm had felt like it was being sucked out of every cell in his body.

Will pulled a shirt and some boxers on and padded downstairs after Maddox, who already looked perfectly put together all over again. No matter what happened, Maddox never seemed to be touched by it. Sometimes it seemed as though he slid through the world a perfectly suited beast, above absolutely everything. Except when he came. Then he roared and he lost himself just the same way any guy did. Sex was a great fucking equalizer, even when you were the submissive to a powerful vampire.

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